Catholicism and Child Abuse

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?
Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?
I don't know why the Pope is thanking cardinals who have abuse charges hanging over their heads. Like as a father, filled with compassion, the Pope may view them with the hope they are innocent, and if not, that they will not give up, but repent and do the penance society requires of them.

Popes have many expectations of them, and the compassion of this Pope is a Biblical responsibility he cannot escape, even when someone falls as low as he can go. If guilty, those two have.

Insight into compassion for Christians to have is somewhat outlined here, but more is always expected of Popes. That's why it takes them so long to replace one. And BTW, I am not a Roman Catholic, but I respect their work, especially their extreme efforts to lift up the poor and the downtrodden on this earth. Here's at least one list about compassion I speak of: Bible Verses About Compassion: 21 Top Scripture Quotes

It breaks everyone's heart when a man who has pledged loyalty and service to God's beloved poor and the fatherless, but fails in the worst way. Don't think the Pope is not troubled in behalf of victims who suffer when a man of God takes the low road. This world ain't Heaven. :(

Doing Christ's bidding is this Pope's discipline. People will not always like what he must do for the redemption of sinners.
Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isn't silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?
The Australian court who tried Pell has placed a suppression order on his conviction for child sex abuse. At this point it’s not known if the Vatican’s lawyers requested this or it’s part of witness protection. As to blaming all catholics we would we? However any church exposing it’s members from an early age to a theology that worships a God who tortured his own son ( who is actually himself if you swallow trinitarian theology whole), invariably pictured almost naked nailed to a cross in order to redeem sins the Almighty knowingly made possible in the first place by granting humanity free will is going to attract ( if not create) a psychology tending towards pedophile inclinations to it’s priesthood. Simply really.

A side issue, which will probably now be forgotten, was Romes’ appointment of Pell to examine the Vaticans finances. Pell, with a reputation for ruthllessness, was thought by the Pope to be the perfect agent even though he and Pell had profound theological disagreements. It’s that old saying, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.' The fact Pell came to Rome with considerable baggage Rome knew about gave the Vatican curia significant power of blackmail over their new financial auditor.

The movie will be brilliant even if most will think the plot highly improbable.
I need to confess a bias in writing about this. In my youth as an organ scholar at a catholic cathedral in Australia I encountered Pell on many occasions, the nature of which I can’t go into here.

As to why the majority of decent catholics don't denonce all this and root out the evil at the heart of their community, Tommy you underestimate the power of an early catholic brain washing (education?)
As the Jesuits famously asserted “Give me the child until he’s seven and we’ve got him for life”
Sadly De omnibus dubitandum est was never part of that education.
Other Christian denominations aren’t saints in this respect either.
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Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
The wives will be a positive influence and weed out the perverts? Do you imagine these ordained perverts are going to tell their wives about their sins? That’s what the confessional is for, keep it private, say a few hail Mary’s and you're safe and saved.
This is a worldwide, DISGUSTING problem, and has been swept under the rug for decades. The Catholic Church (and I was raised Catholic) has been complicit in Child Abuse for a very long time. They need to face criminal charges from top to bottom, and these priests need to do JAIL TIME. They also need to be hit where it hurts the MOST for them MONEY. Fine the crap out of them in addition to criminal prosecution.

I don't understand why some Catholics aren't more up in arms. Many are, but some don't seem to be.
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
The wives will be a positive influence and weed out the perverts? Do you imagine these ordained perverts are going to tell their wives about their sins? That’s what the confessional is for, keep it private, say a few hail Mary’s and you're safe and saved.
/—-/ Ask any woman you know if they can spot a homosexual from a mile away. They know when something is going on.
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
The wives will be a positive influence and weed out the perverts? Do you imagine these ordained perverts are going to tell their wives about their sins? That’s what the confessional is for, keep it private, say a few hail Mary’s and you're safe and saved.
/—-/ Ask any woman you know if they can spot a homosexual from a mile away. They know when something is going on.
Absoluteley wrong. Not only that but some very clever straight men have learnt one of the best ways to seduce a woman is to pretend to be gay. Many woman cannot resist the temptation to ‘cure’ them. As to gaydar in general stereotypical effeminate gays can easily be picked but the vast majority of gay men are absolutely ‘normal’ in behavior and appearance.
I have two close friends, ex professional rugby players with a two year old son. I bet big money you’d never pick them as gay. This is getting too far off topic anyhow.
This is a worldwide, DISGUSTING problem, and has been swept under the rug for decades. The Catholic Church (and I was raised Catholic) has been complicit in Child Abuse for a very long time. They need to face criminal charges from top to bottom, and these priests need to do JAIL TIME. They also need to be hit where it hurts the MOST for them MONEY. Fine the crap out of them in addition to criminal prosecution.

