career politicans


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.
Drop their wages to minimum full time wages, they aren't worth more than that anyway.

I agree that if the wages were lower there would be fewer people wanting to work in Congress or elsewhere for life. The problem is that lowering the wages of congressmen makes them even more susceptible to bribes, etc., which is also bad.

The easiest way to limit lifetime politicians is to vote for a term limit. This has to be done in congress itself (which won't happen) unless someone can get it on the ballot for the general election (which would be hard, but it's possible).

While we're at it, why not reduce the amount of time congress spends being congresspeople? They don't get much done anyway, and the stuff they do get done often looks like they've had way to much time on their hands. Why not restrict them to, say, four weeks a year-- two in February and two in August? They'd have to focus on the most important stuff and we wouldn't have to hear about congress all year...
Drop their wages to minimum full time wages, they aren't worth more than that anyway.

That's a horrible idea. The effect would be to make political office even more a rich man's playground than it already is.
I agree that if the wages were lower there would be fewer people wanting to work in Congress or elsewhere for life. The problem is that lowering the wages of congressmen makes them even more susceptible to bribes, etc., which is also bad.

Guys, people don't run for Congress for the money. Trust me. It doesn't pay well enough for that.
Career politicians are exactly what's wrong with Washington, imo.
After 10-15 years in "the game" they owe everyone and their dog a favor, and not enough constituents give a shit enough to hold them accountable.
Although I do believe that the next round of election cycles will see some record voter turnout and hopefully some of these crooks are held to account.
I agree that if the wages were lower there would be fewer people wanting to work in Congress or elsewhere for life. The problem is that lowering the wages of congressmen makes them even more susceptible to bribes, etc., which is also bad.

Guys, people don't run for Congress for the money. Trust me. It doesn't pay well enough for that.

wages + prestiege+power+benefits etc etc etc etc etc
In addition to lowering their pay, take the power back from them and put it back into the people's hands.

now you're talking if we could get everone fired up boy wouldn't it be something.
Drop their wages to minimum full time wages, they aren't worth more than that anyway.

I agree that if the wages were lower there would be fewer people wanting to work in Congress or elsewhere for life. The problem is that lowering the wages of congressmen makes them even more susceptible to bribes, etc., which is also bad.

The easiest way to limit lifetime politicians is to vote for a term limit. This has to be done in congress itself (which won't happen) unless someone can get it on the ballot for the general election (which would be hard, but it's possible).

While we're at it, why not reduce the amount of time congress spends being congresspeople? They don't get much done anyway, and the stuff they do get done often looks like they've had way to much time on their hands. Why not restrict them to, say, four weeks a year-- two in February and two in August? They'd have to focus on the most important stuff and we wouldn't have to hear about congress all year...

You're joking, I hope. Ever watched the proceedings of the House and Senate on C-Span and C-Span2 respectively? They can't even get a fucking resolution designating a post office done in less than an hour.

If anything, House members need LONGER terms. They wind up working one of their elected years and campaigning for reelection the second year. The Senate terms are actually too long, at six years, which should be no more than four. By the time they reach their fifth year, a rookie Senator will have been totally corrupted by the elder systemic politicians.

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