Can We Please Just Get The Hell Out Of Afghanistan?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It's become obvious that Muslims simply can't be trusted as partners. It's time to get out of Afghanistan and let these stoneaged savages go back to playing ball with their goat heads. We should never have tried to help build any kind of civilization there. We should have bombed the shit out of the place and let them know if there was another attack on the U.S. launched from there, that we'd be back. There is no way we should continue to ask our soldiers to work side by side with Muslims that they can't turn their backs on. If your religion condones lying when it suits your needs, then you just can't be trusted period.

Afghanistan’s Soldiers Step Up Killings of Allied Forces

KABUL, Afghanistan — American and other coalition forces here are being killed in increasing numbers by the very Afghan soldiers they fight alongside and train, in attacks motivated by deep-seated animosity between the supposedly allied forces, according to American and Afghan officers and a classified coalition report.

“Lethal altercations are clearly not rare or isolated; they reflect a rapidly growing systemic homicide threat (a magnitude of which may be unprecedented between ‘allies’ in modern military history),” it said. Official NATO pronouncements to the contrary “seem disingenuous, if not profoundly intellectually dishonest,” said the report, and it played down the role of Taliban infiltrators in the killings.

The coalition refused to comment on the classified report. But “incidents in the recent past where Afghan soldiers have wounded or killed I.S.A.F. members are isolated cases and are not occurring on a routine basis,” said Lt. Col. Jimmie E. Cummings Jr. of the Army, a spokesman for the American-led International Security Assistance Force. “We train and are partnered with Afghan personnel every day and we are not seeing any issues or concerns with our relationships.”

The numbers appear to tell a different story. Although NATO does not release a complete tally of its forces’ deaths at the hands of Afghan soldiers and the police, the classified report and coalition news releases indicate that Afghan forces have attacked American and allied service members nearly three dozen times since 2007.
ITA... get our troops the hell otta the middle east... ALL of them... NOW... not later, NOW!

That's the ONE THING that I was hoping the kenyan would do, and he FAILED to do that. His failure as a president is complete.
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If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier ~of~ the Queen!

Rudyard Kipling
If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier ~of~ the Queen!

Rudyard Kipling

Even back then. :(
Yes, 'The Longest War' should be ended immediately. Nothing more to be gained over there. And our own President and the Afghan Government are close to a deal which will hand half the Nation over to the Taliban anyway. The big sell-out is well underway. So there is absolutely no need for even one more Soldier to die in that Hell-Hole. Those poor kids who were just murdered over there, died for nothing. Lets bring em all home now.
ITA... get our troops the hell otta the middle east... ALL of them... NOW... not later, NOW!

That's the ONE THING that I was hoping the kenyan would do, and he FAILED to do that too. His failure as a president is complete.

Well, the one piece of "advice" from the previous Administration to fight them on their own soil is worthy of consideration and a plus for Obama to not just abandon a country (Afghanistan) in serious need of help.

- as in their citizens being gunned down for just listening to music, and the assholes that supported OBL.
not all of them

we need some intelligence ops and covert agents over there to co-ordinate drone attacks, bombing runs, and daisy cutters..........

keep them jihadist infidels in line
ITA... get our troops the hell otta the middle east... ALL of them... NOW... not later, NOW!

That's the ONE THING that I was hoping the kenyan would do, and he FAILED to do that too. His failure as a president is complete.

Well, the one piece of "advice" from the previous Administration to fight them on their own soil is worthy of consideration and a plus for Obama to not just abandon a country (Afghanistan) in serious need of help.

- as in their citizens being gunned down for just listening to music, and the assholes that supported OBL.

The people who are gunning down their citizens for listening to music are the Taliban that Obama has just decided we should become partners with. You know..the same assholes that supported OBL. This is a trainwreck and not another U.S. soldier should die to try to build any type of nation that includes the Taliban as part of the government. And not another soldier should die because the Muslims can't be trusted not to kill those whose try to help them.
ITA... get our troops the hell otta the middle east... ALL of them... NOW... not later, NOW!

