Can anyone step up after Charles Krauthammer died?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

Their is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I like guy benson and Chris Stirewalt as objective thinkers. They are young bloods but they keep it real. Ben Shapiro is more on the conservative side but he also has a sharp mind and calls a fair game from the far right.
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

Their is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I like guy benson and Chris Stirewalt as objective thinkers. They are young bloods but they keep it real. Ben Shapiro is more on the conservative side but he also has a sharp mind and calls a fair game from the far right.

Thanks Slade, going to have to look them up and pay attention more.

He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
What about Andrew Sullivan?
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I would like to see Dennis Prager fill his shoes. When it comes to communicating principles and ideas, that guy is an 11 on a 10 scale.
You are never going to see the likes of Krauthammer on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN or PBS. Mainstream doesn't have to be non-partisan.
Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson have a tour right now(june 23rd actually) regarding morals, religion and politics. The two disagree on a lot, but hash it out like gentlemen any time they talk.
Thanks guys I appreciate it, I love to read, politics and opinions from brilliant minds

He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I enjoyed Krauthammer..but to call him 'non-partisan;' is incorrect, IMO. He was known as one of the icons of Neo-conservatism and one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq..fiercely defending the idea that there were WMD there..and ignoring the evidence that there was, in fact, none.

His views on the state of the mentally ill in america..and his wit--are what kept me reading him.

But non-partisan? He'd laugh at that, I think. He was not a blind partisan..attacking the tea party..he called them the "suicide caucus". He was a ardent, caring Republican--who, BTW, despised Trump and spoke of him with withering contempt.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68
"Yet Dr. Krauthammer, who was named by Bush to the President’s Council on Bioethics, was never completely a partisan warrior. He differed from many cultural conservatives by favoring legalized abortion and stem-cell research and abhorred the idea of “intelligent design,” calling it “a fraud,” “today’s tarted-up version of creationism.”
He scolded the tea party, a loud minority within the GOP that tried to force its way legislatively with government shutdowns, as the “suicide caucus.” It was one thing to be a “blocking element” in the minority, he said, but their tactics were no way to govern.
Dr. Krauthammer was apoplectic about the rise and election of President Trump, calling him a “moral disgrace” for his initial refusal to fully condemn a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and a walking “systemic stress test.”
“He had great lucidity of thought and was an extremely pungent polemicist,” Heilbrunn said of Dr. Krauthammer. “Those traits manifested themselves once more in his searing denunciations of Donald Trump as a phony. They showed that Krauthammer wasn’t simply a reflexive, unthinking conservative who was peddling the party line. He had real discernment and independence. At bottom, he was an intellectual, not just a journalist, with real literary flair and style and insight.”"
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..

Charles was a conservative and a Republican. His great appeal was his willingness to agree or disagree outside of party loyalty. Charles loyalty was to a greater good that transcended party. I greatly admired him and don't really see anyone who is his equal. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are two great thinkers whose works I admire. Sowell has since retired but much of his writing is still available online. You'll find some good columnists, both men and women, and their articles posted at Townhall. I second Shapiro, Benson and Chris.
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I enjoyed Krauthammer..but to call him 'non-partisan;' is incorrect, IMO. He was known as one of the icons of Neo-conservatism and one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq..fiercely defending the idea that there were WMD there..and ignoring the evidence that there was, in fact, none.

His views on the state of the mentally ill in america..and his wit--are what kept me reading him.

