Cash only for healthcare.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Doctor Lee Hieb
on Stossel yesterday suggested that we need cash only healthcare. Will she take a chicken if you don’t have cash? How can most people that live pay check to pay check pay cash for healthcare. $40 used to be the going cash price for a routine office visit. Then a lab test, a prescription, a medical procedure, medical supply. If is impossible for a doctor to practice cash only medical care without Government assistance payments. $40 a visit would not began to pay for office space and it still would not eliminate paper work. She said she has 5 people just to do paper work? She is Obama bashing extreme.

Americans cannot afford to pay cash for medical care and doctor cannot afford to provide medical on a cash only basis:eusa_hand:
Case on point: I had a bladder infection that cost me two urgent care visits, one office visit, one ER visit, four antibiotics ending with a 10 day infusion of an antibiotic. All this over a six week period. Paying cash for this would be an impossibility for any middle class worker. Americans are have trouble paying premiums, co-payments, deductions required with their private healthcare plan. That not affordable healthcare. That criminal. Doctors are charging Medical and Medicaid as much as $ 350 for a routine 10 minute office visit.

If cash only for medical care was so cost effective why aren’t the wealthy dropping their healthcare plans and congress opting out of their Government healthcare plan for cash only medical care plan. Did Cheney pay cash for his heart transplant? Oh, yes the doctor say we should only have medical coverage for major illnesses. WTF?. Now she want us to pay cash and them pay a premium for a plan that provide long term major illness. Am I missing something?

Obamacare is cost effective affordable healthcare if we just gave it a chance. If is was called Romneycare instead of Obamacare it would be acceptable.

Dr. Lee Hieb could not practice medicine on a cash only basis. So shut the fuck up and go on taking private healthcare plans that pay more than Obamacare for a routine office visit. By the way her plans is call the three “C's” Cash, charity catastrophic healthcare. Wake the f*** up lady.
Stossel have you dropped your private healthcare plan and offer your doctor, it you can find one, cash only for healthcare? I didn't think so.
How many doctors would practice medicine on a cash only basic? LMAO

The major reason docotors oppose Obamacare is because it would not pay $350 for a routine office visit.
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$40 a visit would not began to pay for ]office space and it still would not eliminate paper work.

In a free enterprise system the costs would be 75% less at least. If costs are half in socialist europe imagine what they would be in a capitalist America.

Remember how expensive everything was in socialist Red China? They switched to capitalism and now everyone can afford everything whereas before they used to starve to death, literally. It is another Republican miracle.
Doctor Lee Hieb
on Stossel yesterday suggested that we need cash only healthcare. Will she take a chicken if you don’t have cash? How can most people that live pay check to pay check pay cash for healthcare. $40 used to be the going cash price for a routine office visit. Then a lab test, a prescription, a medical procedure, medical supply. If is impossible for a doctor to practice cash only medical care without Government assistance payments. $40 a visit would not began to pay for office space and it still would not eliminate paper work. She said she has 5 people just to do paper work? She is Obama bashing extreme.

Americans cannot afford to pay cash for medical care and doctor cannot afford to provide medical on a cash only basis:eusa_hand:
Case on point: I had a bladder infection that cost me two urgent care visits, one office visit, one ER visit, four antibiotics ending with a 10 day infusion of an antibiotic. All this over a six week period. Paying cash for this would be an impossibility for any middle class worker. Americans are have trouble paying premiums, co-payments, deductions required with their private healthcare plan. That not affordable healthcare. That criminal. Doctors are charging Medical and Medicaid as much as $ 350 for a routine 10 minute office visit.

If cash only for medical care was so cost effective why aren’t the wealthy dropping their healthcare plans and congress opting out of their Government healthcare plan for cash only medical care plan. Did Cheney pay cash for his heart transplant? Oh, yes the doctor say we should only have medical coverage for major illnesses. WTF?. Now she want us to pay cash and them pay a premium for a plan that provide long term major illness. Am I missing something?

