Canada's economy faces a prolonged period of sluggish growth


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I keep advising you guys, do NOT become like Canada. The alt-left, socialists in America will destroy your economy and your constitution if you allow them. We simply don't reward our best and brightest, in fact, we lose them. We had back to back years of 50% decrease in foreign investment, now our own domestic business investment is also trailing off rapidly.

Due to the excessive abuses by state patsies and the covert activities of our police agencies that milk our system and use it as their personal Playground for family careers, my prediction is that Canada will be insignificant within 30 years. We have already slid so far in the last decade alone, soon, on the world stage we will have no clout. As oil goes and is replaced, so goes our main source of influence.

Our only other value was in having such a close economic relationship with USA and, in trying to be a nation of liberty. USA will expand with Mexico, while leveling off with Canada. Our system will not be sustainable, nor will our influence with USA as you educate yourselves more and more on how our system works.

Over a decade ago I advised the highest levels of office in Canada that we were going to fail on our current trajectory. I also warned that our activities in American companies here would lead to a growing distrust and informed U.S businesses would avoid us. It's happening.

Do not follow our path, it only leads to failure.

Canada's economy faces a prolonged period of sluggish growth - BNN Bloomberg

Canada’s economy is shifting into a lower gear as some of the country’s growth drivers begin to lose steam.

Statistics Canada will release third-quarter gross domestic product numbers Friday that will probably show a sharp drop in growth. According to the median forecast of economists in a Bloomberg survey, the country’s expansion slowed to a 1.3 per cent annualized pace in the three months through September, down from an unsustainable clip of 3.7 per cent in the prior period.


Business investment remains sluggish, down 22 per cent since oil prices began collapsing in 2014. While the Bank of Canada’s latest indicator of business activity ticked up, the central bank still sees investment as a 0.4 percentage point drag on 2019 growth. Until global uncertainty and trade tensions abate, Canadian businesses are unlikely to make major capital expenditures.

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