Catholic Church sex abuse scandal caused by gay priests


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
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Pope contender blames Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on gay priests

Friday, February 22, 2013

Washington: A frontrunner to succeed Pope Benedict XVI has raised suggestions that gay priests are partly to blame for the sex abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church.

According to Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, homosexuality, which he termed as ‘cultural taboo’, is against the faith and the mission of the Church, which is the reason why homosexual priests are responsible for the Church’s sex abuse scandal, Huffington Post reports.

Insisting that homosexuality has not gained the same ground in Africa as in Europe, Turkson said that in several cultures in Africa, homosexuality, or any affair between two sexes of the same kind are not countenanced in their society as African traditional systems tend to protect its population against this tendency.


Pope contender blames Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on gay priests
Then the man fails to understand the nature of the scandal. The abuse was bad, but the scandal was that the church leadership covered it up, protected the priests by sending them to other parishes and basically placed the welfare of the church above the welfare of the people it was supposed to be serving.
sin is sin regardless of who the sinners are and how they prefer to satiate their lusts.

How about we just clean up the problem. Im not Catholic but I have no desire to see anyone sin, especially when they should be preaching and ministering to the people. How can people who sin in this matter possibly bless the people they were called to serve?

"Ci vediamo più tardi ventose"

Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican?


Did Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy because of evidence linking him to a gay scandal within the Vatican? The theory might not be as farfetched as it would seem, according to a leaked church report from an Italian newspaper.

Published in La Repubblica, the church's report discusses a network of numerous gay Vatican prelates (high-ranking clergymen) that were being blackmailed by individuals who knew of the "network" and their salacious secret behavior, according to Gawker. The 300-page document reportedly details Vatican officials' meet ups for sex at various locales in and around Rome that included "a villa outside the Italian capital, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlor in the center, and a former university residence that was in use by a provincial Italian archbishop," Gawker reported.


Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican? : Politics : Latinos Post
Actually, many child molesters are married and insist their "sexual orientation" is straight. For them, children are a "fetish". There is a difference between orientation and fetish.

I'm not saying many aren't gay. Obviously, many are.

Clearly, humans are sexual animals. But when normal human sexual behavior is repressed, it can show up in fetishes and bizarre and unnatural behavior.

But it's not a "pass". Priests have been put in this position to help and succor people, not suck them off.

What should change is this unnatural situation. Let priests marry and have normal behaviors and healthy relationships. Stop a situation that puts weak willed people into an untenable position. It's worse than that silly "abstinence only".

"Ci vediamo più tardi ventose"

Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican?


Did Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy because of evidence linking him to a gay scandal within the Vatican? The theory might not be as farfetched as it would seem, according to a leaked church report from an Italian newspaper.

Published in La Repubblica, the church's report discusses a network of numerous gay Vatican prelates (high-ranking clergymen) that were being blackmailed by individuals who knew of the "network" and their salacious secret behavior, according to Gawker. The 300-page document reportedly details Vatican officials' meet ups for sex at various locales in and around Rome that included "a villa outside the Italian capital, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlor in the center, and a former university residence that was in use by a provincial Italian archbishop," Gawker reported.


Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican? : Politics : Latinos Post

I think he resigned because he helped to cover up child sex abuse and the evidence is there to accuse him.
maybe the sin is Celibacy - as advocated by the Catholic Church - by their choice of the Bible rather than simple truths and God.

"Ci vediamo più tardi ventose"

Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican?


Did Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy because of evidence linking him to a gay scandal within the Vatican? The theory might not be as farfetched as it would seem, according to a leaked church report from an Italian newspaper.

Published in La Repubblica, the church's report discusses a network of numerous gay Vatican prelates (high-ranking clergymen) that were being blackmailed by individuals who knew of the "network" and their salacious secret behavior, according to Gawker. The 300-page document reportedly details Vatican officials' meet ups for sex at various locales in and around Rome that included "a villa outside the Italian capital, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlor in the center, and a former university residence that was in use by a provincial Italian archbishop," Gawker reported.


Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican? : Politics : Latinos Post

I think he resigned because he helped to cover up child sex abuse and the evidence is there to accuse him.

That's where you went wrong...:D
maybe the sin is Celibacy - as advocated by the Catholic Church - by their choice of the Bible rather than simple truths and God.

I believe you have worded this wrong. It is rather TRADITION rather than biblical TRUTH. The Roman Catholic church has for years placed church traditions above and to rule over doctrine.