Obamacare is cost effective affordable healthcare if we just gave it a chance. If is was called Romneycare instead of Obamacare it would be acceptable.

Dr. Lee Hieb could not practice medicine on a cash only basis. So shut the fuck up and go on taking private healthcare plans that pay more than Obamacare for a routine office visit. By the way her plans is call the three “C's” Cash, charity catastrophic healthcare. Wake the f*** up lady.
Stossel have you dropped your private healthcare plan and offer your doctor, it you can find one, cash only for healthcare? I didn't think so.
How many doctors would practice medicine on a cash only basic? LMAO

The major reason docotors oppose Obamacare is because it would not pay $350 for a routine office visit.

Cash only for routine medical; mandated insurance for catastrophic only. Direct tax credits could be given to those who are truly unable to pay.

Our entire medical system is a joke. It's so screwed up and it's so big that nobody has a clue what is happening. I can't get insurance except through the high risk pool because of a pre-existing condition. I have cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis. But here's the deal; the cirrhosis is in the very early stages (I've had it for at least six to ten years), and there are no signs that it is getting worse, because I don't drink alcohol, I eat healthy, I exercise, and the cause of my cirrhosis, iron, has been removed. My BP is 110/65, glucose is 94, and I have a resting heart rate of 45. I'm 49 years old, I have under 18% body fat and I'm in better health than 95% of Americans my age, but I can't get health insurance.

As for the high risk plan I have through an insurance company here in Ohio, they are making a killing off of me, because all they pay for are a couple of doctor visits per year. The rest is all profit. Now, obviously, I'm subsidizing others, which is okay by me, at least to a point, but none the less, our system is a messed up joke, and the joke is on us.
$40 a visit would not began to pay for ]office space and it still would not eliminate paper work.

In a free enterprise system the costs would be 75% less at least. If costs are half in socialist europe imagine what they would be in a capitalist America.

Yes just like how privatization was going to lower medicare costs, oh wait it raised costs, same with medicare part D. Furthermore countries with more capitalist oreitned systems have higher costs and lower health outcomes Ameircan Switzerland and Singapore are both good examples so like always everything you say is contrary to reality
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Insurance is always serves as security and assurance for all kind of uncertainty that has to be happened to us.Health care is the basic chase of all citizen in the country.
The most important thing which is to be considered here is that, nowadays medicinal practitioners are becoming more like a business man than that of a regular doctor. They don't care for the patient, they don't care for the recovery, but all the thing they want is to get their bills paid by the patient on time. This is the reason that people have started treating themselves rather than to visit a doctor and this also one of the reason that people make their health insurance done to "prevent" themselves from extra expenses.
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I've advocated cash only medical care for routine procedures for years. Insurance should be for catastrophic illness and injuries.
The problem is, most of us don't pay for our medical care. Hell, we don't even see the bills. If we paid $1,000 out of our pocket to visit the ER for a tummy ache, we'd sure as hell bitch and the market would respond.
Employer paid insurance is no longer "insurance" at all. It is a total health care package akin to your auto insurance policy covering pre-existing dents, gas, tires, oil changes and the bag of chips you pick up at the station when you stop for fuel.
We must get back to real health insurance and pay for our own routine maintenance.
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Americans cannot afford to pay cash for medical care and doctor cannot afford to provide medical on a cash only basis:eusa_hand:

You suffer from hyperignorance. Get the government, insurance companies, and jackpot liability out of medical care and you'd see the price drop to 10% of what it is now. A trip to the emergency room need not cost any more than a trip to McDonald's... Consistent and acceptable quality for the masses. If only the government would get out of the way.

The major reason docotors oppose Obamacare is because it would not pay $350 for a routine office visit.

Maybe. But, Obamacare would pay $250 for routine office visits that never happened.
You suffer from hyperignorance. Get the government, insurance companies, and jackpot liability out of medical care and you'd see the price drop to 10% of what it is now. A trip to the emergency room need not cost any more than a trip to McDonald's... Consistent and acceptable quality for the masses. If only the government would get out of the way.

