CEO pay: These guys made how much?


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Central California
Their companies went belly-up, but they walked away with a fortune :eusa_eh:

Even as some of the nation’s biggest financial firms were hitting the skids, the CEOs who ran these companies were cashing in.

Here’s a list of chief executives who oversaw monumental failures that led the nation’s financial system to the edge but were still able to walk away with big payouts.
CEO pay: These guys made how much? - Economy in Turmoil -
Hye, if the stockerholders are SO unbelievably STUPID, that they honestly thought those guys were worth that much?

No skin off my nose.

This whole government must regulate paychecks idea is a TERRIBLE idea, folks.
Hye, if the stockerholders are SO unbelievably STUPID, that they honestly thought those guys were worth that much?QUOTE]

I’ve never met the stockholder of whom you speak. Nor do stockholders determine a CEO’s salary. It’s the Board of Directors that grants these outrageous compensation packages and guess whose money pays for it?

The Stockholders.
Hye, if the stockerholders are SO unbelievably STUPID, that they honestly thought those guys were worth that much?QUOTE]

I’ve never met the stockholder of whom you speak. Nor do stockholders determine a CEO’s salary. It’s the Board of Directors that grants these outrageous compensation packages and guess whose money pays for it?

The Stockholders.

And who elects the board of directors?

Yes, it's the stockholders...generally the big mutual funds and the big insurance companies, and occassionally some stockholder who owns enough stocks to be able to dominate the board of directors.

But I do NOT think that the government should do a damned thing about CEO's compensation.

None of the government's business.
And who elects the board of directors?

Yes, it's the stockholders...generally the big mutual funds and the big insurance companies, and occassionally some stockholder who owns enough stocks to be able to dominate the board of directors.

But I do NOT think that the government should do a damned thing about CEO's compensation.

None of the government's business.

We also elect our government officials, but it seems that we can't influence them any more than we can influence a sitting BOD unless, as you allude to, you own a big enough stake in the company.

Like you, I am not a proponent of government regulation of anybody’s salary, including CEO’s. Conversely, I oppose the post employment compensation packages “Golden Parachute” these people get.
Their companies went belly-up, but they walked away with a fortune :eusa_eh:

CEO pay: These guys made how much? - Economy in Turmoil -

Did you see yesterday I posted something from MSNBC that said everytime they try to curb excessive ceo pay, the ceo's find a way around it. Stock options, for one. And then the CEO's mess with the stock prices on their way out because it's their money. Then they leave and we find out the stock prices were inflated.

Shareholders should be allowed to vote for raises and bonus'. If you did well, you get a bonus. If they want to keep you, they give you a bonus. But if we vote and say no, then you have two choices. Work for the 1 million salary or move on. No golden parachutes.

Another rule to try and curb this was to announce what CEO's make. That way it's embarrassing if they pay them too much. But it had the opposite affect. Instead, other ceo's saw what one guy was making and they all started asking for what the top paid guy was making.

CEO's and the executives below them today are more about their pay than they are making the company successful.
We also elect our government officials, but it seems that we can't influence them any more than we can influence a sitting BOD unless, as you allude to, you own a big enough stake in the company.

Like you, I am not a proponent of government regulation of anybody’s salary, including CEO’s. Conversely, I oppose the post employment compensation packages “Golden Parachute” these people get.

Oh, I oppose them, too.

I just don't think they're any of my business since I don't own those stocks.

Many of these CEOs, would, I think, in a civil society run by the rules of law, and in a truly capitalist society, be going to jail along, with the RATINGS company CEOS for LYING to the bondholders AND stockholders, too.

I do not expect that to happen because we do not live in that society.

We live in an corrupt oligarchy masquading as a democratic republic.

If that's not obvious by now to most of you, as this bail-out rip-off unfolds, then nothing will convince you.

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