Charlie Rose Talks to Marco Rubio


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Charlie Rose Talks to Marco Rubio
By Charlie Rose on June 28, 2012

The first is that Arizona went back and tweaked the law to make it specifically prohibited to be able to profile people…..

You can’t pull in people because they look like they’re Hispanic……If you stop somebody in the lawful conduct of your business as a police officer, you have a right to inquire about their immigration status as a secondary matter…….

We can’t be the only country in the world that doesn’t enforce its immigration laws.

The important thing, when I talk about enforcing our laws, is we can’t have this attitude that, well, I understand that they broke the law, but now that they’re here we’ve got to look the other way…..
…….continuing to improve border security……some sort of electronic verification system that is cost effective and that businesses can use to verify the eligibility of the people they’re hiring…….a guest worker program, an agricultural worker program. We need to have visas that take into account the need, for example, of high-tech jobs.

Charlie Rose Talks to Marco Rubio - Businessweek

I could not have said it better. But when I say it Unkotare calls me a racist?:confused:
Does that mean Rubio is a racist?
I could not have said it better. But when I say it Unkotare calls me a racist?:confused:

YOU, are rightly pointed out as a racist when you say shit like:

Mexicans are supid.

Black men are the Best.

Every Latino family has at least one gang member in the family or other criminal.

cannot tell a legal mexican from an ilegal mexican. they all look alike, etc.

YOU said all of that bullshit and so much more, you hateful, racist old loon.
Unkotare... Everybody is a fucking racist, according to you. There is a SPECIAL board for folks like you, furinkazan. You want to stop racism? Good for you, you arrogant egotistical half wit. Go tilt at windmills on the Race relations/Racism board. There you can show off all those anti racism chops ya got. LOL is a little...eccentric. We all know it. Most of the people on this board are commiserating. We are lamenting the loss of our culture to foreign invaders, those would be all those mezikans', bubba. Now, buzz off, loser, YOU wouldn't understand. YOU most certainly don't understand how racist and hateful illegal aliens can be, and the harm they realy DO. No, you do NOT. If you DID, you wouldn't be making a fuss here.
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YOU most certainly don't understand how racist and hateful illegal aliens can be, and the harm they realy DO. No, you do NOT.

I have already corrected you once about your stupid assumptions on that regard, asswipe. And anyone can read your words here and see "how racist and hateful" YOU are, you worthless POS.
Holy Shit, Unkalumpa, did I hit a nerve? YOU correct ME? hardy har. Touchy. I live these illegal motherfuckers. Karate kid, you have no clue what they have done to ME, or the things I have had to put up with. Do your self a favor. Shut up. Your ignorance is showing.
YOU correct ME?

At least twice now, you moron. Don't make me correct you again. And nobody cares about your personal experiences (no doubt of your own fault for being such an asshole). They do NOT translate into any objective truths, you illogical fucking bigot.
i am angry and I believe I have every right to be and I do come on looking like a racist but I am not. I have just been around long enough, being raised in Pinal County, Eloy Arizona. Illegal aliens caused the death of my brother, my best friend. He had a lucrative painting business and hired several workers but was continures out bid on contracting jobs that hired illegal aliens that he lost everything he had worked all his life for and eventually took his own life as a result. I am seen illegal aliens take jobs from Blacks and unskilled and skilled americans and that make me pissing mad because it has led to lost of their american dreams. If I sound a little racist, I cannot apologize. I hate illegal immigration, I hate illegal aliens and I hate our government that is allowing this to continure. I see what this dream act is going to do to my grand children's education and future jobs for them. Angry? I am pissing mad.
I have also had to move three times in the last 15 years because they come into a neighborhood and bring gangs, drugs and crime and I had my car vandalize so many times I had to junk it. A honda. I would to anything short of killing them to get the goooooooooooooooooooooone.
Unkotara, Tell me, you LPAB ,what is your definetion of a racist and a bigot?
Do you believe Marco Rubio is a racist?
I believe Mexicans are racist againt other Mexican, blacks and whites. They are even racist againt themselves. Our cleaning lady claim she is Italian because she is ashamed to be a Mexican.
If the majority of people in this country illegallly were white, yellow, red or black and were causing as much damage as mexicans in the country illegally, I would feel the very same way. Maybe they are in other parts of the country but in the west I have only come in contact with Mexicans. Or rather Latinos.
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I remember 40 years ago when I came to Reno before illegal aliens Mexcans flooded the city, I could leave my door and car unlocked, cloths on the line drying, walk the streets after dark and only come in contact with a few Mexican. When Mexican move in, Whites and even Blacks move out.

Hispanic Population Surges


A new report shows Nevada's Hispanic population is booming. The U.S. Census Bureau says the percentage of Anglos has dropped from 80 percent in 1990 to 60 percent today because of the influx of a range of minorities in the last 15 years.
Hispanic Population Surges

Latino Gang Makes A Black Family Move Out! & Now Black Leaders Want Truce With Mexican Gangs!
[ame=]Latino Gang Makes A Black Family Move Out! & Now Black Leaders Want Truce With Mexican Gangs! - YouTube[/ame]

Black Flight? Blacks Moving Away from Mexicans? And why so much animosity in the East?

Black Flight? Blacks Moving Away from Mexicans? And why so much animosity in the East? - Yahoo! Answers

You got to know it's bad when Black gangs move out. They must be "racist"?
I remember 40 years ago when I came to Reno before illegal aliens Mexcans flooded the city, I could leave my door and car unlocked, cloths on the line drying, walk the streets after dark and only come in contact with a few Mexican. When Mexican move in, Whites and even Blacks move out.

Hispanic Population Surges


A new report shows Nevada's Hispanic population is booming. The U.S. Census Bureau says the percentage of Anglos has dropped from 80 percent in 1990 to 60 percent today because of the influx of a range of minorities in the last 15 years.
Hispanic Population Surges

Latino Gang Makes A Black Family Move Out! & Now Black Leaders Want Truce With Mexican Gangs!
Latino Gang Makes A Black Family Move Out! & Now Black Leaders Want Truce With Mexican Gangs! - YouTube

Black Flight? Blacks Moving Away from Mexicans? And why so much animosity in the East?

Black Flight? Blacks Moving Away from Mexicans? And why so much animosity in the East? - Yahoo! Answers

You got to know it's bad when Black gangs move out. They must be "racist"?

Hey baby.. I hate to break it to you but the democrat party and the black population want illegals.. they want the "browning of America." deal with it.
I believe Mexicans are racist againt other Mexican, blacks and whites. They are even racist againt themselves.

There are racists among all peoples from all countries. It is not something specific to any particular group or groups. It is a human weakness; one that has obviously crippled your mind and corrupted your heart, you fucking racist.

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