Change & Hope, WTC V. Terrorists Foiled, Jobs Creation v. Losing 3/4 mil. per month,


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Basically, since 2008, the Republicans just said, "No!" Taking credit for the change to hope is therefore easy to.

--Bush-Cheney-McCain-Palin-Mitchell-Boehner were intentionally depriving U. S. Nationals of 750,000 jobs per month. Now The Democrats are doing jobs creation, trending to 100,000 jobs per month, heading upwards.

--Bush-Cheney-McCain-Palin-Mitchell-Boehner intetentionally supported smaller government, from Crawford, TX, prior to 9/11. Now the Democrats are coordinating anti-terrorism on an international scale.

--Bush-Cheney-McCain-Palin-Mitchell-Boehner intentionally sent U. S. Nationals to their being maimed and murdered In basis-free occupations, including in the dirt-poor regions to preserve the corruption. Now the Democrats are getting the U. S. Nationals out of the occupations, and the International Economy is responding.

There is now a national health plan being created, where before there was run-amok, basis-free, unplanned denigration of the status of U. S. Nationals into, "none," following, "No!"

Change has become hope! The Great Socialist Victories have worked!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mainly, The Colonies will have their own take on it!)
Take credit for all you want.

Destablizing the economy so that more people are unemployed is not really something I'd want to take credit for.

Continuing the big government policies of the Bush administration? You can take credit for them as well as far as I'm concerned.

The troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, you can take credit for that if you want.

Driving up insurance prices and creating a health care structure that makes things worse and practicallly no body but the elites wanted? Take credit for that as well. Please.

Glad to see you admit to your socialist policies. Like I said, take credit for all of them. In fact, keep them for yourselves.
The slaughter of U. S. nationals, intended by Tea Party/GOP types like Avatar4321 poster, is even admitted to in the reply. To Tea Party/GOP/Avatar4321 poster/Bush/Cheney/McCain/Palin/Mitchell/Boehner, (et. al.), then the new course of jobs creation is "destabilization!"

So the choice in the midterms, direction of the big government economy, (which Avatar4321 admits to having been in place for awhile), is equally clear. Tea Party/GOP wants to go back to the trending 1.0 mil. job losses per month! To them, that is what America is for.

Even Rand Paul's father wants the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan a lot faster, and so the Democrats have been successful in initiating the withdrawals, and speeding up the withdrawals. Rand Paul's father is more a Libertarian, and opposed to GOP and lunatic.

Avatar4321 poster even takes an insurance exchange concept, yet to be put in place, of course: And claims that it already is having effects. Opening the exchange will more likely reverse the current status quo. That will be change.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The Colonies, in fact, will have their own take on it)

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