Capitalism: Satan's War


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The economist-philosopher Karl Marx suggested that the flow of capital guides teamwork, while the economist-philosopher Adam Smith suggested that the wealth of nations creates a culture of negotiation.

This new age is marked by sophisticated trade-gauged networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.). The new 'robber-baron' is the Wall Street tycoon (e.g., Gordon Gekko), and the new terrorist is the Internet hacker.

In such an environment, speculation on risk guides treaty discussions, and this is fertile ground for the Devil
(aka, 'Satan').

Is capitalism the Last Stand?


GOD: Why do Americans love the real-estate board-game Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?
SATAN: Capitalism creates 'risk fascination' and prospector-imagination!
GOD: Such a 'culture' catalyzes liberal discussions about risk.
SATAN: Yes, and speculating on risk creates much disagreement!
GOD: For example, the Gulf War?
SATAN: Correct, which is why Adam Smith was a 'seer' of End Times.
GOD: That may be true, since the wealth of nations creates competition.
SATAN: And greed.
GOD: Who is the defender but my archangel Michael?
SATAN: Michael upholds your commands regarding 'fear of risk.'
GOD: Humanity should not be allowed to limitlessly speculate on risk!
SATAN: How human beings coordinate greed will define Armageddon.


The economist-philosopher Karl Marx suggested that the flow of capital guides teamwork, while the economist-philosopher Adam Smith suggested that the wealth of nations creates a culture of negotiation.

This new age is marked by sophisticated trade-gauged networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.). The new 'robber-baron' is the Wall Street tycoon (e.g., Gordon Gekko), and the new terrorist is the Internet hacker.

In such an environment, speculation on risk guides treaty discussions, and this is fertile ground for the Devil
(aka, 'Satan').

Is capitalism the Last Stand?


GOD: Why do Americans love the real-estate board-game Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?
SATAN: Capitalism creates 'risk fascination' and prospector-imagination!
GOD: Such a 'culture' catalyzes liberal discussions about risk.
SATAN: Yes, and speculating on risk creates much disagreement!
GOD: For example, the Gulf War?
SATAN: Correct, which is why Adam Smith was a 'seer' of End Times.
GOD: That may be true, since the wealth of nations creates competition.
SATAN: And greed.
GOD: Who is the defender but my archangel Michael?
SATAN: Michael upholds your commands regarding 'fear of risk.'
GOD: Humanity should not be allowed to limitlessly speculate on risk!
SATAN: How human beings coordinate greed will define Armageddon.


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God: Why have you chosen socialism as your ideology in the cosmic battle between good and evil?
Satan: Because it destroys the spirit of man.

Satan: Why have you chosen free enterprise as your ideology in the cosmic battle between good and evil?
God: Because it ennobles the spirit of man.
The economist-philosopher Karl Marx suggested that the flow of capital guides teamwork, while the economist-philosopher Adam Smith suggested that the wealth of nations creates a culture of negotiation.

This new age is marked by sophisticated trade-gauged networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.). The new 'robber-baron' is the Wall Street tycoon (e.g., Gordon Gekko), and the new terrorist is the Internet hacker.

In such an environment, speculation on risk guides treaty discussions, and this is fertile ground for the Devil
(aka, 'Satan').

Is capitalism the Last Stand?


GOD: Why do Americans love the real-estate board-game Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?
SATAN: Capitalism creates 'risk fascination' and prospector-imagination!
GOD: Such a 'culture' catalyzes liberal discussions about risk.
SATAN: Yes, and speculating on risk creates much disagreement!
GOD: For example, the Gulf War?
SATAN: Correct, which is why Adam Smith was a 'seer' of End Times.
GOD: That may be true, since the wealth of nations creates competition.
SATAN: And greed.
GOD: Who is the defender but my archangel Michael?
SATAN: Michael upholds your commands regarding 'fear of risk.'
GOD: Humanity should not be allowed to limitlessly speculate on risk!
SATAN: How human beings coordinate greed will define Armageddon.


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Capitalism does not work. Especially the greed run capitalism being shoved down the worlds throats today.
The economist-philosopher Karl Marx suggested that the flow of capital guides teamwork, while the economist-philosopher Adam Smith suggested that the wealth of nations creates a culture of negotiation.

This new age is marked by sophisticated trade-gauged networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.). The new 'robber-baron' is the Wall Street tycoon (e.g., Gordon Gekko), and the new terrorist is the Internet hacker.

In such an environment, speculation on risk guides treaty discussions, and this is fertile ground for the Devil
(aka, 'Satan').

Is capitalism the Last Stand?


GOD: Why do Americans love the real-estate board-game Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?
SATAN: Capitalism creates 'risk fascination' and prospector-imagination!
GOD: Such a 'culture' catalyzes liberal discussions about risk.
SATAN: Yes, and speculating on risk creates much disagreement!
GOD: For example, the Gulf War?
SATAN: Correct, which is why Adam Smith was a 'seer' of End Times.
GOD: That may be true, since the wealth of nations creates competition.
SATAN: And greed.
GOD: Who is the defender but my archangel Michael?
SATAN: Michael upholds your commands regarding 'fear of risk.'
GOD: Humanity should not be allowed to limitlessly speculate on risk!
SATAN: How human beings coordinate greed will define Armageddon.


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Capitalism does not work. Especially the greed run capitalism being shoved down the worlds throats today.
Five myths about free enterprise order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph
Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage.
Dr. Ron Paul
Communism is the physical manifestation of satans plan for mankind.

The free market is the natural law of economics. The invisible hand of providence lifts everyone when they deal morally with one another. When people act immorally the market corrects itself and the people suffer

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