

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
1, Gun sales are UP again.
2, Ammo is tight AGAIN
3, Range time {weekends} you need to call ahead
4, Obama targets have DOUBLED in price
5, More FAMILIES are shooting at the range then ever before
6, The age range on shooters has been LOWERED {10 IF supervised}
7, The number of women taking hand gun classes has DOUBLED
8, Rebel flags are popping up EVERYWHERE
9, Open carry is GROWING
10, The price of AR and SKS mags is UP

This is what I see where I live. The media is telling you one thing but what are YOUR eyes and ears telling YOU?
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The media is telling us that the cave-dwellers have stopped loving their guns and hating Obama? That's news to me, and everyone else...

Who are selling Obama targets, Darkfury.
and, by any chance, did you buy and use any?:confused:
So, a knee jerk reaction to this "gun grabbing" that never happened caused you to spend more money on shit you didn't need? Good job. You're a fucking retard.
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So, a knee jerk reaction to this "gun grabbing" that never happened caused you to spend more money on shit you didn't need? Good job. You're a fucking retard.
The gun grabbing by government was replaced by ammo grabbing by government. MILLIONS and MILLIONS of bullets were bought BY government causing a shortage.

MY money and planning on spending it MY way you social leech.
So, a knee jerk reaction to this "gun grabbing" that never happened caused you to spend more money on shit you didn't need? Good job. You're a fucking retard.
The gun grabbing by government was replaced by ammo grabbing by government. MILLIONS and MILLIONS of bullets were bought BY government causing a shortage.

MY money and planning on spending it MY way you social leech.
Your paranoia is causing the shortages...
I thought you were talking about shooting targets

Those are toilet targets--those don't count!!
Lol...ammo is tight. I go in my backyard for target practice (and the target is a teaper). My whole family shoots, we onyt recognize the American Flag (could give two fucks about the rebel flag) and we are waiting for the likes of you and the wetbacks. My neighbors agree....the ones who sport the confederate flag as well as the negroes whom hate that flag. Our only goal, to keep racists and radicals out of our neighborhood.

DarkFury...join me for a beer, pussy?
The media is telling us that the cave-dwellers have stopped loving their guns and hating Obama? That's news to me, and everyone else...
No what the media is NOT telling you is that we broke PRE WW 2 levels of gun ownership MONTHS ago and that number has now TRIPLED.
Even if true, so? And, who gives a fuck?
I don't agree with Communists much but a Communist once said the TRUEST statement I have ever heard.
"Politics comes from the end of a gun barrel"....Mao
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Lol...ammo is tight. I go in my backyard for target practice (and the target is a teaper). My whole family shoots, we onyt recognize the American Flag (could give two fucks about the rebel flag) and we are waiting for the likes of you and the wetbacks. My neighbors agree....the ones who sport the confederate flag as well as the negroes whom hate that flag. Our only goal, to keep racists and radicals out of our neighborhood.

DarkFury...join me for a beer, pussy?
Don't drink, never really have.
Hey, DarkTard.

This discussion has been going on since Obama was first elected. Gun sales have sky rocketed, but there have been no serious attempts at taking your guns. Now Obama's term is almost over, and the same is still true.

Guess what? Gun manufacturers duped you. They rake in billions every time a Democrat is in office, and our gun restrictions change very little.
Lol...ammo is tight. I go in my backyard for target practice (and the target is a teaper). My whole family shoots, we onyt recognize the American Flag (could give two fucks about the rebel flag) and we are waiting for the likes of you and the wetbacks. My neighbors agree....the ones who sport the confederate flag as well as the negroes whom hate that flag. Our only goal, to keep racists and radicals out of our neighborhood.

DarkFury...join me for a beer, pussy?
Don't drink, never really have.
My white neighbors might have some meth for you....just don't let rhem know you're a wetback
Hey, DarkTard.

This discussion has been going on since Obama was first elected. Gun sales have sky rocketed, but there have been no serious attempts at taking your guns. Now Obama's term is almost over, and the same is still true.

Guess what? Gun manufacturers duped you. They rake in billions every time a Democrat is in office, and our gun restrictions change very little.
You idiot say it changes little. TRUTH is it gets MORE restricted EVERY change.
Lol...ammo is tight. I go in my backyard for target practice (and the target is a teaper). My whole family shoots, we onyt recognize the American Flag (could give two fucks about the rebel flag) and we are waiting for the likes of you and the wetbacks. My neighbors agree....the ones who sport the confederate flag as well as the negroes whom hate that flag. Our only goal, to keep racists and radicals out of our neighborhood.

DarkFury...join me for a beer, pussy?
Don't drink, never really have.
My white neighbors might have some meth for you....just don't let rhem know you're a wetback
Don't drug either. Got any dark wood to spit in?
As a teenager I had a telemarketing job making calls for donations to the NRA. We had these talking points on paper called "zingers" we would use to draw in donations. People would eat this shit up. Most callers didn't care one way or the other what we were saying. We were there to read a script to our marks, and collect a paycheck. We used fearmongering to make money, and the NRA does the same to increase gun sales.
As a teenager I had a telemarketing job making calls for donations to the NRA. We had these talking points on paper called "zingers" we would use to draw in donations. People would eat this shit up. Most callers didn't care one way or the other what we were saying. We were there to read a script to our marks, and collect a paycheck. We used fearmongering to make money, and the NRA does the same to increase gun sales.
And they FIRED you for being a FAGGOT? You should sue.

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