New Sanctions Against Iran

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
President Trump wrote in Twitter that the United States would introduce new sanctions against Iran on June 24. Thus, Washington wants to achieve the refusal of Tehran from nuclear weapons.

Trump expressed the hope that sanctions against Iran will soon be lifted, which will allow the country to once again become a "productive and prosperous state."

Question №1:

Can the Iranians TRUST the US government after once a prosperous Iraq was disarmed and then occupied and when the same was done to Libya, which was destroyed by the US as a state?

Question #2:

The fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons is a «Le secret de Polichinelle». Israel’s attitude to Arabs and Persians is also well-known.

IF your neighbor has a powerful club that he threatens with you, won't you get the same club or something more advanced and powerful?

International experts recognize the fact that it is the presence of nuclear weapons and the fear of mutual destruction that ensures peace to this day. This is especially true for the United States, which is very vulnerable because it is on a cracking tectonic plate. In addition, the famous Yellowstone supervolcano and the San Andreas Fault tectonic fault, which Russian ballistic missiles are aimed at

Some misanthrope from the political elite and the Pentagon are trying to put pressure on the government to use such weapons against Russia for the beginning, using the notorious concept of "First strike"

Even Trump said today, moar sanctions, believe it or not!

The Ayatollah Ass-a-holla has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!
As a result, Iran's leaders are on the verge of making some more, very, very poor decisions.
This is what happens when bush league die hard revolutionaries assume State power.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.
His tweet that with 10 minutes to go he didn't pull the trigger and let the bombing begin

It took him that long to realize that they shot down an unarmed drone and sending in troops was a little drastic

This is his mess that he created. Trump claiming that we paid them money but we didn't pay them money. This money was theirs and was frozen in overseas accounts because of the prior sanctions.

Detente works as history has shown

if Trump wasn't so keen on getting his name on something, they could have worked it out or just impose sanctions as before. Yet that is what the 5 other countries agreement with Iran was about. If they reneged then they would get sanctions.

Instead Trump made up stuff to make it sound bad and pull out of the deal and here we are.

No deal, no framework for moving forward other than military bravado

if Trump was not asleep during history classes, he may have learned something

Trump needs to get rid of Bolton

And here we are with sanctions
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
Freezing their money and preventing them from selling their oil brought them to the table the first time.

You can slap your child or you can sit down with him and discuss it.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
True. And our government knows this. Which makes it quite obvious that our government is interested in nothing less than regime change.

The current administration has absolutely no credibility.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.

Correcto Mundo, Rickster.
It's called DERANGEMENT.
New sanctions against Iran will only have the effect of galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current regime and embolden hardliners to refuse to participate in further negotiations.
True. And our government knows this. Which makes it quite obvious that our government is interested in nothing less than regime change.

The current administration has absolutely no credibility.
Change the shit out of that regime.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.

You’re uncharacteristically correct about that. We seem to be picking a fight with Iran for no other reason than to pick a fight with Iran. So yep, if he did take some action, he would be a war monger.

Of course in the haste to make a personal attack, you missed the point or, perhaps, are too dense to understand it. No surprise. He doesn’t have the stomach to be commander in chief. It comes from his being a coward.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

Hillaryous. If Trump blasted them off the face of the earth you'd call him a war monger and rail that if he hadn't pulled out of the Iran cluster fuck of a deal they'd be all warm and fuzzy world partners for peace by now and hosting Israel for weekend barbeques.

If he doesn't bomb their ass you rail he's a coward.

One more brain fart and your skull will be empty.

You’re uncharacteristically correct about that. We seem to be picking a fight with Iran for no other reason than to pick a fight with Iran. So yep, if he did take some action, he would be a war monger.

Of course in the haste to make a personal attack, you missed the point or, perhaps, are too dense to understand it. No surprise. He doesn’t have the stomach to be commander in chief. It comes from his being a coward.

I rarely if anymore ever reply to you.
But, you do need to know that you have officially dumbed yourself down to TDS troll status.
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

You know, the tendency of the American elite to unleash an armed conflict is clearly in the nature of a socio-psychological insanity. Apparently, the lessons of the Vietnam War did not benefit it. Where does such confidence of permissiveness come from ??? And of impunity?

It is possible that the trouble is in us: America in the Modern time has never been subjected to aggression, and after 1927–35 it did not know what deprivation and hunger are.

It would seem that the sea of crosses at the Arlington Cemetery should be a constant warning that you need to live peacefully and harmoniously and not declare any kind of exclusivity that gives Americans a license to kill not of their kind...

Beat swords into ploughshares!

I hope that President Trump will enter the first of the American Presidents of the Newest Time, who said that it is time to learn to live peacefully, especially with the "neighbors" who are overseas ...
"Do not be too self-confident, son. Do not neglect the enemy. Do not think that he is more stupid. Do not be deceived that he will not be able to jump you, get ahead and outwit"

Andrzej Sapkowski
Anyone know what further sanctions we can impose?

The answer is….none.

It’s a total whitewash from a Commander-in-Chief who simply doesn’t have the stomach to go to war.

You know, the tendency of the American elite to unleash an armed conflict is clearly in the nature of a socio-psychological insanity. Apparently, the lessons of the Vietnam War did not benefit it. Where does such confidence of permissiveness come from ??? And of impunity?

It is possible that the trouble is in us: America in the Modern time has never been subjected to aggression, and after 1927–35 it did not know what deprivation and hunger are.

It would seem that the sea of crosses at the Arlington Cemetery should be a constant warning that you need to live peacefully and harmoniously and not declare any kind of exclusivity that gives Americans a license to kill not of their kind...

Beat swords into ploughshares!

I hope that President Trump will enter the first of the American Presidents of the Newest Time, who said that it is time to learn to live peacefully, especially with the "neighbors" who are overseas ...

Nice sentiment.
But what does this have to do with geo-political realities?

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