Castle's Loss in DE Is Not About Tea Party's Policies Being Accepted By America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Mike Castle's loss in the Republican Senate primary in Delaware is not about how Tea Party policies are catching on in America rather about how Non-Tea Party campaigns like Mr. Castles have to be run in a fully aggressive and high quality manner. This writer is from the greater Philadelphia and it seemed Christine O'Donnell had a much stronger TV and Radio commercial campaign than Mr. Castle and even in Mr. Castle's commercials the only really strong campaign plank he communicated was that if he was elected senator he would cut spending. Mr. Castle was rather mute in his commercials on issues like rising health care costs, illegal immigration and high unemployment - issues people really care about; Mr. Castles campaign staff didn't really generate passion and excitement for their candidate.

The national Republican party should learn an obvious lesson from this DE primary which is that the Republican National Party should mandate that for state primaries the Republican Party must open up their primaries to independent voters. In this years Republican senate primary in DE there was a total of 58,000 votes so approvximately one-third of registered republicans voted in the primary a respectable turn out. Nevertheless, 58,000 votes is not a lot of voters and if one considers that there can be political movements like the tea party movement which has a lot of excitement, sexiness, hippness to it which can merely by focusing its attention on a state generate a lot of voter support and ten to twenty thousand voters support is not that hard and that is all that is needed to make a difference. If Delaware Republicans allowed Independents to vote in their primary that would have opened up a potential voter block of 146,000 voters and if a third (the same percentage of registered republican voters that voted) actually voted in the primary that would have been an additional 48,000 voters, surely Mr. Castle would have made up the 3600 votes he would have needed to win the primary!

What is also an important lesson to learn from this election is there is a certain percentage of citizens in America that are irrational, their judgment is really poor, I am referring to Tea Party voters in DE that voted in the Republican senate primary. This is said because even if a person believed that the Federal government needed to cut the budget irregardless of the consequences and lower taxes irregardless of the consequences and all the other purist conservative values the tea party espouses and even if that person believed Ms. O'Donnell fully supported all these values how could such a person vote for Ms. O'Donnell with all her ethical lapses even if only one of the significant allegations is true she doesn't have the character to be a U.S. Senator and look at her demeanor and the way she carries herself she doesn't have the stature to be a U.S. senator, senators have an elder, wise and serious persona about them which Ms. O'Donnell clearly lacks, it is indefensible a person voting for Ms. O'Donnell. The lesson I think good Republican leaders in America need to garnish from this development is that in future elections as long as the Tea Party is a significant force the leaders behind good Republican candidate campaigns have to plan on getting a higher threshold of voters than they would in the past these campaigns will have to plan on getting vote numbers to make up for the irrational tea party voter block.
What is also an important lesson to learn from this election is there is a certain percentage of citizens in America that are irrational, their judgment is really poor, I am referring to Tea Party voters in DE that voted in the Republican senate primary....even if that person believed Ms. O'Donnell fully supported all these values how could such a person vote for Ms. O'Donnell with all her ethical lapses even if only one of the significant allegations is true she doesn't have the character to be a U.S. Senator and look at her demeanor and the way she carries herself she doesn't have the stature to be a U.S. senator, senators have an elder, wise and serious persona about them which Ms. O'Donnell clearly lacks....

The DNC just called...They said that your elitist snob insider clique credentials were sent out via FedEx today. :rolleyes:
A year ago the TPM was so small that it could make no difference in any election... The TPM was a few thousand nut jobs at best.

Now why would I trust someone that said a year ago that the TPM was insignificant when we all knew they (you) were wrong? What makes people like the author of that fictional story and you ( the OPer) credible when you seem to get it wrong so much?

