Can't decide between Republican or Democrat


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.
Sounds like a solid Democrat platform except for illegal immigration. Gotta have a big voting base. IMHO - Stay Democrat.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.
Vote Trump in the primaries. Then vote Democrat during the general election. K thnx bye.
Either one and yer phone rings off the hook...

... with campaign messages, surveys, who-ya-gonna-vote-for polsters...

... so I switched to Independent...

... can't vote in the primaries, but...

... still get to vote in the general election, which is the one that counts.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

If that's your core ideology it looks like illegal immigration might be the only issue Trump and you might see eye to eye on. Unless you place an overwhelming importance on that one issue (and I don't think Hillary is very lax on I-I is she?) you'd have to go Democrat. But hey, with the seemingly stark contrast between the two it shouldn't be that hard of a choice. Unless you have the same suspicion as me - that Trump underneath is way more Dem than he's putting on. Leave that to the suckers in the Republican party to figure out though, just to be on the safe side.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it.

If voting makes you feel involved, go do it. From your post count, I'd say you don't give politics much thought most of the time, so you don't really care or think you have much say any way. And in truth, you don't.

What you buy at the store, what stores you choose to patronize, whether you take a car, bus, or walk, these, in the end, matter more than if you vote.

Even if you choose to be a vegetarian or consume meat, that matters more than if you vote. Anything that affects the economy, and how it affects the economy matters more than your vote. Vote with your pocket book.

Any of these elites that are gaming for power, what ever policies they enact, will, in the end, screw average people over. The little people of the land have nothing to gain, nothing. It's just a shifting around of the deck chairs as the ship sinks, seriously.

Religious Views: doesn't matter. . . . . the elites will continue to create conflict between groups.
Gun Control: Doesn't matter. Powerful groups will continue to keep mentally unbalanced and disturbed kids who are highly volatile and loaded with lots of psychotropic drugs in areas without adequate protection for all the other kids. A perfect tinder box for mass shootings.
Minimum Wage Law: If not adopted planet wide, these laws are antithetical to the nature of macroeconomic theory.
prostitution: Organized crime is in bed with big politics. To not understand this, is to not understand the reality of the world one lives in.
Medical Marijuana: Big Pharma is in bed with big politics. To not understand this, is to not understand the reality of the world one lives in.
Abortion: Moot topic. After Roe v. Wade was adopted and the results were studied from a simple crime and economic standpoint, even intellectual conservatives would never overturn that which has social wide redemptive benefits for all society. (Though the elite judges will never tell their base that.)
Obamacare : That future costs will bankrupt it, it will die it's own death.
unemployment benefits: this will only work if the FED is ended. Good luck with that.
Illegal Immigration: Who exactly is FOR illegal immigration?
Tariffs: Support (That just might make you an anti-globalist, might be hope for you yet) :eusa_shhh:
Planned Parenthood: Yeah! Eugenicists for us all! Seriously though, already PP isn't supposed to be getting any funding for abortions, so I don't think anyone that is rational has a problem with them. It has been made a political football out of nothing by fundamentalists.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.
I'm thinking you probably should vote for the Liberal Democratic Party. You can sign up just about anywhere in France.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

Consider cause and effect. What have the past seven years of having the Democratic Party (and admittedly, their Democrats in Republican clothing) largely in control via numbers or media manipulation actually produced that is of benefit to the bulk of the American people?

Even a cursory look at honest unemployment rates is enough to boot them unceremoniously out the door upon their ample buttocks. Nearly 100 million working age Americans are out of work. Unemployment among black youth is over 50%. What job growth there has been has gone to the illegals. Is there any sign that things will be any different over the next year?

Industry has no reason to invest here due to the ridiculous tax rates and oppressive regulation. Why would they bother?

And their so-called "foreign policy"? A total embarrassment.

Think, man! Think!
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I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

Consider cause and effect. What have the past seven years of having the Democratic Party (and admittedly, their Republicans in Democrat clothing) largely in control via numbers or media manipulation actually produced that is of benefit to the bulk of the American people?

Even a cursory look at honest unemployment rates is enough to boot them unceremoniously out the door upon their ample buttocks. Nearly 100 million working age Americans are out of work. Unemployment among black youth is over 50%. What job growth there has been has gone to the illegals. Is there any sign that things will be any different over the next year?

Industry has no reason to invest here due to the ridiculous tax rates and oppressive regulation. Why would they bother?

And their so-called "foreign policy"? A total embarrassment.

Think, man! Think!

