CBS: Obama Should Release His College Transcripts


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
CBS: Obama Should Release His College Transcripts

What could possibly be in Obama’s college transcripts that could hurt his image – or more? There has been a great deal of speculation. Mostly, people are assuming the obvious which is that his grades weren’t up to par, and that would be an embarrassment to the President and a blow to his reputation for being highly-intelligent. I – and apparently many other people – don’t think that’s it at all. If Obama’s college transcripts show that he wasn’t a straight-A student, he wouldn’t be the first president – and he likely won’t be the last. Besides, where is it written that a president has to be a scholar in every academic area? Nowhere.
CBS: Obama Should Release His College Transcripts

I believe Obama’s resume speaks loud and clear for his college transcripts as Romney’s rap sheet speaks for his integrity and competence.

Running down the rap sheets of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
Metro - Running down the rap sheets of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

Ps. Protesting is exercizing ones freedom of speech.
It might prove he was still a citizen of Indonesia and went to college as a foreign exchange which means he could not have ran for president...
CBS: Obama Should Release His College Transcripts

What could possibly be in Obama’s college transcripts that could hurt his image – or more? There has been a great deal of speculation. Mostly, people are assuming the obvious which is that his grades weren’t up to par, and that would be an embarrassment to the President and a blow to his reputation for being highly-intelligent. I – and apparently many other people – don’t think that’s it at all. If Obama’s college transcripts show that he wasn’t a straight-A student, he wouldn’t be the first president – and he likely won’t be the last. Besides, where is it written that a president has to be a scholar in every academic area? Nowhere.
CBS: Obama Should Release His College Transcripts

I believe Obama’s resume speaks loud and clear for his college transcripts as Romney’s rap sheet speaks for his integrity and competence.

Running down the rap sheets of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
Metro - Running down the rap sheets of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

Ps. Protesting is exercizing ones freedom of speech.
It would prove how much of an idiot he is.

He resume proves he is not an idiot, idiot.
Now McCains transcript show him an idiot as does Romney and Bush. No other president has an educational resume as outstanding as Obamas and no first lady than Micheles'

Limbaugh Uses Dishonest College Transcripts Argument To Defend Romney
Limbaugh Uses Dishonest College Transcripts Argument To Defend Romney | Blog | Media Matters for America


I will agree with you. I believe Barack Obama to be articulate and intelligent. I think he loves his family very much.. having said as much, as much as you liberals carped about Romneys tax returns, you never did the same over this man's records.. I'd like to see them released as well. If there is NOTHING to hide, release them..
McCain's running mate flunked out of 5 colleges in 6 years. She did not have any college transcripts.
McCain flunked out of college, got into the militray via his pappy, crashed 5 plans and got himself captured and refused released via his pappy. Quiet impressive,uh?

He graduated the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis) in 1958 with a BS.
He ranked 894th in his class of 899, almost flunking out before graduation.

McCain now jokes about his poor academic record.
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Hey fool, he has yet to prove it. Bush on the other hand can and has proved it. Fools loving afool like obamaturd is so hilarious.
It's not the grades. It's citizenship, etc.

And how'd did a poor boy like Obama pay for Columbia and Harvard with a trip around the world in the mix if he HAS NEVER HAD A JOB????
It's not the grades. It's citizenship, etc.

And how'd did a poor boy like Obama pay for Columbia and Harvard with a trip around the world in the mix if he HAS NEVER HAD A JOB????
His commie supporters, who else.
The transcripts (assuming they haven't been altered) will show that obozo was an affirmative action idiot.

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