Failed policies of Big Government brought to us by Bush and Obama have failed... You will be laughed at throughout history, so just be happy in that you made the history books as it seemed very important to you during the elections!
I don't like Christine O'Donnell's stance on the War but WTF Mike is like 70% Liberal sellout... Good for them pushing that noob out.
What is also an important lesson to learn from this election is there is a certain percentage of citizens in America that are irrational, their judgment is really poor, I am referring to Tea Party voters in DE that voted in the Republican senate primary....even if that person believed Ms. O'Donnell fully supported all these values how could such a person vote for Ms. O'Donnell with all her ethical lapses even if only one of the significant allegations is true she doesn't have the character to be a U.S. Senator and look at her demeanor and the way she carries herself she doesn't have the stature to be a U.S. senator, senators have an elder, wise and serious persona about them which Ms. O'Donnell clearly lacks....

The DNC just called...They said that your elitist snob insider clique credentials were sent out via FedEx today. :rolleyes:

No, they used the USPS because they hate the "filthy capitalists" at Fed Ex.
Could it be that the "America of 'Change'" is reversing, although, the damage is beyond what the average schmuck like myself and others will ever be able to repair in our lifetimes.

But, cheer up, those in charge will be just fine, and have made billions, so we won't lose our lamentable "Leadership".
What is also an important lesson to learn from this election is there is a certain percentage of citizens in America that are irrational, their judgment is really poor, I am referring to Tea Party voters in DE that voted in the Republican senate primary....even if that person believed Ms. O'Donnell fully supported all these values how could such a person vote for Ms. O'Donnell with all her ethical lapses even if only one of the significant allegations is true she doesn't have the character to be a U.S. Senator and look at her demeanor and the way she carries herself she doesn't have the stature to be a U.S. senator, senators have an elder, wise and serious persona about them which Ms. O'Donnell clearly lacks....
The DNC just called...They said that your elitist snob insider clique credentials were sent out via FedEx today. :rolleyes:

No, they used the USPS because they hate the "filthy capitalists" at Fed Ex.

Go Union!
Castle's Loss in DE Is Not About Tea Party's Policies Being Accepted By America!
That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans.

Simply put. Govern and run on the principles we stand for, or we will toss you ass out of office, and we could give a damn if that means republicans don't get their Precious Majorities.

The time has come to stop voting for the lesser evil and stand on principles.
You're actually arguing that a man who has served as their congressman for nearly two decades and has tons of name recognition, lost only because she had more advertisements?


If we were talking about an unknown here. You might be right. But the fact that he is so well known and has such a well known record should tell you there is more to this.

Ted Kennedy killed someone and was able to stay in the Senate for decades. Senator Byrd was a KKK leader and likewise stayed in the Senate for decades. I highly doubt Ms. O'Donnell has done anything nearly close to those levels.

As for opening Independents up to the primaries. Hello no! Republicans need to be picking the Republican nominee. They had open primaries in the early Presidential primaries and we got stuck with McCain.
The republican party, and Karl Rove can quite literally go straight to hell. It's a rare day that grass roots populism wins out over the elitist status quo.
mike castle's loss in the republican senate primary in delaware is not about how tea party policies are catching on in america rather about how non-tea party campaigns like mr. Castles have to be run in a fully aggressive and high quality manner. This writer is from the greater philadelphia and it seemed christine o'donnell had a much stronger tv and radio commercial campaign than mr. Castle and even in mr. Castle's commercials the only really strong campaign plank he communicated was that if he was elected senator he would cut spending. Mr. Castle was rather mute in his commercials on issues like rising health care costs, illegal immigration and high unemployment - issues people really care about; mr. Castles campaign staff didn't really generate passion and excitement for their candidate.

The national republican party should learn an obvious lesson from this de primary which is that the republican national party should mandate that for state primaries the republican party must open up their primaries to independent voters. In this years republican senate primary in de there was a total of 58,000 votes so approvximately one-third of registered republicans voted in the primary a respectable turn out. Nevertheless, 58,000 votes is not a lot of voters and if one considers that there can be political movements like the tea party movement which has a lot of excitement, sexiness, hippness to it which can merely by focusing its attention on a state generate a lot of voter support and ten to twenty thousand voters support is not that hard and that is all that is needed to make a difference. If delaware republicans allowed independents to vote in their primary that would have opened up a potential voter block of 146,000 voters and if a third (the same percentage of registered republican voters that voted) actually voted in the primary that would have been an additional 48,000 voters, surely mr. Castle would have made up the 3600 votes he would have needed to win the primary!

