"Change we can believe in"

As I've said, the Rezko thing is more likely more serious, but what the heh, the minister is it for the time being, others are noting what I've said before:


Which is a long-winded way of saying that I see this as a basically trumped-up issue. Obama's enemies have put this Wright stuff out there in bad faith, not because they're genuinely uncertain as to what Obama thinks, but merely because they think it can hurt him electorally.

But of course they're right that it'll hurt him electorally because Obama's going to have a hard time explaining that I take to be the truth, namely that his relationship with Trinity has been a bit cynical from the beginning. After all, before Obama was a half-black guy running in a mostly white country he was a half-white guy running in a mostly black neighborhood. At that time, associating with a very large, influential, local church with black nationalist overtones was a clear political asset (it's also clear in his book that it made him, personally, feel "blacker" to belong to a slightly kitschy black church). Since emerging onto a larger stage, it's been the reverse and Obama's consistently sought to distance himself from Wright, disinviting him from his campaign's launch, analogizing him to a crazy uncle who you love but don't listen to, etc. The closest analogy would probably be to Hillary Clinton's inconsistent accounting of where she's from (bragging about midwestern roots when trying to win in Iowa, promptly forgetting those roots when explaining away a loss in Illinois, developing a sporadic affection for New York sports teams) -- banal, mildly cynical shifts of association as context changes.
Obama is trying to get the Chicago papers to tell his *new and improved* side of both stories. My guess is he would have been better off not mentioning Rezko at all. I don't think the national media has figured this out completely, but they will:


By Michelle Gallardo

No campaign stops were scheduled Sunday for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. He was in the Chicago area Saturday night for a fundraiser.

The Illinois senator was in an Indianapolis suburb also this weekend, where he, again, tried to distance himself from comments made by his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Senator Obama said he was never in church when Reverend Wright made any of the incendiary remarks that have been made public in recent days. And, Obama now is calling Wright his "former pastor."

The presidential hopeful also tried to clear the air regarding his relationship with indicted businessman and former Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko while sitting down for in-depth interviews with the editorial boards of both the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune.

There's a video and more from the column at link.
Expect more and more racial crap fromt he right as Obama becomes closer to the nomination.

It's their way. Remember when McCain was slimed in the push polls in South Carolina that he had a black daughter. You can can expect the "******' word to surface from the the far right. Then the RNC will deny and decry it use, but will use it for traction. We already see some of the brain dead thinking that because a man's middle name is Hussein, he must be a bad Arab. Then the pin head with the over moussed white hair says what's wrong with using a middle name? Even though the dumb shit doesn't normally use middle names.

Look at the Republican Dais when they have important meetings. They are still the Party of the Dixiecrats that Nixon helped form.

If you dare criticize their candidate, then they scream and rage. And they are very good at that.

You are right. The letter was forged and probably fed to the news by the right. The facts were true. But what an excellent piece of political take your eyes off the real issue. Get someone fired for reading forged documents that were true and then the true believer also believe the facts were forged.

They are good at this. Very very good. It's too bad that the Cllintons have started also to use the Rove RNC book of shit.

Its the dems that are slinging the racism, bigotry, sexism, with Obama attending a church for 20 years whose pastor is a black separtist. The R's had nothing to do with this.
Its the dems that are slinging the racism, bigotry, sexism, with Obama attending a church for 20 years whose pastor is a black separtist. The R's had nothing to do with this.

Democrats believe....that all of their canidates transgressions are the right's fault....Lol

The right didn't make Racist Wright damn America....Although I think the country will damn Obama

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