I don't understand why some Catholics aren't more up in arms. Many are, but some don't seem to be.
Sadly although the Church of Rome appears to be the major perpetrator other Christian denominations are also guilty. But hey, if you have a close look at this problem in many muslim countries it’s the same with their clerics. The Koran though supports sexual exploitaion of children.
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
The wives will be a positive influence and weed out the perverts? Do you imagine these ordained perverts are going to tell their wives about their sins? That’s what the confessional is for, keep it private, say a few hail Mary’s and you're safe and saved.
/—-/ Ask any woman you know if they can spot a homosexual from a mile away. They know when something is going on.
Absoluteley wrong. Not only that but some very clever straight men have learnt one of the best ways to seduce a woman is to pretend to be gay. Many woman cannot resist the temptation to ‘cure’ them. As to gaydar in general stereotypical effeminate gays can easily be picked but the vast majority of gay men are absolutely ‘normal’ in behavior and appearance.
I have two close friends, ex professional rugby players with a two year old son. I bet big money you’d never pick them as gay. This is getting too far off topic anyhow.
/——/ No I’m not wrong. Allowing priests to marry will bring in a flood of straight men. And women have radar and can tell by body language. Is anything 100% fool proof? Of course not.
/----/ Catholics are expected to Pray, Pay and Obey. There is no recourse to Church doctrine. I'm Catholic and most I know what married priests. The wives will be a positive influence and help weed out the perverts. BTW there are already married priests but not many. We are so short of priests the church imports them from South America and India. Their accents are so thick you can't understand them.
The wives will be a positive influence and weed out the perverts? Do you imagine these ordained perverts are going to tell their wives about their sins? That’s what the confessional is for, keep it private, say a few hail Mary’s and you're safe and saved.
/—-/ Ask any woman you know if they can spot a homosexual from a mile away. They know when something is going on.
Absoluteley wrong. Not only that but some very clever straight men have learnt one of the best ways to seduce a woman is to pretend to be gay. Many woman cannot resist the temptation to ‘cure’ them. As to gaydar in general stereotypical effeminate gays can easily be picked but the vast majority of gay men are absolutely ‘normal’ in behavior and appearance.
I have two close friends, ex professional rugby players with a two year old son. I bet big money you’d never pick them as gay. This is getting too far off topic anyhow.
/——/ No I’m not wrong. Allowing priests to marry will bring in a flood of straight men. And women have radar and can tell by body language. Is anything 100% fool proof? Of course not.
It ain’t that simple. I doubt there’d be a flood of straight men until enough time has past for Rome not to be on the nose.
Absoluteley wrong. Not only that but some very clever straight men have learnt one of the best ways to seduce a woman is to pretend to be gay. Many woman cannot resist the temptation to ‘cure’ them. As to gaydar in general stereotypical effeminate gays can easily be picked but the vast majority of gay men are absolutely ‘normal’ in behavior and appearance.
I have two close friends, ex professional rugby players with a two year old son. I bet big money you’d never pick them as gay. This is getting too far off topic anyhow.

