
Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
What makes a better pet?

Using these deciding factors, cleanliness, affection, companionship, intelligence, beauty, usefulness, and personal protection Dogs win hands down in my opinion..
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Dogs by far.

They're huge pain-in-the-ass for sure, but their personality more than makes up for their shortcomings.
Cat lovers are pussies

(for dramatic effect only)
Really.. no cat lovers

Cats are less maintenance but not very good protection. They're easier to keep but hard to play fetch with. Very snuggly, take up less room on the couch or bed, can be just as empathetic as dogs but generally pickier about who they like. Traditionally they are cheaper to own as well.

I like both. Just depends on my circumstances which I would have at the time. Neither resides in my home currently.
What makes a better pet?

Using these deciding factors, cleanliness, affection, companionship, intelligence, beauty, usefulness, and personal protection Dogs win hands down in my opinion..

cats are cleaner than dogs, they are always grooming themselves, you have to groom your dog, but not necessarily your cat. They each have their uses. Dogs protect you, cats get rid of vermin. I like them both.
I would have to say dogs. I hate the litter boxes and dogs seem to share a strong bond with their owners. For those that are single and gone many hours of the day I could suggest guinea pigs for pets. Very affectionate and extremely easy to keep up with. Kinda pricey on the veggies but cool little pets.
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My cats have ATTACKED folks they think are messing with me...

the funniest of which was: As truck drivers, Dear and I were sent into Canada, and it must have been a slow day or something, 'cuz the Canadians wanted to actually sort of search our entire truck, including our sleeper. Our truck cat, Hattie, was hiding on the top bunk, and as soon as the dude turned his back, she went into ATTACK Mode, scaring the SHIT out of him! (No kidding! I've NEVER seen anyone exit a big rig faster than that guy! :lol: ) He thought she was some sort of bobcat or something ~ WILD, you know? I climbed in, picked her up, and she started purring up a storm but she would NOT let him touch her, NOR ME! :rofl:

Cats can be every bit as vicious as dogs ~ they're just sneakier! ;)

I have both ~ 4 indoor cats and a rat terrier dog ~ and I'm going to have to go with:


as my final answer. :lol:

My cats have ATTACKED folks they think are messing with me...

the funniest of which was: As truck drivers, Dear and I were sent into Canada, and it must have been a slow day or something, 'cuz the Canadians wanted to actually sort of search our entire truck, including our sleeper. Our truck cat, Hattie, was hiding on the top bunk, and as soon as the dude turned his back, she went into ATTACK Mode, scaring the SHIT out of him! (No kidding! I've NEVER seen anyone exit a big rig faster than that guy! :lol: ) He thought she was some sort of bobcat or something ~ WILD, you know? I climbed in, picked her up, and she started purring up a storm but she would NOT let him touch her, NOR ME! :rofl:

Cats can be every bit as vicious as dogs ~ they're just sneakier! ;)

I have both ~ 4 indoor cats and a rat terrier dog ~ and I'm going to have to go with:


as my final answer. :lol:

Sheez.. finally a true cat lover..
Personally, I prefer dogs. They require more attention than cats, but there's a much deeper bond between humans and dog than there is with cats. Dogs have owners, cats have servants.

It's also worth considering that cats choose their owners through cunning and manipulation. For instance, stray cats will choose their lonely and vulnerable prospective owner/target by mounting an intense and focused campaign of surveillance before they move in. The owner will then proceed to love and spoil them until they die. And upon their death, the cats will repay their owners warmth and hospitality by promptly eating the corpse.

That's gratitude for you.
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Personally, I prefer dogs. They require more attention than cats, but there's a much deeper bond between humans and dog than there is with cats. Dogs have owners, cats have servants.

It's also worth considering that cats choose their owners through cunning and manipulation. For instance, stray cats will choose their lonely and vulnerable prospective owner/target by mounting an intense and focused campaign of surveillance before they move in. The owner will then proceed to love and spoil them until they die. And upon their death, the cats will repay their owners warmth and hospitality by promptly eating the corpse.

That's gratitude for you.

Cats are one with the universe - reduce, reuse, recycle. ;)
I have a cat that's pushing twenty years old. He's been the best little partner of any pet I've ever owned.

Personally, there's nothing I find more annoying than a barking dog that won't shut up. I'd just as soon shoot the damn thing, and it's ignorant owners that allow it.
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