But non-partisan? He'd laugh at that, I think. He was not a blind partisan..attacking the tea party..he called them the "suicide caucus". He was a ardent, caring Republican--who, BTW, despised Trump and spoke of him with withering contempt.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68
"Yet Dr. Krauthammer, who was named by Bush to the President’s Council on Bioethics, was never completely a partisan warrior. He differed from many cultural conservatives by favoring legalized abortion and stem-cell research and abhorred the idea of “intelligent design,” calling it “a fraud,” “today’s tarted-up version of creationism.”
He scolded the tea party, a loud minority within the GOP that tried to force its way legislatively with government shutdowns, as the “suicide caucus.” It was one thing to be a “blocking element” in the minority, he said, but their tactics were no way to govern.
Dr. Krauthammer was apoplectic about the rise and election of President Trump, calling him a “moral disgrace” for his initial refusal to fully condemn a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and a walking “systemic stress test.”
“He had great lucidity of thought and was an extremely pungent polemicist,” Heilbrunn said of Dr. Krauthammer. “Those traits manifested themselves once more in his searing denunciations of Donald Trump as a phony. They showed that Krauthammer wasn’t simply a reflexive, unthinking conservative who was peddling the party line. He had real discernment and independence. At bottom, he was an intellectual, not just a journalist, with real literary flair and style and insight.”"

Their was WMDs there..

US soldiers got killed by the old ones from the Reagan years, ISIS found them and used them

He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..

Charles was a conservative and a Republican. His great appeal was his willingness to agree or disagree outside of party loyalty. Charles loyalty was to a greater good that transcended party. I greatly admired him and don't really see anyone who is his equal. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are two great thinkers whose works I admire. Sowell has since retired but much of his writing is still available online. You'll find some good columnists, both men and women, and their articles posted at Townhall. I second Shapiro, Benson and Chris.

Well thought out post..
You are never going to see the likes of Krauthammer on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN or PBS. Mainstream doesn't have to be non-partisan.
Well, except for when he appeared on literally every single one of those networks....
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I enjoyed Krauthammer..but to call him 'non-partisan;' is incorrect, IMO. He was known as one of the icons of Neo-conservatism and one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq..fiercely defending the idea that there were WMD there..and ignoring the evidence that there was, in fact, none.

His views on the state of the mentally ill in america..and his wit--are what kept me reading him.

But non-partisan? He'd laugh at that, I think. He was not a blind partisan..attacking the tea party..he called them the "suicide caucus". He was a ardent, caring Republican--who, BTW, despised Trump and spoke of him with withering contempt.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68
"Yet Dr. Krauthammer, who was named by Bush to the President’s Council on Bioethics, was never completely a partisan warrior. He differed from many cultural conservatives by favoring legalized abortion and stem-cell research and abhorred the idea of “intelligent design,” calling it “a fraud,” “today’s tarted-up version of creationism.”
He scolded the tea party, a loud minority within the GOP that tried to force its way legislatively with government shutdowns, as the “suicide caucus.” It was one thing to be a “blocking element” in the minority, he said, but their tactics were no way to govern.
Dr. Krauthammer was apoplectic about the rise and election of President Trump, calling him a “moral disgrace” for his initial refusal to fully condemn a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and a walking “systemic stress test.”
“He had great lucidity of thought and was an extremely pungent polemicist,” Heilbrunn said of Dr. Krauthammer. “Those traits manifested themselves once more in his searing denunciations of Donald Trump as a phony. They showed that Krauthammer wasn’t simply a reflexive, unthinking conservative who was peddling the party line. He had real discernment and independence. At bottom, he was an intellectual, not just a journalist, with real literary flair and style and insight.”"

There was WMDs there..

US soldiers got killed by the old ones from the Reagan years, ISIS found them and used them

You are being obtuse. The invasion was not predicated on the old WMDs, nor was Krauthammer's cheeleading for the war predicated on it. It should be no surprise that the biggest foreign policy blunder in our history brought along some collateral damage, including Krauthammer. He was not alone.
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I enjoyed Krauthammer..but to call him 'non-partisan;' is incorrect, IMO. He was known as one of the icons of Neo-conservatism and one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq..fiercely defending the idea that there were WMD there..and ignoring the evidence that there was, in fact, none.

His views on the state of the mentally ill in america..and his wit--are what kept me reading him.