I have NEVER heard of that strategy. Most of the women I have met, and know want MASCULINE men, even the liberal women want real men, not Gay men.
This is a worldwide, DISGUSTING problem, and has been swept under the rug for decades. The Catholic Church (and I was raised Catholic) has been complicit in Child Abuse for a very long time. They need to face criminal charges from top to bottom, and these priests need to do JAIL TIME. They also need to be hit where it hurts the MOST for them MONEY. Fine the crap out of them in addition to criminal prosecution.

I don't understand why some Catholics aren't more up in arms. Many are, but some don't seem to be.

It's power and politics.

The same can be said for political leaders who seem to evade justice for their crimes as well.

The ability to evade justice is proportional to the power and influence the Catholic church has within each given society.

The people be damned.

But, that's politics.

Meanwhile, the Pope will continue to give sermons on the evils of global warming while ignoring the genocide of abortion that the church claims to believe, just like they ignored Hitler's Holocaust in large part.
Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?

No; silence is NOT complicity unless the person KNOWS there is something amiss. As for the perverted scum who perpetrated those acts on children; they're damned to hell for eternity and that is not very Chrtistian of me: so bite me!!

As for the "cover ups"? There is something missing from the whole system; ACTIONABLE EVIDENCE!! My big question is: where were the damn POLICE!! The Churches are NOT Judge, Jury and executioner and secularists REJOICE at the fact. So where are the court cases? Some were caught and actioned; EXCELLENT!!! I hope they died miserable deaths in prison. So why weren't the POLICE getting more of them; after all they got SOME of them. Separation of Church and State has a lot to be accountable for as under our LAW one is INNOCENT until proven guilty. My God if my dad had discovered ANY of his kids had been violated by a clergyman or anyone else then frankly...well..he was Old School Bulgarian on such matters.

This is a worldwide, DISGUSTING problem, and has been swept under the rug for decades. The Catholic Church (and I was raised Catholic) has been complicit in Child Abuse for a very long time. They need to face criminal charges from top to bottom, and these priests need to do JAIL TIME. They also need to be hit where it hurts the MOST for them MONEY. Fine the crap out of them in addition to criminal prosecution.

I don't understand why some Catholics aren't more up in arms. Many are, but some don't seem to be.

Complicit?? How does one bring such pervs to justice except through a Police investigation?

Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?

Are you Catholic?
Pope demotes cardinals over scandals

Two cardinals facing allegations linked to sexual abuse have been removed from Pope Francis's inner circle, the Vatican said.

Australia's George Pell and Chile's Francisco Javier Errazuriz will no longer sit on the Council of Cardinals, set up by the pope as an international advice body.

The pair were absent from the last meeting of the group in September.

A spokesperson said the Pope wrote to them both in October to thank them.

Cardinal Pell, who remains the Vatican treasurer, faces trial on sexual abuse charges in Australia - accusations the cardinal strenuously denies.

His Chilean colleague, Francisco Javier Errazuriz, faces accusations that he covered up alleged child abuse while serving as Archbishop of Santiago, claims he also denies.

What is the Pope thanking them for ?

I have catholic friends who are distressed over this deviancy. It would be wrong to blame all catholics fo the actions of a few but isnt silence complicity ?

Why dont the majority of decent catholics denonce this and root out the evil at the heart of their community ?
Probably because there are trials?
It's power and politics.

The same can be said for political leaders who seem to evade justice for their crimes as well.

The ability to evade justice is proportional to the power and influence the Catholic church has within each given society.

The people be damned.

But, that's politics.

Meanwhile, the Pope will continue to give sermons on the evils of global warming while ignoring the genocide of abortion that the church claims to believe, just like they ignored Hitler's Holocaust in large part.

You said it a lot better than I could my friend. Exactly correct.
The Catholic Church should not be "demoting" Cardinals, nor just forcing priests to retire in comfort like they have been doing. Priests are members of a Cult of Homosexual Pedophiles. They need to be fired, then prosecuted, then jailed. The Catholic Church has been complicit by covering up child abuse for many, many decades. Maybe since the beginning, meaning centuries of child abuse.

The only reason they have been allowed to continue this disgusting practice is that they are the wealthiest, most powerful religion in the world. It is all about MONEY.

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