Charlie Crist switches to the Democratic Party


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) – Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who served his state as a Republican, then sought office as an independent, indicated late Friday he had signed papers switching his party affiliation to Democrat.

Crist posted to Twitter a photo of himself holding voter regisration paperwork and the message, "Proud and honored to join the Democratic Party in the home of President @BarackObama!"

Crist’s political hat trick: Former GOP governor, independent candidate announces switch to Dem – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
No real surprise here, hell the way he was on his knees for Maobama during the election he's more than likely bucking for an appointment as a czar or some crap like that. His unemployment check is probably not big enough.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

Ya think he's positioning himself to replace Maobama in 16, I bet he is.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

Ya think he's positioning himself to replace Maobama in 16, I bet he is.

No, not a chance, while the democratic party will welcome any sincere defectors it is not prepared to make one their lead man so soon, I estimate it would take such a defector at least two or three terms as a democrat in national office to wash off the stench of having been a republican.
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Good riddance, I just wish I could be there to send my size 15 eee right up his ass to accelerate his marriage to the Democrat party. Crist was never a real Repubican to begin with. However, I still have no respect for Crist, if he had any honesty in him, he would have changed his registration to the American Communist Party...well, wait, American Communist Party...Democrat Party, there is no difference.
Good riddance, I just wish I could be there to send my size 15 eee right up his ass to accelerate his marriage to the Democrat party. Crist was never a real Repubican to begin with. However, I still have no respect for Crist, if he had any honesty in him, he would have changed his registration to the American Communist Party...well, wait, American Communist Party...Democrat Party, there is no difference.

You guys are so nasty to your moderates, damn, Rather than the GOP it will need to be called the ISP, the incredible shrinking party, has nice ring to it doesn't it?
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

It's unfortunate though. I really would rather see the Republican Party put the far right in its place and take back control of the party. Having all moderate Republicans turning Democrat will lead us to a one party system which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, that is the direction we are headed in for now.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

It's unfortunate though. I really would rather see the Republican Party put the far right in its place and take back control of the party. Having all moderate Republicans turning Democrat will lead us to a one party system which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, that is the direction we are headed in for now.

Sure put up more RINOS like McCain and Romney and continue to get our ass handed to us, the lesson here is when folks get a choice between commie and commie lite, they will take the committed commie. The lesson of Reagan was no pale pastels.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

It's unfortunate though. I really would rather see the Republican Party put the far right in its place and take back control of the party. Having all moderate Republicans turning Democrat will lead us to a one party system which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, that is the direction we are headed in for now.

It's looked like single party dominance is in store for us before but somehow we avoid it, eventually the republicans will reform themselves as something other than the tax cuts for the wealthy party and come back, we Americans love the thrill of battle far too much to put up with a one-sided match-up for long.
Get ready for more of that in the coming years as more career politicians decide that the republican party is far too hostile to their own who slip up and appear to be a rational person.

It's unfortunate though. I really would rather see the Republican Party put the far right in its place and take back control of the party. Having all moderate Republicans turning Democrat will lead us to a one party system which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, that is the direction we are headed in for now.

Sure put up more RINOS like McCain and Romney and continue to get our ass handed to us, the lesson here is when folks get a choice between commie and commie lite, they will take the committed commie. The lesson of Reagan was no pale pastels.

Not conservative enough? Riiiiiiiight, go with that.
Good riddance, I just wish I could be there to send my size 15 eee right up his ass to accelerate his marriage to the Democrat party. Crist was never a real Repubican to begin with. However, I still have no respect for Crist, if he had any honesty in him, he would have changed his registration to the American Communist Party...well, wait, American Communist Party...Democrat Party, there is no difference.

You guys are so nasty to your moderates, damn, Rather than the GOP it will need to be called the ISP, the incredible shrinking party, has nice ring to it doesn't it?

You guys are so nasty to your moderates, damn, Rather than the GOP it will need to be called the ISP, the incredible shrinking party, has nice ring to it doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

Crist is far from being moderate. He is far to the left. Sadly, due to the fact that the Republican Party has moved towards being moderate-left, and the Democrat party is a one more step to the left away from falling off the side of the planet, people errantly deem a leftist like Crist as a moderate.

Now, since you attack the Republicans for being nasty to a moderate in name only, like Crist, how about the way the Democrat Party treated Joe Lieberman, well, they hated on him so much for not taking his marching orders, he left the party to become an Independent. Or how about former Democrat, Artur Davis (who is black), and did not taking his marching orders from the Democrats, and registered as a Republican. I am not a fan of the Republican Party, I see the Democrat Party as the Bolsheviks, and the Boehner lead Republicans as the Mensheviks, so you can see why I am Libertarian. I am not to keen on the prospects of a new Soviet Union in the U.S. nearly 100 years after it came about in Russia.

In conclusion, I suggest you completely throw out anything the radical leftist media has to say, as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and any other past dictators would have given anything to have the media we have. Our media would have made Joseph Goebbels look like an objective, fair-minded individual.
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Dude, I lived in Florida when he was governor and his only crime was trying to please all his citizens when the tea party jackasses came along and painted him an appeaser and a secret fag, are all you guys such mean drunks? Seriously?
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It's unfortunate though. I really would rather see the Republican Party put the far right in its place and take back control of the party. Having all moderate Republicans turning Democrat will lead us to a one party system which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, that is the direction we are headed in for now.

Sure put up more RINOS like McCain and Romney and continue to get our ass handed to us, the lesson here is when folks get a choice between commie and commie lite, they will take the committed commie. The lesson of Reagan was no pale pastels.

Not conservative enough? Riiiiiiiight, go with that.

For every Christ there will 50 Rubios to take his place. You might want to contemplate what the 16 election will look like with the national unemployment rate closer to 18% like it is in Detroit now, then add hyper inflation form all the money printing your dear leader is engaged in. That will have even the zombies like you looking for a new leader.

BTW think what Detroit would look like now if so many hadn't moved out, can you say 24%+ unemployment?
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Sure put up more RINOS like McCain and Romney and continue to get our ass handed to us, the lesson here is when folks get a choice between commie and commie lite, they will take the committed commie. The lesson of Reagan was no pale pastels.

Not conservative enough? Riiiiiiiight, go with that.

For every Christ there will 50 Rubios to take his place. You might want to contemplate what the 16 election will look like with the national unemployment rate closer to 18% like it is in Detroit now, then add hyper inflation form all the money printing your dear leader is engaged in. That will have even the zombies like you looking for a new leader.

BTW think what Detroit would look like now if so many hadn't moved out, can you say 24%+ unemployment?

Doesn't matter who they get if they don't change their tone. Republicans have been doing nothing but try to scare the American people into doing stupid shit since 2001, if you people keep on with such an alarmist, nasty, negative 1% ass-kissing theme then nothing will turn it around for you. People are sick of being scared, especially when it all too often turns out to be crying wolf.

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