Can Anyone On This Board Name the Rightwing Terrorist Group


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
who bombed the Oklahoma City building! I just want the name of the group!
Military Veterans against Clinton?


The chief conspirators, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, met in 1988 at Fort Benning during basic training for the U.S. Army.[17] Michael Fortier, McVeigh's accomplice, was his Army roommate.[18] The three shared interests in survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement.[19][20] They expressed anger at the federal government...
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I didn't think so. The guy with the head up his ass is blowing smoke.
Ruby Ridge Revenge Militia?!

One of America's heroes?

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While in the military, McVeigh used much of his spare time to read about firearms, sniper tactics, and explosives.[13] McVeigh was reprimanded by the military for purchasing a "White Power" T-shirt at a Ku Klux Klan protest against black servicemen who wore what he viewed as "Black Power" T-shirts around the army base.

McVeigh was awarded a Bronze Star for his service in the first Gulf War.

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers complaining about taxes:

Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight. [...] Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.[19]
The Murrah building had been previously targeted in October 1983 by white supremacist group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, including founder James Ellison and Richard Snell.

Conservatives? Republicans? Christians?
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Hmmmmmm, let us see.... The Terrorist was anti-taxes, was into survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement, hated the big bad government and especially the Clintons?

yeah, you're correct. He couldn't be right wing. Nah, naw, no way. :eusa_clap:
Good documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing.

[ame=]A Noble Lie - Oklahoma City 1995 - YouTube[/ame]
He wasn't right wing. He wasn't anything except a scared kid who really believed that the government murdered innocent men, women and children at WACO.

Now Tim was correct in his premise. He just went about his vengeance the wrong way. I still want Reno to pay. And all that helped her kill all of those innocents on American soil.

But to blow up other innocents is not the way. Many say he was advised by ME radicals. Who knows?

Bottom line though we all know Reno and Clinton murdered with forethought Americans on American soil.

And Dems would do it again in a heartbeat.

Hmmmmmm, let us see.... The Terrorist was anti-taxes, was into survivalism, opposed gun control, and supported the militia movement, hated the big bad government and especially the Clintons?

yeah, you're correct. He couldn't be right wing. Nah, naw, no way. :eusa_clap:

What's the name of his group? That's the question from the op.

And considering I know this inside and out, prove anti taxes survivalism and all the other bs you just posted.

Go slow, take deep breaths here and prove to me your story you just told.

Because knowing what I know, and I'm big into murder. Murder is actually my first love you see not politics, I really studied this murderer called Tim.

From a killing point of view.

So you prove to me all the shit you just spewed.
Links are not needed.
Fear of Obama, fear of Islamofascists, mushroom clouds in 45 minutes, They are gonna take our guns away, fear of gayness infecting them, etc.
You name it fear is their primary motivator.

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