Can Rick Perry make a comeback?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Rick Perry Gets Endorsement From Hell

By mario piperni

As if Rick Perry wasn’t already facing an uphill battle, he’s now getting the endorsement of Arizona’s number one egomaniac, Sheriff Joe.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man who’s made a career out of bootin’ brown folks back across the border, is reportedly going to endorse Rick Perry as the Republican nominee for president — which is more than a little surprising (if it’s true, that is), when you consider some of Perry’s recent comments about illegal immigration.

According to multiple national news outlets, Arpaio will campaign with Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, where he will give the Texas governor a political tip of the cap.

Arpaio’s endorsement might be a plus in the primary where the GOP base is fond of maniacal birthers and corrupt, pseudo-law enforcement agents more intent on self-promotion than actual crime prevention. But in a general election with a broader-minded electorate, Arpaio’s endorsement is the kiss of death. Not that any of it matters. Perry isn’t going anywhere in this race except back to Texas.

Here’s what I’d like to know though: has Sheriff Joe, the man who set his “posse” out to uncover Obama’s Kenyan roots, asked to see Perry’s long-form birth certificate? And if he hasn’t, why not? Nothing to do with skin color I hope.

Rick Perry Gets Endorsement From Hell

Rick Perry Gets Endorsement From Hell

By mario piperni

As if Rick Perry wasn’t already facing an uphill battle, he’s now getting the endorsement of Arizona’s number one egomaniac, Sheriff Joe.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man who’s made a career out of bootin’ brown folks back across the border, is reportedly going to endorse Rick Perry as the Republican nominee for president — which is more than a little surprising (if it’s true, that is), when you consider some of Perry’s recent comments about illegal immigration.

According to multiple national news outlets, Arpaio will campaign with Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, where he will give the Texas governor a political tip of the cap.

Arpaio’s endorsement might be a plus in the primary where the GOP base is fond of maniacal birthers and corrupt, pseudo-law enforcement agents more intent on self-promotion than actual crime prevention. But in a general election with a broader-minded electorate, Arpaio’s endorsement is the kiss of death. Not that any of it matters. Perry isn’t going anywhere in this race except back to Texas.

Here’s what I’d like to know though: has Sheriff Joe, the man who set his “posse” out to uncover Obama’s Kenyan roots, asked to see Perry’s long-form birth certificate? And if he hasn’t, why not? Nothing to do with skin color I hope.

Rick Perry Gets Endorsement From Hell

Perry's toast.

We never even got to unwrap the heavy artillery against him (The Trans Texas Corridor).
A YEAR out of the elections and they have EVERY GOP candidate DEAD ALREADY..

gotta love it.
And just because this article says the sheriff Joe is the endorsement FROM HELL..

THE PEOPLE of his state keeps REELECTING HIM. so they must think he is doing something right..

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