Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
This is what it looks like;

It's called fire ... even your ancestors knew about it.

It'll grow back...nature cleanses itself. Fire is a way to do that. Do you think we did not have massive fires which spanned continents in the past? Do you think the savages in Australia of antiquity didn't experience the same thing?
Why does one road have painted lines on the side of the road and the other doesn't?
Why does one road have painted lines on the side of the road and the other doesn't?
Probably because the fire was so hot it melted portions of the road.

Leaving not trace of paint, except the untouched paint lines in the center? Yes, that's believable.
The white line in the middle of the road is missing in parts of the road post-fire as well. I suppose you could believe that a massive fire would leave a road in its pristine and undisturbed condition...yeah that is equally believable.

Roads are melting during hottest heatwave in Australian history

Of course who knows when the picture on the left was taken. It might have been taken in 1975.
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My god, if we had timely abandoned the Industrial Revolution, it would be TWO FUCKING DEGREES cooler in Australia now! Of course, no one would live there...
This is what it looks like;


Your post is worthless without a link and background information.

Meanwhile I see that you have quickly run away on me on a couple fire threads, how come?
Stupid little liar, I don't have time to educate every nitwit I come across on these boards;

Australia’s fires have pumped out more emissions than 100 nations combined

You hostily write,

Stupid little liar, I don't have time to educate every nitwit I come across on these boards;

It was YOUR thread I commented in, YOU quickly vanished by the next day January 4, after a few people destroyed your dumb video, with their observant comments. It must be the beatings you got in that thread caused you to stay away. You were flailing away, straying off topic in the process.

Here are MY three fact based replies in YOUR
A tipping point in Australia

Post 42 a reply to YOUR post one gibberish;

Post 107 a reply to Rightwinger

Post 111 a reply to CrusaderFrank

Here is the Rainfall chart from BOM that makes clear it has been getting a lot WETTER in Australia in the last 50 years, climate change my ass!




Your post ONE is worthless, STILL without a link and background information.

Maybe it is PHOTOSHOPPED as some suspect......
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