Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Or will he be so Bain-damaged that they nominate another candidate?

The thread title is meant as a serious question. I think the Convention outcome hinges on what Romney decides to release before then. I really can't imagine the Convention knowingly nominating a loser.
By Nicholas Shaxson - Vanity Fair

A person who worked for Mitt Romney at the consulting firm Bain and Co. in 1977 remembers him with mixed feelings. “Mitt was … a really wonderful boss,” the former employee says. “He was nice, he was fair, he was logical, he said what he wanted … he was really encouraging.” But Bain and Co., the person recalls, pushed employees to find out secret revenue and sales data on its clients’ competitors. Romney, the person says, suggested “falsifying” who they were to get such information, by pretending to be a graduate student working on a proj*ect at Harvard. (The person, in fact, was a Harvard student, at Bain for the summer, but not working on any such proj*ects.) “Mitt said to me something like ‘We won’t ask you to lie. I am not going to tell you to do this, but [it is] a really good way to get the information.’ … I would not have had anything in my analysis if I had not pretended.

“It was a strange atmosphere. It did leave a bad taste in your mouth,” the former employee recalls.

More: Where the Money Lives
Libs are being Bain washed into believing there's something criminal here....

Criminality is mostly irrelevant - its the appearance of lies and deceit that voters won't like.

In the age of the medium as message, I think he'll do well at the Convention. Image before issues, and slogans prior to substance is today's formula for success, sadly.
They only question that needs to be asked and answered is can America survive another 4 years of obama?

Okay, so this is the only question that should be asked. Well, that certainly does keep things simple. One question from here on in. That's it. That's the one.

Check. Got it!

Well? Can America serve another 4 years of obama?
Your answer is?
They only question that needs to be asked and answered is can America survive another 4 years of obama?

Okay, so this is the only question that should be asked. Well, that certainly does keep things simple. One question from here on in. That's it. That's the one.

Check. Got it!

Well? Can America serve another 4 years of obama?
Your answer is?

Of course, we survived EIGHT of Bush II, tattered a bit, but we made it. We can also survive eight years of Romney, if he is elected, and reelected.
Okay, so this is the only question that should be asked. Well, that certainly does keep things simple. One question from here on in. That's it. That's the one.

Check. Got it!

Well? Can America serve another 4 years of obama?
Your answer is?

Of course, we survived EIGHT of Bush II, tattered a bit, but we made it. We can also survive eight years of Romney, if he is elected, and reelected.

Yes we survived Bush but obama has piled more shit times ten than what Bush did. You can't keep adding to what bush did with out everything finally falling down. The economy is far worse now than when bush left off.
They only question that needs to be asked and answered is can America survive another 4 years of obama?

Okay, so this is the only question that should be asked. Well, that certainly does keep things simple. One question from here on in. That's it. That's the one.

Check. Got it!

Well? Can America serve another 4 years of obama?
Your answer is?

Well yes, of course.

America is going to be here in 2016 if Obama wins. It's stunning that you actually think it would not be. Holy crap, I really don't understand partisan rhetoric sometimes.

Are you serious?

Well? Can America serve another 4 years of obama?
Your answer is?

Of course, we survived EIGHT of Bush II, tattered a bit, but we made it. We can also survive eight years of Romney, if he is elected, and reelected.

Yes we survived Bush but obama has piled more shit times ten than what Bush did. You can't keep adding to what bush did with out everything finally falling down. The economy is far worse now than when bush left off.

Yes, and I bet you have "credible" proof that its all because of things Obama has done and not leftover from the Great Bush Recession, right?

Bush started TWO wars that he kept off the books - while cutting taxes.

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