This is so true. The other night I saw the story of physicians assistant in Texas. She was able to open her own medical practice. She could handle 90% of the cases that came in for a few dollars each. No more $125 Emergency Room liberal aspirins

In the 1980's Hungarian cars were still made with a dip stick to check the gas tank fuel level and had to be backed up hills because carburetors were gravity fed. The liberals made competition illegal so Hungarian engineers were positive they were making the best cars possible.
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Doctor Lee Hieb
on Stossel yesterday suggested that we need cash only healthcare. Will she take a chicken if you don’t have cash? How can most people that live pay check to pay check pay cash for healthcare. $40 used to be the going cash price for a routine office visit. Then a lab test, a prescription, a medical procedure, medical supply. If is impossible for a doctor to practice cash only medical care without Government assistance payments. $40 a visit would not began to pay for office space and it still would not eliminate paper work. She said she has 5 people just to do paper work? She is Obama bashing extreme.

Americans cannot afford to pay cash for medical care and doctor cannot afford to provide medical on a cash only basis:eusa_hand:
Case on point: I had a bladder infection that cost me two urgent care visits, one office visit, one ER visit, four antibiotics ending with a 10 day infusion of an antibiotic. All this over a six week period. Paying cash for this would be an impossibility for any middle class worker. Americans are have trouble paying premiums, co-payments, deductions required with their private healthcare plan. That not affordable healthcare. That criminal. Doctors are charging Medical and Medicaid as much as $ 350 for a routine 10 minute office visit.

If cash only for medical care was so cost effective why aren’t the wealthy dropping their healthcare plans and congress opting out of their Government healthcare plan for cash only medical care plan. Did Cheney pay cash for his heart transplant? Oh, yes the doctor say we should only have medical coverage for major illnesses. WTF?. Now she want us to pay cash and them pay a premium for a plan that provide long term major illness. Am I missing something?

Obamacare is cost effective affordable healthcare if we just gave it a chance. If is was called Romneycare instead of Obamacare it would be acceptable.

Dr. Lee Hieb could not practice medicine on a cash only basis. So shut the fuck up and go on taking private healthcare plans that pay more than Obamacare for a routine office visit. By the way her plans is call the three “C's” Cash, charity catastrophic healthcare. Wake the f*** up lady.
Stossel have you dropped your private healthcare plan and offer your doctor, it you can find one, cash only for healthcare? I didn't think so.
How many doctors would practice medicine on a cash only basic? LMAO

The major reason docotors oppose Obamacare is because it would not pay $350 for a routine office visit.

You can't pay, you die. Simple as that to some.

Need stints for a heart blockage? Got 50k cash?
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Doctor Lee Hieb
on Stossel yesterday suggested that we need cash only healthcare. Will she take a chicken if you don’t have cash? How can most people that live pay check to pay check pay cash for healthcare. $40 used to be the going cash price for a routine office visit. Then a lab test, a prescription, a medical procedure, medical supply. If is impossible for a doctor to practice cash only medical care without Government assistance payments. $40 a visit would not began to pay for office space and it still would not eliminate paper work. She said she has 5 people just to do paper work? She is Obama bashing extreme.

Americans cannot afford to pay cash for medical care and doctor cannot afford to provide medical on a cash only basis:eusa_hand:
Case on point: I had a bladder infection that cost me two urgent care visits, one office visit, one ER visit, four antibiotics ending with a 10 day infusion of an antibiotic. All this over a six week period. Paying cash for this would be an impossibility for any middle class worker. Americans are have trouble paying premiums, co-payments, deductions required with their private healthcare plan. That not affordable healthcare. That criminal. Doctors are charging Medical and Medicaid as much as $ 350 for a routine 10 minute office visit.

If cash only for medical care was so cost effective why aren’t the wealthy dropping their healthcare plans and congress opting out of their Government healthcare plan for cash only medical care plan. Did Cheney pay cash for his heart transplant? Oh, yes the doctor say we should only have medical coverage for major illnesses. WTF?. Now she want us to pay cash and them pay a premium for a plan that provide long term major illness. Am I missing something?

