Can Obama run on his record?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm hearing these Romney attacks. It seems to me that libs are desperate b/c Obama can't run on his record.

Libs, why should we vote for Obama? Tell me what he has done that is so great?
He can and will run on his record unlike Romney who is now against nearly everything he ever did in office and too vulnerable for everything he did in the private sector.
Obama cannot run on his record, which makes you wonder why he has not yet shifted more to the center like clinton did. Maybe obama knows something we dont, something involving a national emergency which could lead to Marshal law or voter fraud like in 2008 "Acorn etc." The people he surrounded himself with are just that radical, I would not put it past them.
Could Obama run on his record yes the question is will he I for one highly doubt he will.
He can and will run on his record unlike Romney who is now against nearly everything he ever did in office and too vulnerable for everything he did in the private sector.

Yea. He's against Obama's failed policies. What's your point?

His policies are only generally failures to people who have no ability to give him credit for anything, he has successes and set backs like any president but don't forget that his campaigning successes have been spectacular.
Obama can run on his record but, politically he should not.
Obama will not run FOR anything. He will run AGAINST the GOP nominee. He can't. His record is.....High unemployment, High gas prices, anti fossil fuel agenda, tax increases, an unwanted government insurance system, $15 trillion federal deficit, GDP growth under two percent throughout his time in the White House, Still falling home values....
Sure he can. He might even be able to jive his way in.

^^^ Barry and the Mean Hand Jive ^^^​
He can and will run on his record unlike Romney who is now against nearly everything he ever did in office and too vulnerable for everything he did in the private sector.

Yea. He's against Obama's failed policies. What's your point?

His policies are only generally failures to people who have no ability to give him credit for anything, he has successes and set backs like any president but don't forget that his campaigning successes have been spectacular.
Don't forget this either unlike 2008 when Obama had no real record to point to or go after he will have that in 2012. In 08 Obama was a blank canvas that many people mostly independents could paint as whatever they wanted he is no longer that blank canvas everyone has a much clearer picture of who he is and what he believes now than they did in 2008.
3.9M private sector jobs in the past three years, economic growth since four months after he took office, ending the war in Iraq on schedule, removing troops from Afghanistan as scheduled, passing the most sweeping health care reform since LBJ, ending DADT, passing sweeping financial-sector reform etc....

Yes, he can and will run on his record- and on the two-faced record of his opponent, who supported abortion, a mandate etc...before he opposed them.
Yea. He's against Obama's failed policies. What's your point?

His policies are only generally failures to people who have no ability to give him credit for anything, he has successes and set backs like any president but don't forget that his campaigning successes have been spectacular.
Don't forget this either unlike 2008 when Obama had no real record to point to or go after he will have that in 2012. In 08 Obama was a blank canvas that many people mostly independents could paint as whatever they wanted he is no longer that blank canvas everyone has a much clearer picture of who he is and what he believes now than they did in 2008.

I think Romney will have a turnout problem that more than negates any turnout problem President Obama will have.
3.9M private sector jobs in the past three years, economic growth since four months after he took office, ending the war in Iraq on schedule, removing troops from Afghanistan as scheduled, passing the most sweeping health care reform since LBJ, ending DADT, passing sweeping financial-sector reform etc....

Yes, he can and will run on his record- and on the two-faced record of his opponent, who supported abortion, a mandate etc...before he opposed them.
There were no such jobs created. That figure is pure bullshit.
FACT...There are over two million people NOT working that had jobs when Obama was inaugurated....
If your number was correct, the U-6 unemployment rate would be under 10%.
A health care program the majority of Americans are furious about.
A healthcare bureaucracy that guts $500 billion from medicare.
Just when Seniors were thought to be safely in the hands of the Democrats, courtesy of AARP.
BOOM!! That sure blew up in Obama's mug.
3.9M private sector jobs in the past three years, economic growth since four months after he took office, ending the war in Iraq on schedule, removing troops from Afghanistan as scheduled, passing the most sweeping health care reform since LBJ, ending DADT, passing sweeping financial-sector reform etc....

Yes, he can and will run on his record- and on the two-faced record of his opponent, who supported abortion, a mandate etc...before he opposed them.
There were no such jobs created. That figure is pure bullshit.
FACT...There are over two million people NOT working that had jobs when Obama was inaugurated....

My gawd you're dumb. Read my post.

If your number was correct, the U-6 unemployment rate would be under 10%.

Wrong 'em boyo.
What a great thread! So original in every way! GG, How did the idea to even ask that question come to you? I mean, what depth of thought and keen understanding of the issues you have. Remarkable.

And Grunt! You nailed it bro! Marshall law and the suspension of the election is a distinct possibility.

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