CERN debunks anthropogenic global warming

When will you show us that one experiment that eliminates all variables save for a .01% change in the atmospheric composition by adding a wisp of CO2?
Look at a freaking ice core sample. The hard evidence shows us that radical and subtle climate changes have been taking place before and since woolly coated sub-humans colonized France's Neanderthal Valley. We know absolutely with hard evidence that human technology did not cause radical and subtle changes in Earth's climate back then. Why the hell are we discussing arcane theories about CO2 and cosmic ray guns when the freaking Country is mortgaging it's future to countries that produce oil? The short answer is that America haters and old time Ayers revolutionary types think they have the upper hand since they have a socialist president and they are determined to punish Americans for their past decadence and reduce the Super Power to the status of second rate European countries.
Look at a freaking ice core sample. The hard evidence shows us that radical and subtle climate changes have been taking place before and since woolly coated sub-humans colonized France's Neanderthal Valley.
And you think science is unaware of this?
We know absolutely with hard evidence that human technology did not cause radical and subtle changes in Earth's climate back then.
Great. Thanks for the obvious. Do you wish to draw any conclusions from that or are you done?
Frankie Boy hasn't the slightest idea what the information concerning the absorption spectra of CO2 and CH4 mean in terms of heating the atmosphere. Both he and Whitey are willfully ignorant, determined to stay that way, and succeeding in doing so.
The sun has nothing to do with Global warming!! Filthy Humans are destroying the planet by driving cars and using air conditioning!! But don't fret good liberals!! We are the Goremans!! We are here to help!!! Just send us a check and you can assuage your guilt and feel smug and superior!! Oh, and you'll need to buy carbon credits from us. You'll also have to stop doing things like using soap and water and enjoying air conditioning. Also, you will need to travel in clown cars or use mass transit.

We can stop doomsday, but only with your help, er, I mean CASH!! Send cash now! Help the Cult!! Help the GOREMANS!!

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Frankie Boy hasn't the slightest idea what the information concerning the absorption spectra of CO2 and CH4 mean in terms of heating the atmosphere. Both he and Whitey are willfully ignorant, determined to stay that way, and succeeding in doing so.

Sure OR, sure.

If it works as you claim you should be able to show us a lab experiment that eliminate all variables except for the .01% change in composition as the cause.

The sun has nothing to do with Global warming!! Filthy Humans are destroying the planet by driving cars and using air conditioning!! But don't fret good liberals!! We are the Goremans!! We are here to help!!! Just send us a check and you can assuage your guilt and feel smug and superior!! Oh, and you'll need to buy carbon credits from us. You'll also have to stop doing things like using soap and water and enjoying air conditioning. Also, you will need to travel in clown cars or use mass transit.

We can stop doomsday, but only with your help, er, I mean CASH!! Send cash now! Help the Cult!! Help the GOREMANS!!

Al Gore! Hockey sticks!!! Climate scientists!!! Hansen hockeysticks! AGW warmers! AASRGGRGGRGGRGGGHhh!!!!!! Fucking elitists snobs! Look at them with their 'science' and their 'theories' and their 'peer reviewed journals'! OOOO those smarty pants burn me up! They think they know everything! Well I know that climate has changed in the past! Huh huh! They didn't know that! Hockeysticks al gore AGRGRRRGGGG!!!
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