Why? Millennials aren't taught how to do that sort of thing. That is why this poster is here. We're supposed to save them the trouble and tell them what they are supposed to do based on the facts.

Unfortunately, they have been sold a bill of goods.

Yeah at heart I am very democratic. I also 100% support Gay Marriage. I also never understood why having more than one wife is so awful. It is illegal in the United States, but fine in many Muslim countries. I also don't see anything wrong with married couples having open relationships where they have multiple partners while married.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

Why vote for either? Since neither party will ever be right 100% of the time, why pick one at all? Be indepedent and unaligned then choose the people who best represent your positions as they come around. But don't start off with a party brand or loyalty since then you're just voting for 'my side' sacrificing what might actually be better overall and for the nation.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

Consider cause and effect. What have the past seven years of having the Democratic Party (and admittedly, their Democrats in Republican clothing) largely in control via numbers or media manipulation actually produced that is of benefit to the bulk of the American people?

Even a cursory look at honest unemployment rates is enough to boot them unceremoniously out the door upon their ample buttocks. Nearly 100 million working age Americans are out of work. Unemployment among black youth is over 50%. What job growth there has been has gone to the illegals. Is there any sign that things will be any different over the next year?
90 years old is "working age?" Retirees, full time students, housewives, disabled and others who don't want, don't need or can't work are "out of work?" You're not using standard language here.
I am having a hard time deciding between what party I will vote for in next years election.
Here are my stances:

Religious Views: Atheist
Gun Control: Against, right to bear arms
Minimum Wage Law: support, should be at least $12/hr
prostitution: decriminalization, sellers should not face charges( only criminalize trafficking)
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal to buy in all 50 states
Abortion: Support 100% in all circumstances
Obamacare : support, don't get rid of it
unemployment benefits: should last indefinitely, person can't get job should still get benefits even if years go by without being able find a job.
Illegal Immigration: Against, need tougher border patrol
Tariffs: Support
Planned Parenthood: Support, don't get rid of planned parenthood

I have swung between democrat and republican when I have voted. Depends on candidate how I will vote. I consider myself much more of a democrat than a republican, but I really like Trump even though he wants to end Obamacare and doesn't support abortion 100% only supports abortion under some circumstances. I like Hillary's stance on social issues, but I don't think she will do much to create jobs or stimulate the economy. She will be lax on illegal immigration and she will not be putting tariffs on China. Hopefully by next year I will have made up my mind between Donald or Hillary.

Why vote for either? Since neither party will ever be right 100% of the time, why pick one at all? Be indepedent and unaligned then choose the people who best represent your positions as they come around. But don't start off with a party brand or loyalty since then you're just voting for 'my side' sacrificing what might actually be better overall and for the nation.

I am on my side, fueled by America's founding philosophy. That any modern political party agrees with me is purely coincidental.
90 years old is "working age?" Retirees, full time students, housewives, disabled and others who don't want, don't need or can't work are "out of work?" You're not using standard language here.

Being uninformed is a choice, though an ignorant one. Being willfully uninformed is just plain garden variety stupidity.

You can stop if you want.
90 years old is "working age?" Retirees, full time students, housewives, disabled and others who don't want, don't need or can't work are "out of work?" You're not using standard language here.

Being uninformed is a choice, though an ignorant one. Being willfully uninformed is just plain garden variety stupidity.

You can stop if you want.
I'm sorry, what are you saying I am uninformed about? Of the 102,346,000 people not working who are age 16 and older, not in prison or an institution, 89,134,000 do not want a job right now, and 13,212,000 do.
Of the 13,212,000 who say they want a job, 7,628,000 are trying to work and 5,584,000 are not.

Of those not trying to work....most are age 65 and older, or disabled, or full time students, or stay home spouses, or some combination.

What are you claiming I am not informed about?
90 years old is "working age?" Retirees, full time students, housewives, disabled and others who don't want, don't need or can't work are "out of work?" You're not using standard language here.

Being uninformed is a choice, though an ignorant one. Being willfully uninformed is just plain garden variety stupidity.

You can stop if you want.
I'm sorry, what are you saying I am uninformed about? Of the 102,346,000 people not working who are age 16 and older, not in prison or an institution, 89,134,000 do not want a job right now, and 13,212,000 do.
Of the 13,212,000 who say they want a job, 7,628,000 are trying to work and 5,584,000 are not.

Of those not trying to work....most are age 65 and older, or disabled, or full time students, or stay home spouses, or some combination.

What are you claiming I am not informed about?

If you need someone else to tell you who you like, you might just be a complete moron.
Congrats :thup:

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