But non-partisan? He'd laugh at that, I think. He was not a blind partisan..attacking the tea party..he called them the "suicide caucus". He was a ardent, caring Republican--who, BTW, despised Trump and spoke of him with withering contempt.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68
"Yet Dr. Krauthammer, who was named by Bush to the President’s Council on Bioethics, was never completely a partisan warrior. He differed from many cultural conservatives by favoring legalized abortion and stem-cell research and abhorred the idea of “intelligent design,” calling it “a fraud,” “today’s tarted-up version of creationism.”
He scolded the tea party, a loud minority within the GOP that tried to force its way legislatively with government shutdowns, as the “suicide caucus.” It was one thing to be a “blocking element” in the minority, he said, but their tactics were no way to govern.
Dr. Krauthammer was apoplectic about the rise and election of President Trump, calling him a “moral disgrace” for his initial refusal to fully condemn a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and a walking “systemic stress test.”
“He had great lucidity of thought and was an extremely pungent polemicist,” Heilbrunn said of Dr. Krauthammer. “Those traits manifested themselves once more in his searing denunciations of Donald Trump as a phony. They showed that Krauthammer wasn’t simply a reflexive, unthinking conservative who was peddling the party line. He had real discernment and independence. At bottom, he was an intellectual, not just a journalist, with real literary flair and style and insight.”"

Totally agree, while I found him informative he was most certainly partisan.
"Non-partisan" is the not a term I would have used to describe Krauthammer. He was a right-wing intellectual, fairly neo-conservative.

There are others out there, you just have to find them. Andrew Sullivan is a good place to start.
You are never going to see the likes of Krauthammer on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN or PBS. Mainstream doesn't have to be non-partisan.
Well, except for when he appeared on literally every single one of those networks....
He was a non partisan guy, all we are going to do now is fight among our selves at least when he was alive we used to listen and wake up a bit..

There is no super stars politically any more..if you know someone that's non partisan. Please tell me who it is and I will follow them..
I enjoyed Krauthammer..but to call him 'non-partisan;' is incorrect, IMO. He was known as one of the icons of Neo-conservatism and one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq..fiercely defending the idea that there were WMD there..and ignoring the evidence that there was, in fact, none.

His views on the state of the mentally ill in america..and his wit--are what kept me reading him.

But non-partisan? He'd laugh at that, I think. He was not a blind partisan..attacking the tea party..he called them the "suicide caucus". He was a ardent, caring Republican--who, BTW, despised Trump and spoke of him with withering contempt.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68
"Yet Dr. Krauthammer, who was named by Bush to the President’s Council on Bioethics, was never completely a partisan warrior. He differed from many cultural conservatives by favoring legalized abortion and stem-cell research and abhorred the idea of “intelligent design,” calling it “a fraud,” “today’s tarted-up version of creationism.”
He scolded the tea party, a loud minority within the GOP that tried to force its way legislatively with government shutdowns, as the “suicide caucus.” It was one thing to be a “blocking element” in the minority, he said, but their tactics were no way to govern.
Dr. Krauthammer was apoplectic about the rise and election of President Trump, calling him a “moral disgrace” for his initial refusal to fully condemn a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and a walking “systemic stress test.”
“He had great lucidity of thought and was an extremely pungent polemicist,” Heilbrunn said of Dr. Krauthammer. “Those traits manifested themselves once more in his searing denunciations of Donald Trump as a phony. They showed that Krauthammer wasn’t simply a reflexive, unthinking conservative who was peddling the party line. He had real discernment and independence. At bottom, he was an intellectual, not just a journalist, with real literary flair and style and insight.”"

There was WMDs there..

US soldiers got killed by the old ones from the Reagan years, ISIS found them and used them

You are being obtuse. The invasion was not predicated on the old WMDs, nor was Krauthammer's cheeleading for the war predicated on it. It should be no surprise that the biggest foreign policy blunder in our history brought along some collateral damage, including Krauthammer. He was not alone.
I agree..except--I still would vote for Vietnam as the biggest foreign policy blunder in our history. Not annexing Cuba ranks up there as well.

Krauthammer was damn smart..and like a lot of smart people...when he got it wrong..he REALLY got it wrong--still, I'll miss reading him--his style alone was singular.
"he was a big war hawk: go to Iraq, go to Iraq.

if I was Abe Lincoln, Krauthammer would oppose me!" - Trump

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