Obamacare is cost effective affordable healthcare if we just gave it a chance. If is was called Romneycare instead of Obamacare it would be acceptable.

Dr. Lee Hieb could not practice medicine on a cash only basis. So shut the fuck up and go on taking private healthcare plans that pay more than Obamacare for a routine office visit. By the way her plans is call the three “C's” Cash, charity catastrophic healthcare. Wake the f*** up lady.
Stossel have you dropped your private healthcare plan and offer your doctor, it you can find one, cash only for healthcare? I didn't think so.
How many doctors would practice medicine on a cash only basic? LMAO

The major reason docotors oppose Obamacare is because it would not pay $350 for a routine office visit.

You can't pay, you die. Simple as that to some.

Need stints for a heart blockage? Got 50k cash?

that's what catastrophic coverage is for...
Furthermore countries with more capitalist oreitned systems have higher costs and lower health outcomes Ameircan

actually America isn't capitalist, its extremely socialist. Ever heard of Medicare, Medicare, Schip, VA, insurance regulation?? See why we are positve a liberal will be slow??

What other explanation is possible?
You can't pay, you die. Simple as that to some.

Need stints for a heart blockage? Got 50k cash?

but don't forget that with capitalism costs would about 10% of what they are now.

We just saw it in China. 60 million slowly starved to death under liberalism, then they switched to capitalism, following the Republican example in America, and instantly everyone could afford everything!!
You can't pay, you die. Simple as that to some.

Need stints for a heart blockage? Got 50k cash?

but don't forget that with capitalism costs would about 10% of what they are now.

We just saw it in China. 60 million slowly starved to death under liberalism, then they switched to capitalism, following the Republican example in America, and instantly everyone could afford everything!!

Even the peasants who live out in the boonies and heat their hovels with pig shit?
You can't pay, you die. Simple as that to some.

Need stints for a heart blockage? Got 50k cash?

but don't forget that with capitalism costs would about 10% of what they are now.

We just saw it in China. 60 million slowly starved to death under liberalism, then they switched to capitalism, following the Republican example in America, and instantly everyone could afford everything!!

Even the peasants who live out in the boonies and heat their hovels with pig shit?

dear, was not being literal, obviously, but, the wealth distribution in China thanks to capitalism is nothing short of a miracle, another capitalist miracle.
Remember East/West Germany and all the other examples that liberals have been brainwashed to forget?
I currently pay only $40 cash for doctor visits & usually get free prescriptions. I have never given them my insurance info or card because I have high deductible HSA insurance. That is the doctors set cash price per office visit. Our 2 doctors have recently told us their rates will double once they are forced to connect to the healthcare computer system. My friend who goes to the same doc said her last visit was now $85 cash up from $40.
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but don't forget that with capitalism costs would about 10% of what they are now.

We just saw it in China. 60 million slowly starved to death under liberalism, then they switched to capitalism, following the Republican example in America, and instantly everyone could afford everything!!

Even the peasants who live out in the boonies and heat their hovels with pig shit?

dear, was not being literal, obviously, but, the wealth distribution in China thanks to capitalism is nothing short of a miracle, another capitalist miracle.
Remember East/West Germany and all the other examples that liberals have been brainwashed to forget?

China, like most of the world, has nationalized healthcare.
Even the peasants who live out in the boonies and heat their hovels with pig shit?

dear, was not being literal, obviously, but, the wealth distribution in China thanks to capitalism is nothing short of a miracle, another capitalist miracle.
Remember East/West Germany and all the other examples that liberals have been brainwashed to forget?

China, like most of the world, has nationalized healthcare.

its a huge patchwork actually but we can bet that if it is fully nationalized it will be their least efficient industry, just they way their entire economy was when 60 million were slowly starving to death under liberalism

Simply enough for a liberal?
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