Cash for Clunkers: An exercise in futility

It takes a real Right-Wing Extremist Nutjob to find fault with this MASSIVELY succesful program.

The bottom line is its boosting the economy.

Those Rethuglican dealers complaining about not getting their cash as yet will get it in time, they have no worries.

RW nutjobs would rather see the economy continue to decline instead of get the much needed shot in the arm.

BTW, the majority of the buyers were already wanting to buy, but just needed that incentive.

The plan is a MAJOR succesful.

Only in Right-Wing Nutjob Bizzaro World is down up and up down.


Please explain to me how it is boosting the economy.

And please....PLEASE do not give me that "look at all the cars sold" talking point crap. Any idiot knows that such is meaningless in the overall scheme of things.
It takes a real Right-Wing Extremist Nutjob to find fault with this MASSIVELY succesful program.

The bottom line is its boosting the economy.

Those Rethuglican dealers complaining about not getting their cash as yet will get it in time, they have no worries.

RW nutjobs would rather see the economy continue to decline instead of get the much needed shot in the arm.

BTW, the majority of the buyers were already wanting to buy, but just needed that incentive.

The plan is a MAJOR succesful.

Only in Right-Wing Nutjob Bizzaro World is down up and up down.
Yeah...So "successful" that dealers are now dropping the program in droves because da gubmint isn't paying up.

Only a Kool-Aid mainlining left-wing moonbat considers stiffing its customers as "success".
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dealers were promised a payment from the government in 10 days many have waited 3 weeks and still no money. Yet........ many are willing to turn over 7% of our economy in health care to this????????????? I question the judgement of people who would turn over our health care to a bunch of idiots who can't run a cash for clunkers program efficiently.
Its has boosted the sales of new, more fuel efficient cars. Many who would have purchased used vehicles bought new instead because of this program.

The cars are being distroyed to remove them from the used market. They are the most inefficient fuel guzzlers and now they will be scrap metal for sale instead of chugging away on the streets for years to come.

Car manufacturers, sales and the scrap metal market is boosted by this program. The number one selling vehicle is the Ford Focus. I have two of these cars and they are a great little car.

This program is a success no matter how many cons want to pretend it isnt.
Its has boosted the sales of new, more fuel efficient cars. Many who would have purchased used vehicles bought new instead because of this program.

The cars are being distroyed to remove them from the used market. They are the most inefficient fuel guzzlers and now they will be scrap metal for sale instead of chugging away on the streets for years to come.

Car manufacturers, sales and the scrap metal market is boosted by this program. The number one selling vehicle is the Ford Focus. I have two of these cars and they are a great little car.

This program is a success no matter how many cons want to pretend it isnt.
How much fuel is being used meltingdown those "clunkers", that wouldn'tve been expended for years and years??

Ever heard of the metal smelter that didn't use fossil fuels??

Dude, get real fella.

It would be melting them down at some point anyway.

They are used instead of digging up MORE out of the earth.

Why is it you people cant think things all the way through?
Cash for clunkers is one big government oil-loving diaper subsidized by fellow Americans who don't need or want their butt wiped by big government. When it comes to government, the less "Depends" the better.

I see nothing constitutional about it.
Cash for clunkers is one big government oil-loving diaper subsidized by fellow Americans who don't need or want their butt wiped by big government. When it comes to government, the less "Depends" the better.

I see nothing constitutional about it.

Oil loving?

man are you confused
Dude, get real fella.

It would be melting them down at some point anyway.

They are used instead of digging up MORE out of the earth.

Why is it you people cant think things all the way through?
"You people"??!?!?!?!?!????

You're the one who isn't thinking this through and needs to get real.

As I asked earlier, where do you think the money and resources are coming from, the Tooth Fairy??
From the people.

Its called stimulus and every sane economist will tell we would be truely fucked without the stimulus right now.
Cash for clunkers is one big government oil-loving diaper subsidized by fellow Americans who don't need or want their butt wiped by big government. When it comes to government, the less "Depends" the better.

I see nothing constitutional about it.

Oil loving?

man are you confused

I am not confused about anything. The government is borrowing more money to take this Republic into deeper debt, and subsidizing car purchases for people, because the American people as a whole love their big nanny state butt wiping government.

Most of the cars on the road today run on oil. This Republic is dependent on oil, because big government has wanted it that way for decades.
From the people.

Its called stimulus and every sane economist will tell we would be truely fucked without the stimulus right now.

What a load of garbage. How sane is it to continue spending and continue to borrow money so you can keep trying to spend your way out of debt? That is what the leadership of this nation is doing. Nothing sane about it at all.
If people want a new(er) car, they can pay for it themselves. It is not the place of government to wipe their butt with this bait and switch crap. If a person can't afford a new(er) car, that is not my problem. Life is tough. Wear a helmet.
True the tooth fairy's budget is a little too small for a $3 billion program. But if such a program results in things like lower demand for gasoline, a diminished dependency on "foriegn oil," and better environmental quality you and I benefit as well even if we dont receive the $4500 subsidy.