What is also an important lesson to learn from this election is there is a certain percentage of citizens in america that are irrational, their judgment is really poor, i am referring to tea party voters in de that voted in the republican senate primary. This is said because even if a person believed that the federal government needed to cut the budget irregardless of the consequences and lower taxes irregardless of the consequences and all the other purist conservative values the tea party espouses and even if that person believed ms. O'donnell fully supported all these values how could such a person vote for ms. O'donnell with all her ethical lapses even if only one of the significant allegations is true she doesn't have the character to be a u.s. Senator and look at her demeanor and the way she carries herself she doesn't have the stature to be a u.s. Senator, senators have an elder, wise and serious persona about them which ms. O'donnell clearly lacks, it is indefensible a person voting for ms. O'donnell. The lesson i think good republican leaders in america need to garnish from this development is that in future elections as long as the tea party is a significant force the leaders behind good republican candidate campaigns have to plan on getting a higher threshold of voters than they would in the past these campaigns will have to plan on getting vote numbers to make up for the irrational tea party voter block.

even if she wins the general in a tiny state like that it won't be, but as was mentioned they are not to be ignored.
So the OP is claiming that Castle lost by showing that his opponent was a Christofacist? Interesting that the states only congressional representative was able to win so many statewide elections, in a moderate to liberal state, only to get taken out by a failure of a talk radio hostess, who has some extremist and bone stupid notions about everything from evolution to AIDS.

Nope, Castle was taken out for the fact that he's a centrist, who actually reflected his constituents values. The pitchfork yielding mobs took him down, and replaced him with a certified nut job, because she tells the rubes what they want to hear.
Thanks liberal elitist journalist. Just what I want you to think up until November 3, 2010. Keep discounting Palin too.
Castle's Loss in DE Is Not About Tea Party's Policies Being Accepted By America!
That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans.

Simply put. Govern and run on the principles we stand for, or we will toss you ass out of office, and we could give a damn if that means republicans don't get their Precious Majorities.

The time has come to stop voting for the lesser evil and stand on principles.

"That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans. . "

who want to restore traditional values and morals to America
making divorce harder to get
demonizing sex outside of marriage
recognize that gays ARE perverts and sodomy laws should be reinstated and enforced
demonize masturbation
return god to our schoos
litigate the 10 commandments
teach creation in schools (until we can ban evolution)
and make stronger and more draconian anti-pot laws...

pardon me....
but did you say something about limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans?
Castle's Loss in DE Is Not About Tea Party's Policies Being Accepted By America!
That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans.

Simply put. Govern and run on the principles we stand for, or we will toss you ass out of office, and we could give a damn if that means republicans don't get their Precious Majorities.

The time has come to stop voting for the lesser evil and stand on principles.

"That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans. . "

who want to restore traditional values and morals to America
making divorce harder to get
demonizing sex outside of marriage
recognize that gays ARE perverts and sodomy laws should be reinstated and enforced
demonize masturbation
return god to our schoos
litigate the 10 commandments
teach creation in schools (until we can ban evolution)
and make stronger and more draconian anti-pot laws...

pardon me....
but did you say something about limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans?

What is the matter? Evil Progressive Empire having a problem? Nothing on your list is harmful to society. It would be nice if it was not considered an enfringement on individual liberties.
Thanks liberal elitist journalist. Just what I want you to think up until November 3, 2010. Keep discounting Palin too.

One upside to consider if batshit O'Donnell were to win, is it might inspire the teabaggers to pull out all the stops and nominate Palin in 2012. The gift that keeps on giving.
That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans.

