Cap and trade DOA but not the EPA.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
You knew this was coming folks, with Cap and Trade DOA, they will do it through the EPA, notice that this would lay off app 60,000 coal miners and it WOULD increase the consumers, our, cost for energy. Obama reeking havoc with another major part of our economy.

The underlying problem is that 45 percent of U.S. power comes from coal, and plant shutdowns would mean fewer jobs, more blackouts, and higher electric bills. But even assuming that not a single plant would shut down, energy prices would still rise, because older plants would need upgrades to continue operations - which, in turn, would also raise prices. It's a simple economic equation: An increase in the costs of a plant's production equals an increase in the consumer's electric bill. Unfortunately for the Republicans in Congress, they will find no help from the executive branch in fighting these measures, as President Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle in a January 2008 interview: I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system,which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that marketand the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year. So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.

I got news for the President we don't have any new technologies that will make up for the loss of 45% of the coal mining industry, it's just not there.
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