Candidate Romney's (R) Mexican heritage

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Good for him. He should emphasize this :razz: I don't think it will go down good w/ the minutemen & T-Party voters though :( :lol:
Like Mitt, the Mexican Romneys are descendants of Miles Park Romney, who came to the Chihuahua desert in 1885 seeking refuge from U.S. anti-polygamy laws. He had four wives and 30 children, and on the rocky banks of the Piedras Verdes River, he and his fellow Mormon pioneers carved out a prosperous settlement beyond the reach of U.S. federal marshals. He was Mitt’s great-grandfather.
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?

Why is his Mormonism an issue?
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?

Why is his Mormonism an issue?

It's an issue with other Republicans.


Huckabee denigrated his religion.

That's what Conservatives always do..and always will do.
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?

Why is his Mormonism an issue?

Because many other Christian sects consider Mormons heretics.

Sorry, I mean, I know that we are all supposed to sit down at the inter-faith breakfasts and sing Kumbaya, but there is a long standing feud between the LDS and SBC that goes back over a century.

No, for the record, I'm an atheist/ ex-Catholic, and I don't have a Dog or God in this fight. I don't like Mormonism because it crosses the line from dumb superstitions (like most religions) and into the arena of outright fraud (essentially started by a guy who made up a fake religion so he could boink the teenage daughters of his followers and defraud them out of their money.) I also have a half-dozen reasons for despising Romney that have nothing to do with which sky pixie he worships.

But just looking at it as a cold, calculating political analyst, when you have a fifth of your own followers who have said that this man's faith is a deal-killer, that's probably a good reason not to nominate him.
It's an issue with other Republicans.


Huckabee denigrated his religion.

That's what Conservatives always do..and always will do.

He didn't "denigrate" his religion. He asked a question about their theology that was quite correct.

He asked, "Don't Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers?"

Now, to me, that's like asking if Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are brothers or not.

But Mormons actually do believe that. It's in their holy writings. They believe God had a choice of sending one of his two sons down from the Planet Kolob to be the messiah, and he picked Jesus over his brother Satan.

Actually, I thought the far more devastating thing Huckabee said about Romney was, "I look like the guy you work with. He looks like the guy who lays you off."
Let's see. I didn't like Romney because of RomneyCare, but I'm supposed to like him now because he has Mexican heritage?

I don't give a phuk if he's Mormon OR Mexican.

His campaign people prolly see him slipping behind Rick Perry (Algore's former campaign manager) so they pull the Race/Heritage card. Not impressed.
Why is his Mormonism an issue?

It's an issue because the Mormon faith requires and allows things of its members that many people find too Conservative for their tastes. Mormons are also generally of a philosophical strain that does not deal well with compromise of their values.
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?

Why is his Mormonism an issue?

It's an issue with other Republicans.


Huckabee denigrated his religion.

That's what Conservatives always do..and always will do.

Conservatives were sure interested in Obama's religion and birth cert.
It's an issue with other Republicans.


Huckabee denigrated his religion.

That's what Conservatives always do..and always will do.

He didn't "denigrate" his religion. He asked a question about their theology that was quite correct.

He asked, "Don't Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers?"

Now, to me, that's like asking if Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are brothers or not.

But Mormons actually do believe that. It's in their holy writings. They believe God had a choice of sending one of his two sons down from the Planet Kolob to be the messiah, and he picked Jesus over his brother Satan.

Actually, I thought the far more devastating thing Huckabee said about Romney was, "I look like the guy you work with. He looks like the guy who lays you off."

The Mormon teaching that Jesus and Satan are brothers is based on their concept of God being the Father of all pre-existent spirits. Since Jesus is the son of the Father and all other spirits, including Satan, are sons and daughters of the Father then all are brothers and sisters! This idea has been part of Mormon teaching from the time of Joseph Smith and continues today.
I don't worry so much about what Mitt's Great Grandfather has done as what he's done.

When you have 22% of voters saying they'd never vote for a Mormon, including 18% of REPUBLICAN voters, do you really want to take a risk on this guy?

Why is his Mormonism an issue?

Because many other Christian sects consider Mormons heretics.

Sorry, I mean, I know that we are all supposed to sit down at the inter-faith breakfasts and sing Kumbaya, but there is a long standing feud between the LDS and SBC that goes back over a century.

No, for the record, I'm an atheist/ ex-Catholic, and I don't have a Dog or God in this fight. I don't like Mormonism because it crosses the line from dumb superstitions (like most religions) and into the arena of outright fraud (essentially started by a guy who made up a fake religion so he could boink the teenage daughters of his followers and defraud them out of their money.) I also have a half-dozen reasons for despising Romney that have nothing to do with which sky pixie he worships.

But just looking at it as a cold, calculating political analyst, when you have a fifth of your own followers who have said that this man's faith is a deal-killer, that's probably a good reason not to nominate him.

Ok, you're smarter than us dummies who worship our God; I get it. However, what is wrong with Mormonism, other than your disdain for it?
I thought his hem and haw was hilarious when asked about the number of companies he bankrupted and the number of jobs he sent to China. But it's OK. Because he has hundreds of millions of dollars he "earned" screwing over tens of thousands of Americans. That should make him very popular among Republicans. Unless the focus is on his religion. Then he might have a problem with the Republican Party.
It's an issue with other Republicans.


Huckabee denigrated his religion.

That's what Conservatives always do..and always will do.

Conservatives were sure interested in Obama's religion and birth cert.

No, actually we're not. It's the whackjobs... just like the whackjobs freaking out because Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

And we thought the left was supposed to be tolerant yet here they are bringing up this stuff.
Wondering if someone was going to comment here. This is a bombshell AFAIC.


Damn, you actually really believe that bullshit about the right being racist? Seriously?

Shit, I was certain the left weren't THAT stupid.... just goes to show.... I can be wrong.
Conservatives were sure interested in Obama's religion and birth cert.

No, actually we're not. It's the whackjobs... just like the whackjobs freaking out because Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

And we thought the left was supposed to be tolerant yet here they are bringing up this stuff.

Strange how the Left keeps saying that conservatives won't vote for a Mormon. Conservatives won't vote for a woman. Conservatives won't vote for a black.
And yet conservatives do all those things. They don't even mention those issues because conservatives are concerned with ideas, not with race-baiting or class warfare.

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