Simply put. Govern and run on the principles we stand for, or we will toss you ass out of office, and we could give a damn if that means republicans don't get their Precious Majorities.

The time has come to stop voting for the lesser evil and stand on principles.

"That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans. . "

who want to restore traditional values and morals to America
making divorce harder to get
demonizing sex outside of marriage
recognize that gays ARE perverts and sodomy laws should be reinstated and enforced
demonize masturbation
return god to our schoos
litigate the 10 commandments
teach creation in schools (until we can ban evolution)
and make stronger and more draconian anti-pot laws...

pardon me....
but did you say something about limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans?

What is the matter? Evil Progressive Empire having a problem? Nothing on your list is harmful to society. It would be nice if it was not considered an enfringement on individual liberties.

actually quite a lot on that list is harmfull to society

it is harmful when people are forced to stay in bad marriages

most of the 10 coomandments are unconstitutional and would DENY CITIZENS of their religious liberties

sex outside of marriage (before marriage, anyway) is FINE...and HEALTHY
brainwashing people to be afarid of sex before marriage is repression and unhealthy

public schools should NOT be in the christian/god indoctrination business...

gays are NOT pervets and should NOT be criminalized (surely even YOU can see that criminalizing homosexuality would be HARMFUL to gays?)

pot should be legal....pot is less dangerous than alcohol...

why do you hate freedom so much?

why do you feel the need to tell everyone how to live?
Last edited:
"That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from That is yet to be seen, What it is about is a loud and clear message to the Republican party from limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans. . "

who want to restore traditional values and morals to America
making divorce harder to get
demonizing sex outside of marriage
recognize that gays ARE perverts and sodomy laws should be reinstated and enforced
demonize masturbation
return god to our schoos
litigate the 10 commandments
teach creation in schools (until we can ban evolution)
and make stronger and more draconian anti-pot laws...

pardon me....
but did you say something about limited Government, Fiscal Conservative, Constitutionalists Americans?

What is the matter? Evil Progressive Empire having a problem? Nothing on your list is harmful to society. It would be nice if it was not considered an enfringement on individual liberties.

actually quite a lot on that list is harmfull to society

it is harmful when people are forced to stay in bad marriages

most of the 10 coomandments are unconstitutional and would DENY CITIZENS of their religious liberties

sex outside of marriage (before marriage, anyway) is FINE...and HEALTHY
brainwashing people to be afarid of sex before marriage is repression and unhealthy

public schools should NOT be in the christian/god indoctrination business...

gays are NOT pervets and should NOT be criminalized (surely even YOU can see that criminalizing homosexuality would be HARMFUL to gays?)

pot should be legal....pot is less dangerous than alcohol...

why do you hate freedom so much?

why do you feel the need to tell everyone how to live?

Our society is in worse shape today than ever. We have walked away from the moral fiber we once had.
What is the matter? Evil Progressive Empire having a problem? Nothing on your list is harmful to society. It would be nice if it was not considered an enfringement on individual liberties.

actually quite a lot on that list is harmfull to society

it is harmful when people are forced to stay in bad marriages

most of the 10 coomandments are unconstitutional and would DENY CITIZENS of their religious liberties

sex outside of marriage (before marriage, anyway) is FINE...and HEALTHY
brainwashing people to be afarid of sex before marriage is repression and unhealthy

public schools should NOT be in the christian/god indoctrination business...

gays are NOT pervets and should NOT be criminalized (surely even YOU can see that criminalizing homosexuality would be HARMFUL to gays?)

pot should be legal....pot is less dangerous than alcohol...

why do you hate freedom so much?

why do you feel the need to tell everyone how to live?

Our society is in worse shape today than ever. We have walked away from the moral fiber we once had.

What moral fiber was that? Offering bounties for Indian scalps? Jim Crow apartheid? Arresting gays for dancing with same sex couples? Child labor?

Nope, we're a more moral society today because we reached the next plateau of intellectual honesty and are more in line with our founders thoughts of equality for all.
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