CEO or Customer?


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Feb 28, 2011
Why are US firms going 'green': CEOs or customers?
The number of large US corporations with a climate, energy strategy has soared in the past five years, a new survey says. Customers, employees are the two major forces pushing change.

By David J. Unger, Correspondent / December 26, 2012
Why are US firms going 'green': CEOs or customers? -

Five years ago, a quarter of corporations surveyed by Climate Counts had a publicly available climate and energy strategy. Now, two-thirds do, says the nonprofit, which ranks major companies. And in that time, their average score has improved from 30.6 to 52.1 out of 100...
(Rest at site above) _________________________________________________________

And this is precisely the type of commercial and industrial consideration I was talking about with regards to building codes, zones, and regulations. The article talks about a BrandName makeup plant that built a biomethanization (Animal waste to power) facility that not only powers their plant but also supplies electricty for 6000 local homes.

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