Really? You believe this? This program had NOTHING to do with the environment and everything to do with trying to boost sales for GM and Chrysler. As to the lower demand for gasoline.. if that happens be ready to pay higher gasoline taxes to make up the federal budget difference.

When I first heard about this program I assumed that the cars you could buy were limited to GM and Chrysler stock. Even though I can't figure out that borrowing money from China (or was this money that was just printed?) for this program is a good thing, I thought 'ok, they're trying to help out all the dealers who got shut down by helping to get their inventories sold off'. That was my rationalization anyway. Then I heard that Toyota and Fords were the biggest sellers and was just . . . even more perplexed.

And why is it taking so long for uncle to get the money to the dealers? This is the same government that whipped out a mega-billion dollar stimulus (cough, cough) package over night and yet . . . . dealers are having to be out all this money cause uncle can't even do this efficiently? So uncle underestimated and underfunded the program to begin with and getting the money back to the dealers is taking forever. And these are the same people who want to run health care? :cuckoo:

A vast majority of that stimulus still hasn't been spent. It takes a lot of bureaucrats to spend that money, which require money to spend the money. Get the point....efficiency at its best:cuckoo:
It takes a real Right-Wing Extremist Nutjob to find fault with this MASSIVELY succesful program.

The bottom line is its boosting the economy.

Those Rethuglican dealers complaining about not getting their cash as yet will get it in time, they have no worries.

RW nutjobs would rather see the economy continue to decline instead of get the much needed shot in the arm.

BTW, the majority of the buyers were already wanting to buy, but just needed that incentive.

The plan is a MAJOR succesful.

Only in Right-Wing Nutjob Bizzaro World
is down up and up down.


Yet the majority of the country is against further funding for the program. I guess they are all right wing nut jobs.....

Nut job

NY dealers pull out of clunkers program

NY dealers pull out of clunkers program
Aug 19 02:00 PM US/Eastern

AP Auto Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government's Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government, a dealership group said Wednesday.
The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, which represents dealerships in the New York metro area, said about half its 425 members have left the program because they cannot afford to offer more rebates. They're also worried about getting repaid...


Schienberg said the group's dealers have been repaid for only about 2 percent of the clunkers deals they've made so far.

Many dealers have said they are worried they won't get repaid at all, while others have waited so long to get reimbursed they don't have the cash to fund any more rebates, Schienberg said...
Its has boosted the sales of new, more fuel efficient cars. Many who would have purchased used vehicles bought new instead because of this program.

The cars are being distroyed to remove them from the used market. They are the most inefficient fuel guzzlers and now they will be scrap metal for sale instead of chugging away on the streets for years to come.

Car manufacturers, sales and the scrap metal market is boosted by this program. The number one selling vehicle is the Ford Focus. I have two of these cars and they are a great little car.

This program is a success no matter how many cons want to pretend it isnt.

Yo...wake up, have your diaper changed, and then smell the coffee.

Number one.....Ford Focus was the number one AMERICAN made car that was sold during this farce of a program....not the number one car. It barely cracked the top 10...and was the ONLY American car in the top ten.

Number two.....Exactly what person who would normally buy a used car by trading in a used car could afford to buy a new car during a recession? Ya need either lots of cash or solid credit to buy a new car...even WITH the 4500 trade in. Anyone who got a new car through this program was not looking for a used car.

Number three....anyone who bought a car during this program, would have bought it WITHOUT the program....but would have bought them over the next several months...Instead, it was all crammed inot one month.

Finally...and as I said yesterday....stimulus MUST nclude growth or it is simply maintaining the staus quo of which will decline when the stimulus dries up.


If I knock down a house that is structurally sound and in great shape....and rebuild it using tax payer money...I will have created dozens of jobs...those that knock down the house and those that build the new house...I would have created plenty of sales of construction would INCREASE the "new homes built" number....but created exactly ZERO growth.

So think about it...I know it is early..but try to apply logic here:


So....a year from now, people are still unemployed, there is no demand for materials, there is no increase in home inventory....BUT ON PAPAR OBAMA SAYS......LOOKY WHAT I DID WITH THE STIMULUS MONEY!

Why do you think he wants another stimulus? So he can fool morons like you that do not see the forest through the trees.

By the way...why not simply knopck down ALL of the houses in AMerica and rebuild them. THTA would keep EVERYONE employed for years?

It is a charade and you are debating in favor of it...and too naive to see what it is REALLY all about.

Obama counts on people being as naive as you are.
Cash for Clunkers Chugs to a Halt - BusinessWeek

The popular cash-for-clunkers government program, which gave U.S. consumers discounts of up to $4,500 for a new-vehicle purchase, will end Monday, Aug. 24, at 8 p.m. After that, dealers are not permitted to make any more sales of cars with clunker rebates.

Another failed attempt by the shit stain. Now the car companies are owed and in debt to the government. Great Job helping them out!
So, to recap:

The clunker program (an apropos description if there ever was one) burns through the $1 billion that was supposed to take it to November, is now being scrapped two months short and $2 billion over projected costs.

And this is supposed to be evidence of success??

And these incompetent nincompoops now want to now execute a fascistic takeover of more than 15% of the entire American economy??

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