Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

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Gold Member
May 8, 2017

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?
Anything you post about Trump qualifies as spam.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #4
You guys aren't being very helpful.
It's a "banning offense" with a stiff warning whatever it is.
You guys aren't being very helpful.
It's a "banning offense" with a stiff warning whatever it is.
I told you what it is. You do not want to accept it. Please keep going and get yourself banned. Please.

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?
dean you have been here long enough to know if you are bothered by a to a mod or an administrator....
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?

You could PM multiple Moderators on both sides to get your answer, but I know you prefer it out here instead...
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.

Spamming consists of multiple threads about the same subject matter by the same poster or group.
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.

Spamming consists of multiple threads about the same subject matter by the same poster or group.
Being yesterday, let me guess what it was about......
could it be COHEN/MANAFORT?
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.

Spamming consists of multiple threads about the same subject matter by the same poster or group.
Being yesterday, let me guess what it was about......
could it be COHEN/MANAFORT?

Of course.

That is why when I spam it is in certain regions of the board.

The OP'ER knows the rules and just want to claim he is a victim of the mean conservative moderators.

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?

Dollars to donuts continual posting of 10000000000000000000000000000 pictures in a thread would be a spamming violation.
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.

"No Spamming. Multiple posting of the same thing, advertising and links to other sites."
What IS spamming, anyway? I hear that term a lot, but I don't know. I thought it was those Chinese guys burying us in ads all at once. I've never seen RDean send ads, so it must have a different definition.
/----/ I'm Spamming the board.

Can anyone give a definition and examples of "Spamming the Political Thread"?

So we know what not to do.

Does it apply to other threads?
I only know that leaving messages in chats that have nothing to do with whatever is being talked about is spamming.

God bless you always!!!

Well. A dozen threads about each issue would qualify.
I don't think it's that. These are my last dozen threads.

Will Republicans be the scapegoat for what is undeniably happening all around the world?

Three actual events - which one isn't treason?

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

Tom Arnold Claims He's Seen a Tape of Donald Trump Calling His Son Eric the 'R-Word'

Get this: FOX NEWS reads open letter slamming Trump in every way possible. Couldn't believe it.

Republican tax cuts to billionaires could’ve paid for our entire infrastructure upgrade

O M G ! Sarah Sanders APOLOGIZES for telling a big fat lie about Obama. She APOLOGIZED? REALLY?

Donald Trump: The "A nasty person is who I am" defense.

Stephen Miller, architect of Trump Racist immigration policies repudiated by his immigrant family.

Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.

What kind of minority Trump Spokesperson thinks white people are "pure"?

Remember when Republicans used to put Party before Country?

Maybe because I post a list of Trump saying violent and nasty things. Right wingers say again and again it's Democrats that talk violent. Every time I see that, I post the list of Trump promoting violence.

But it's not about me. I was just wondering, and maybe it's too much work, but perhaps a thread that says why people have been banned. Maybe only the mods could write to it but everyone could read it. It might be interesting reading. And it would show people what not to do. Not everything is criticism and punishment. Sometimes it's a learning experience.

That's my unassuming and non confrontational two cents.
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