Category 5 Storm Coming Hillary’s Way

The United States obviously knows that it is big enough to get a few of its embassies blown and big enough to blow the cover of a few of its own spies, with no consequence at all. This is a fact. So what does it matter what someone says on some hearing or another? Do you want in on the game? Then surround yourself with an army of investigative journalists to buy time before they shoot you. Hehehe.
The only cat5 storm coming LOSERTERIAN is the one where the DEMOCRATS take back the presidency and senate!
To Matthew: Is that a Freudian slip? They already have the presidency, asshole. Reclaiming the Senate is a Democrat pipe dream fading away faster than Hillary Clinton can lie.

Hillary lying is a given. There is no point in going over her lies again and again. Presumably, she will NOT take the stand at a trial and run the risk of lying when it involves perjury. (Alger Hiss went to prison for perjury.)

I do want to mention two pieces of Hillary’s misdirection.

1. Hillary talks about 55,000 PAGES in order to gloss over the 20,000=plus EMAILS she did not release.

"I've released more than 55,000 pages of my emails for the public to read for themselves," she said, adding "I will continue to be as forthcoming as I can."​

2. Hillary dropped “SECURITY INQUIRY” after FBI director, James Comey, blew it out of the water:

But when asked Wednesday by Fox News about Clinton's characterization of the bureau's probe, FBI Director James Comey said he doesn’t know what "security inquiry" means -- adding, “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.”

The FBI director reiterated that he’s “not familiar with the term security inquiry” when told that is the phrase Clinton has used.​

Comey rebuffs Clinton claim FBI only conducting ‘security inquiry’ on emails
Published May 11, 2016

Comey rebuffs Clinton claim FBI only conducting ‘security inquiry’ on emails | Fox News

“REVIEW” is Hillary’s replacement for “SECURITY INQUIRY”. Notice that Hillary refers to the FBI as “the department”:

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said that she was "eager" to meet with officials handling the case, and said that she was pleased to "assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion."​

Chuck Todd grills Hillary Clinton over her meeting with the FBI
Bryan Logan

Chuck Todd grills Hillary Clinton over her meeting with the FBI
People are sick of you small anti-government fuckers.
To Matthew: Productive people are anti-BIG GOVERNMENT. They are sick of parasites.

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