Cat chewing plastic


Feb 14, 2011
My cat is staring at me right now, saying "If you don't feed me, I will chew on this plastic."

It's seriously like a threat. You can see it in his attitude.

"I'm gonna do it. I mean it. I really will."

And then he does it and says, "Ha! And I'll do it again."

I could feed him but it's so cute to watch him threaten me.

p.s., he's really not starving. and yes, I'm going to go feed him now before he actually swallows any plastic bits. ( :
I would shoot him with a super soaker. It makes them jump lively, and wipes that stupid look right off that face.

:evil: :evil: :evil:


It is evil, but more humane then bottle rockets and fire crackers.

Yes, a spray bottle is what I use, until they are trained. It doesn't hurt, but they don't want the shock, again, and they learn quickly, and then all I have to do, is call her name, she looks at me, and I simply hold the short bottle up where she can see it and she stops anything she is doing....:lol:
My cat is staring at me right now, saying "If you don't feed me, I will chew on this plastic."

It's seriously like a threat. You can see it in his attitude.

"I'm gonna do it. I mean it. I really will."

And then he does it and says, "Ha! And I'll do it again."

I could feed him but it's so cute to watch him threaten me.

p.s., he's really not starving. and yes, I'm goingto go feed him now before he actually swallows any plastic bits. ( :

My cat does this too. He usually finds some to eat then hurls it all up all over the floor. After he's decided he doesn't like the dinner that was fed to him. :rolleyes:

Yes, a spray bottle is what I use, until they are trained. It doesn't hurt, but they don't want the shock, again, and they learn quickly, and then all I have to do, is call her name, she looks at me, and I simply hold the short bottle up where she can see it and she stops anything she is doing....:lol:

We use a spray bottle on the new dog. Works like a charm. If he's outside annoyingly barking at the neighbor's or their dog? We just call his name and hold up the bottle. He stops, pronto. :lol:
I would shoot him with a super soaker. It makes them jump lively, and wipes that stupid look right off that face.

That depends on the cat.

[ame=]Crazy Cat Loves Water Run On His Head To Get Drink - YouTube[/ame]

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