Canadian Police Reject Own Anti-Terror Handbook


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
"Jihad is a Nobel concept" What the

Manual instructs police against saying, ā€˜jihadā€™, ā€˜Islamic extremism


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) rejected and distanced itself from the forceā€™s own an anti-terrorism handbook just a day after it was released, citing the manualā€™s ā€œadversarial tone.ā€

The ā€œUnited Against Terrorismā€ handbook released last week by the RCMP and two Canadian Muslim groups seeks to combat the rise of radicalism in local Muslim communities and serve as an antidote to the slick extremist propaganda being produced by terror groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS).

However, a day after its official release, the RCMP publicly distanced itself from the handbook and said it would not distribute it to officers.

While it remains unclear what exactly the RCMP objected to, questions have been raised about sections of the handbook that order the police not to use terms such as ā€œIslamic extremismā€ and tell Muslim community members that they do not need to cooperate with the police.

Other sections of the handbook say that terrorists are not ā€œjihadisā€ and that ā€œjihad is a noble concept.ā€

A day after the anti-terror handbook was released with much fanfare in Canadaā€™s Muslim community, the RCMP issued a statement rejecting the publication for its ā€œadversarial tone,ā€ a loaded comment that the police force has declined to explain.

Canadian Police Reject Own Anti-Terror Handbook for Being Adversarial Washington Free Beacon
It's called sanitizing Islam. At its roots Islam is an information warfare in the West. They try to defeat us by using our own laws against us and insisting that the enemy not be identified. Words such as Islamic terrorist, Muslim terrorist, Islamic jihadist, jihad have been scrubbed from our own gov / doc books too - they are not permitted to identify the enemy for who it is. Islam. A real shame, isn't it?
Yes, I know you guys need to believe your Sky Fairy is better than their Sky Fairy.

Here's a news flash for you, Joe. My God is not a sky fairy. He is the creator of heaven and earth and He made us in His Own Image! See Genesis 1:26.

One day when you leave this earth and meet Him you are going to find out that what I am telling you is true and I can assure you that you will not be arguing with Him about who He is!

You'll be pleading ignorance on that day and then he is going to remind you of His Servant that He sent to you on 10/09/2014 on this thread on this post # 5 to repent of your sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved - while God is giving you the grace to do it and if you refuse? You'll be in hell for all eternity suffering a torment so horrific there are no words to describe it. Please repent and do not go there. You'll be remembering this warning from me through eternity. True story.

p.s. According to the bible the # 5 represents the number of Grace. Think, Joe. THINK.
Yes, I know you guys need to believe your Sky Fairy is better than their Sky Fairy.

Here's a news flash for you, Joe. My God is not a sky fairy. He is the creator of heaven and earth and He made us in His Own Image! See Genesis 1:26.

One day when you leave this earth and meet Him you are going to find out that what I am telling you is true and I can assure you that you will not be arguing with Him about who He is!

You'll be pleading ignorance on that day and then he is going to remind you of His Servant that He sent to you on 10/09/2014 on this thread on this post # 5 to repent of your sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved - while God is giving you the grace to do it and if you refuse? You'll be in hell for all eternity suffering a torment so horrific there are no words to describe it. Please repent and do not go there. You'll be remembering this warning from me through eternity. True story.

p.s. According to the bible the # 5 represents the number of Grace. Think, Joe. THINK.

I spend a LOT of time thinking about it. The problem is, the more you think about your God concept, the more utterly ridiculous it becomes.

By your own definition, your God is an eternal, omniscient, omnipotent being who apparently is really fucking needy. He has a 14 billion year plan to manage a universe, but he really needs to be worshiped by these mortal beings on one planet (only about 1/3 of whom know about him) and if you don't worship him just the right way, he's going to torture the fuck out of you for all eternity.

Does that sound stupid to anyone else? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

But you are totally better than those Muzzzlims, I know you really need to believe that.
Yes, I know you guys need to believe your Sky Fairy is better than their Sky Fairy.

Well that was a stupid, wasted post:cuckoo:

No, just pointing out the stupidity of thinking your imaginary friend in the sky is better than their imaginary friend in the sky.
No one is forcing you to believe anything. But why do you constantly shit all over other people's religious beliefs?
Are you 10 years old ?
Yes, I know you guys need to believe your Sky Fairy is better than their Sky Fairy.

Well that was a stupid, wasted post:cuckoo:

No, just pointing out the stupidity of thinking your imaginary friend in the sky is better than their imaginary friend in the sky.
No one is forcing you to believe anything. But why do you constantly shit all over other people's religious beliefs?
Are you 10 years old ?

Nah....He's just a miserable sort of fellow, and He continually blames others for his misery..... Sad really
Yes, I know you guys need to believe your Sky Fairy is better than their Sky Fairy.

Well that was a stupid, wasted post:cuckoo:

No, just pointing out the stupidity of thinking your imaginary friend in the sky is better than their imaginary friend in the sky.
Exactly which religion in today's world is advocating chopping off heads and hands, keeping women as slaves, forcing all to believe in their god and advocating to kill any that do not convert?
Exactly which religion in today's world is advocating chopping off heads and hands, keeping women as slaves, forcing all to believe in their god and advocating to kill any that do not convert?

1) Why do you limit that to to today? Because Christians have engaged in that sort of brutality for most of their history until about 100 years ago. I don't feel vastly superior because we are 100 years more advanced. Not when I have to deal with religious nuts who want to persecute the gays and make women into baby machines.

2) Most of the Islamic World is pretty civilized, actually. Except the parts we invade, people get fairly savage pretty fast.
Exactly which religion in today's world is advocating chopping off heads and hands, keeping women as slaves, forcing all to believe in their god and advocating to kill any that do not convert?

1) Why do you limit that to to today? Because Christians have engaged in that sort of brutality for most of their history until about 100 years ago. I don't feel vastly superior because we are 100 years more advanced. Not when I have to deal with religious nuts who want to persecute the gays and make women into baby machines.

2) Most of the Islamic World is pretty civilized, actually. Except the parts we invade, people get fairly savage pretty fast.
Provide us these supposed events 100 years ago from Christians.
Exactly which religion in today's world is advocating chopping off heads and hands, keeping women as slaves, forcing all to believe in their god and advocating to kill any that do not convert?

1) Why do you limit that to to today? Because Christians have engaged in that sort of brutality for most of their history until about 100 years ago. I don't feel vastly superior because we are 100 years more advanced. Not when I have to deal with religious nuts who want to persecute the gays and make women into baby machines.

2) Most of the Islamic World is pretty civilized, actually. Except the parts we invade, people get fairly savage pretty fast.
Provide us these supposed events 100 years ago from Christians.

You mean World War I, where the Heads of the Church of England and the Russian Orthodox Church (the King and the Czar) went to war with the Kaiser's Army, where they had "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles?

Or how these empires were pretty fucking savage to the people they ruled?

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