Mary is a perpetual virgin ---- RC TRADITION
Joseph and Mary had relations after the birth of Jesus ----- Biblical TRUTH

Clergy is to be celibate ------ RC TRADITION
Bishops are to be the husband of one wife ----- Biblical TRUTH

Peter is the head of the CHURCH ----- RC TRADITION
JESUS is the chief cornerstone ----- Biblical TRUTH

The Roman Catholic church was the result of the politicalization of Christianity by Roman Authorities which worked towards underminding biblical truth and replace it with reworked "christianized" pagan TRADITIONS. It was not until the Bible was available to the public at large (due to the printing press) that this manipulation was widely exposed and the church of Rome lost its blanket authority...
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sin is sin regardless of who the sinners are and how they prefer to satiate their lusts.

How about we just clean up the problem. Im not Catholic but I have no desire to see anyone sin, especially when they should be preaching and ministering to the people. How can people who sin in this matter possibly bless the people they were called to serve?

The First Estate has done quite well preaching and ministering to the people, if to profit from the misery of the people is sin, that is. Profit in this sense is to gain wealth without labor and to be one of a nation's power elite.
I was raised and confirmed Catholic. The Church is composed of many good and Pius men and women but I no longer identify as Catholic or support the Church for several reasons:

1. There 'policy' on contraception is archaic and absurd, it is violated by most Catholics who are made to feel guilty for engaging in this most common practice. It is largely a product of the church wanting more and more 'faithful' for the larger the population the greater the power.

2. The Bishops engage in political activity yet continue to benefit from tax except status. The Catholic Church own massive amount of property yet never pays property taxes and benefits from municipal services.

3. While I understand the Churches opposition to abortion its policy on contraception conflicts with this moral judgment; it is an example of hypocrisy so common in conservative organizations.

4. As loud have been the bishops on contraceptives, abortion and (some members) on capital punishment's evils, their silence on gun controls is deafening. If they were to be consistent and not hypocrites they would support efforts to mitigate the misery caused by guns.
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I think the catholic church has no problem with misery and even embraces it.

"I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people. "

- Mother Teresa

"Ci vediamo più tardi ventose"

Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican?


Did Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy because of evidence linking him to a gay scandal within the Vatican? The theory might not be as farfetched as it would seem, according to a leaked church report from an Italian newspaper.

Published in La Repubblica, the church's report discusses a network of numerous gay Vatican prelates (high-ranking clergymen) that were being blackmailed by individuals who knew of the "network" and their salacious secret behavior, according to Gawker. The 300-page document reportedly details Vatican officials' meet ups for sex at various locales in and around Rome that included "a villa outside the Italian capital, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlor in the center, and a former university residence that was in use by a provincial Italian archbishop," Gawker reported.


Did Pope Resign Over Links to Gay Sex Scandal at Vatican? : Politics : Latinos Post

I think he resigned because he helped to cover up child sex abuse and the evidence is there to accuse him.

That's where you went wrong...:D

She looks to be closer to the Truth than you, tho. These scandals are about the Cover-Up rather than the abusing priests...they should have been gone the FIRST time they abused someone. They were not, they were protected by the Church Hierarchy and moved to new, unsuspecting parishes. The Church Hierarchy did that.

Pope contender blames Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on gay priests

Friday, February 22, 2013

Washington: A frontrunner to succeed Pope Benedict XVI has raised suggestions that gay priests are partly to blame for the sex abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church.

According to Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, homosexuality, which he termed as ‘cultural taboo’, is against the faith and the mission of the Church, which is the reason why homosexual priests are responsible for the Church’s sex abuse scandal, Huffington Post reports.

Insisting that homosexuality has not gained the same ground in Africa as in Europe, Turkson said that in several cultures in Africa, homosexuality, or any affair between two sexes of the same kind are not countenanced in their society as African traditional systems tend to protect its population against this tendency.


Pope contender blames Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on gay priests

Is no one talking about this?

Report: Pennsylvania priests molested over 1,000 children
The "real number" of abused children might be in the thousands since some secret church records were lost, and victims were afraid to come forward, the grand jury said.

"Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing. They hid it all," Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference in Harrisburg.
Over 5 years later and new revelations are coming out. Now it’s thousands of people molested. Think about how hooked people are to their religions they were born into. So obvious the Catholic Church is unholy. And they were the first. Maybe that should tell people the entire religion of Christianity might be made up by unholy gentiles who invented a spinoff of jeodaoism. Very easy to join. Believe and dunk.

And how is is catholic priest pedophiles isn’t even news anymore?

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