cap and trade

Should be called Crock of Shit.

Nations will sign anything but they will never voluntarily slow economic growth to meet the demands of any treaty.

Best to work on technoligical solutions rather than pretend politicians can or will solve this.
good or bad. what your thought?


It's wishful thinking. Obama acted like terrorism would end once he gave his Cairo speech.

Now it's even worse then it was before.

Cap and Trade isn't gonna work the way they want because it's not intended to work. However it seems plausible to somebody with stars in their eyes.
It will likely cause an increase in the cost of living and a decline i the quality of life for most people.

Basically the wealthy will buy indulgences thus allowing them to use as much energy as they need while the rest of us slowly freeze.

What's not to like about that?
I am not sure what the purpose of it is, other than provide an expiation for our liberal sins of living the highest standard of living in the world.
it's just another way for the fucking government to control us by confiscating more of our income.
I am not sure what the purpose of it is, other than provide an expiation for our liberal sins of living the highest standard of living in the world.

The purpose of it is to tax the crap out of business' that use fossil fuel. Said business will then move to China (who will not be taxed) Americans will pay for vastly increased energy taxes, jobs will be lost and all goods and services will cost more. And the "wealth" will have been "redistributed." Everything the obammie does is about "Wealth Redistribution."

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