That's the ONE THING that I was hoping the kenyan would do, and he FAILED to do that too. His failure as a president is complete.

Well, the one piece of "advice" from the previous Administration to fight them on their own soil is worthy of consideration and a plus for Obama to not just abandon a country (Afghanistan) in serious need of help.

- as in their citizens being gunned down for just listening to music, and the assholes that supported OBL.

The people who are gunning down their citizens for listening to music are the Taliban that Obama has just decided we should become partners with. You know..the same assholes that supported OBL. This is a trainwreck and not another U.S. soldier should die to try to build any type of nation that includes the Taliban as part of the government. And not another soldier should die because the Muslims can't be trusted not to kill those whose try to help them.

Well said. We will come to deeply regret turning half of Afghanistan over to the Taliban. Blow Back will being blowing back our way at some point on that. It's a real mess. Time to bring em home.
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Myopic incompetent Pubs and the silly dupes running from one stupid, hysterical extreme to the next...thank god for intelligence and no drama Obama.

Chickenhawks Raygun and Booosh have abandoned Afghanistan twice in the last 25 years, leaving it in ruins and a staging point for terrorists. Not again. Adults are in charge now, ADD dittoheads.
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Myopic incompetent Pubs and the silly dupes running from one stupid, hysterical extreme to the next...thank god for intelligence and no drama Obama.

Chickenhawks Raygun and Booosh have abandoned Afghanistan twice in the last 25 years, leaving it in ruins and a staging point for terrorists. Not again. Adults are in charge now, ADD dittoheads.

Ok there deranged Obama-Bot. Whatever you say. :cuckoo:
Myopic incompetent Pubs and the silly dupes running from one stupib, hysterical extreme to the next...tahnk god for intelligence and no drama Obama.

Chickenhawks Raygun and Booosh have abandoned Afghanistan twice in the last 25 years, leaving it in ruins and a staging point for terrorists. Not again. Adults are in charge now, ADD dittoheads.

Adults? LMAO Obama doesn't show any signs of leaving Afghanistan to become a staging point for terrorists. He's putting the terrorists in charge while we're still there.
ITA... get our troops the hell otta the middle east... ALL of them... NOW... not later, NOW!

That's the ONE THING that I was hoping the kenyan would do, and he FAILED to do that too. His failure as a president is complete.

Well, the one piece of "advice" from the previous Administration to fight them on their own soil is worthy of consideration and a plus for Obama to not just abandon a country (Afghanistan) in serious need of help.

- as in their citizens being gunned down for just listening to music, and the assholes that supported OBL.

The people who are gunning down their citizens for listening to music are the Taliban that Obama has just decided we should become partners with. You know..the same assholes that supported OBL. This is a trainwreck and not another U.S. soldier should die to try to build any type of nation that includes the Taliban as part of the government. And not another soldier should die because the Muslims can't be trusted not to kill those whose try to help them.

... that Obama has just decided we should become partners with.

The Administration is simply trying to make reason for why the US Military is involved in Afghanistan and is communicating with the enemy to do so.

The unprovoked invasion of Iraqi and the ensuing complete withdraw proved nothing at all and is the true example of futility.

... if you are going to invade a foreign land at least try and leave it a better place than why you invaded it.
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Can't leave Afghanistan yet. We still have a whole shitload of body bags for American soldiers we haven't filled yet. Plus several unopened boxes of prosthetic devices and gobs of PTSD meds. Not to mention money we can still borrow from China. What are you, un-American?

What moron RW pundit told you talking surrender terms with the Taliban means putting them in charge? Change the GD channel...LOL!

'surrender terms?' Guess that's what you crazy Obama-Bots call it anyway. What a bunch of nutters.
What moron RW pundit told you talking surrender terms with the Taliban means putting them in charge? Change the GD channel...LOL!

