Trump Changes a'comin


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
With the Democratic takeover of the Congress just a few days away, massive changes loom for the country and especially the Trump administration.

Trump's dream of a wall on the Mexican border that "Mexico is gonna pay for" is over. No way will common sense, realistic Democrats plow money into this ill conceived, ideological pipe dream.

Climate change legislation will be in the forefront of this new Congress. Man made climate change is all too obvious, despite being ignored by Trump because of "jobs." Hopefully, he new Senate will have a veto proof Democrat majority and can pass meaningful legislation to combat this erosion of our planet.

The crafting of laws protecting women, minorities and immigrants will be most important. Again, Trump will veto all of them, hopefully to no avail.

The assault on Obamacare will be completely over with new laws passed to regain the strength it had before Trump's assault. Americans need and want National Heath Care.

And, most importantly, the House will convene a Select Committee to actually confirm what we already know, that Russia handed the 2016 election to Trump and Trump was right in the middle of it, colluding left and right. This investigation will not be a for-show sham, like the last one.

It will take a couple more years, but the world will be able to see that America is finally righting the ship of state that Trump has guided into murky, rough waters. Long overdue.
With the Democratic takeover of the Congress just a few days away, massive changes loom for the country and especially the Trump administration.

Trump's dream of a wall on the Mexican border that "Mexico is gonna pay for" is over. No way will common sense, realistic Democrats plow money into this ill conceived, ideological pipe dream.

Climate change legislation will be in the forefront of this new Congress. Man made climate change is all too obvious, despite being ignored by Trump because of "jobs." Hopefully, he new Senate will have a veto proof Democrat majority and can pass meaningful legislation to combat this erosion of our planet.

The crafting of laws protecting women, minorities and immigrants will be most important. Again, Trump will veto all of them, hopefully to no avail.

The assault on Obamacare will be completely over with new laws passed to regain the strength it had before Trump's assault. Americans need and want National Heath Care.

And, most importantly, the House will convene a Select Committee to actually confirm what we already know, that Russia handed the 2016 election to Trump and Trump was right in the middle of it, colluding left and right. This investigation will not be a for-show sham, like the last one.

It will take a couple more years, but the world will be able to see that America is finally righting the ship of state that Trump has guided into murky, rough waters. Long overdue.
The "new" Congress can make whatever laws they want, but the President will veto them.
Nothing is going to happen. It will be the same old obstructionist Congress accomplishing nothing.
With the Democratic takeover of the Congress just a few days away, massive changes loom for the country and especially the Trump administration.

Trump's dream of a wall on the Mexican border that "Mexico is gonna pay for" is over. No way will common sense, realistic Democrats plow money into this ill conceived, ideological pipe dream.

Climate change legislation will be in the forefront of this new Congress. Man made climate change is all too obvious, despite being ignored by Trump because of "jobs." Hopefully, he new Senate will have a veto proof Democrat majority and can pass meaningful legislation to combat this erosion of our planet.

The crafting of laws protecting women, minorities and immigrants will be most important. Again, Trump will veto all of them, hopefully to no avail.

The assault on Obamacare will be completely over with new laws passed to regain the strength it had before Trump's assault. Americans need and want National Heath Care.

And, most importantly, the House will convene a Select Committee to actually confirm what we already know, that Russia handed the 2016 election to Trump and Trump was right in the middle of it, colluding left and right. This investigation will not be a for-show sham, like the last one.

It will take a couple more years, but the world will be able to see that America is finally righting the ship of state that Trump has guided into murky, rough waters. Long overdue.
most importantly, the House will convene a Select Committee to actually confirm what we already know, that Russia handed the 2016 election to Trump and Trump was right in the middle of it, colluding left and right. This investigation will not be a for-show sham, like the last one.
Why is that not a total waste of time and energy? Have they heard of the Mueller investigation? What are all these sham investigations about? They need to get to work on actual laws that will pass, including infrastructure funding, immigration reform (including DACA--that's going to expire in March) and healthcare "replace."
Get to work!
A Republican House did not stop that asshole Obama from doing tremendous damage this country.

A Moon Bat House will not stop Trump from making America great again.

The Republican House elected in 2016 was cowardly. The only thing of substance they did was restore the military and pass the tax cut (just barely).

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