CDC can handle Ebola" ...oh yeah?


31 years in medicine here. Loved microbiology, aced it in college, have treated patients with viruses and bacteria far more infectious than Ebola.

Here are some facts:

1. Ebola is not an airborne virus. It cannot be ejected into the air more than a few feet. It would be impossible for the CDC to accidentally spread it by reversing its exhaust.

2. A person infected with Ebola, is very likely to die or be too incapacitated to travel from Africa, to South America, and then to our southern border. We are not at risk from border crossings.

3. You cannot compare hospitals in Africa to the CDC in Atlanta, or Grady's infectious disease ward.

4. The Russians, tried years ago to weaponize Ebola and failed. It cannot be aerosolized or delivered in a mass inoculation of any kind.

Our risk is very small here in the US.
Ebola is spread by all bodily fluids, even sweat, even droplets from a cough. It has a 21 days incubation period. Give Ebola to a gay and in 21 days all of West Hollywood could be infected.

The only known treatment for Ebola is quarantine and let it die out taking its victims with it. We can't even catch and quarantine ONE illegal alien with drug resistant TB. We think we can quarantine ebola! That's a laugh. They may be sick, but they got RIGHTS. Especially in the US. Rights means they can't be held against their will.

One problem with your fear-mongering claims. During the 21 day incubation period, they are not very contagious at all.
Have you been watching "The Last Ship" by any chance? Not gonna lie it's making me monitor this Ebola thing very closely :laugh:

You really are one of the Stupidest People on USMB.
Ebola is spread by all bodily fluids, even sweat, even droplets from a cough. It has a 21 days incubation period. Give Ebola to a gay and in 21 days all of West Hollywood could be infected.

The only known treatment for Ebola is quarantine and let it die out taking its victims with it. We can't even catch and quarantine ONE illegal alien with drug resistant TB. We think we can quarantine ebola! That's a laugh. They may be sick, but they got RIGHTS. Especially in the US. Rights means they can't be held against their will.

One problem with your fear-mongering claims. During the 21 day incubation period, they are not very contagious at all.

There's one little consideration: not everyone gets to the hospital to be isolated during their incubation phase for contagious diseases.
Reverse propaganda in all it's perverse grandeur. Americans were terrorized during the 80's by government propaganda that guaranteed the AIDS virus will enter the heterosexual community sooner or later unless billions of dollars could be authorized to fight the disease. Ebola spreads the same way as AIDS but now that we have a progressive democrat president the disease is contained.

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