LOL You really think Obama is negotiating "surrender" terms? OMG can you really have your head that far up Obama's ass that you've been unable to see the news in the last 6 months?
War On Terror: As the Taliban assassinate U.S. military officers and poison troop chow in Afghanistan, the president secretly plans the release of Taliban prisoners from Gitmo.

Whose side is this commander in chief on? Just days before members of the Taliban took credit for infiltrating the Afghan Interior Ministry and murdering two American officers, the Obama administration was finalizing a secret deal with the terror group.

"If all goes as hoped," reported Reuters, "U.S. and Qatari negotiators will meet soon to nail down final details for transferring Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo prison — a momentous step for President Obama, the Afghan war and perhaps U.S. foreign policy as well."

The deal reportedly includes a political office for the Taliban in Qatar and possible power-sharing for the banned terrorist group in Kabul. What does the U.S. get out of the deal? More treachery and bloodshed.

The Taliban also claimed credit for infiltrating a NATO base in Afghanistan and poisoning fruit and coffee with bleach in a mess hall.

As Taliban Executes U.S. Officers, Obama Secretly Negotiates Release Of Taliban Prisoners -
It's become obvious that Muslims simply can't be trusted as partners. It's time to get out of Afghanistan and let these stoneaged savages go back to playing ball with their goat heads. We should never have tried to help build any kind of civilization there. We should have bombed the shit out of the place and let them know if there was another attack on the U.S. launched from there, that we'd be back. There is no way we should continue to ask our soldiers to work side by side with Muslims that they can't turn their backs on. If your religion condones lying when it suits your needs, then you just can't be trusted period.

Afghanistan’s Soldiers Step Up Killings of Allied Forces

KABUL, Afghanistan — American and other coalition forces here are being killed in increasing numbers by the very Afghan soldiers they fight alongside and train, in attacks motivated by deep-seated animosity between the supposedly allied forces, according to American and Afghan officers and a classified coalition report.

“Lethal altercations are clearly not rare or isolated; they reflect a rapidly growing systemic homicide threat (a magnitude of which may be unprecedented between ‘allies’ in modern military history),” it said. Official NATO pronouncements to the contrary “seem disingenuous, if not profoundly intellectually dishonest,” said the report, and it played down the role of Taliban infiltrators in the killings.

The coalition refused to comment on the classified report. But “incidents in the recent past where Afghan soldiers have wounded or killed I.S.A.F. members are isolated cases and are not occurring on a routine basis,” said Lt. Col. Jimmie E. Cummings Jr. of the Army, a spokesman for the American-led International Security Assistance Force. “We train and are partnered with Afghan personnel every day and we are not seeing any issues or concerns with our relationships.”

The numbers appear to tell a different story. Although NATO does not release a complete tally of its forces’ deaths at the hands of Afghan soldiers and the police, the classified report and coalition news releases indicate that Afghan forces have attacked American and allied service members nearly three dozen times since 2007.

What you said.
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Well, the one piece of "advice" from the previous Administration to fight them on their own soil is worthy of consideration and a plus for Obama to not just abandon a country (Afghanistan) in serious need of help.

- as in their citizens being gunned down for just listening to music, and the assholes that supported OBL.

The people who are gunning down their citizens for listening to music are the Taliban that Obama has just decided we should become partners with. You know..the same assholes that supported OBL. This is a trainwreck and not another U.S. soldier should die to try to build any type of nation that includes the Taliban as part of the government. And not another soldier should die because the Muslims can't be trusted not to kill those whose try to help them.

... that Obama has just decided we should become partners with.

The Administration is simply trying to make reason for why the US Military is involved in Afghanistan and is communicating with the enemy to do so.

The unprovoked invasion of Iraqi and the ensuing complete withdraw proved nothing at all and is the true example of futility.

... if you are going to invade a foreign land at least try and leave it a better place than why you invaded it.

Leaving it better would be leaving it with a rational government in place that respects all people. That can't happen if you include the Taliban as part of the government. Since it won't be possible to leave it a better place than we found it, we need to just leave it.

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