Can Alaskans spell???


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Tally from Tuesdays vote for Senator from Alaska

Joe Miller (R) 34.2%
Scott NcAdams (D) 23.7%
Write-ins 41%

Expect Joe Miller (and Sarah Palin) to challenge every write-in ballot that does not correctly spell "Lisa Murkowski"

This could get interesting and make hanging chads look like childs play
Alaska Senate race could be 'highest stakes spelling bee' in politics -

Another fellow Alaskan running as a write-in is Lisa M. Lackey, whose presence on the ballot may complicate things for Murkowski.

Under state law, for a write-in vote to be valid, the name written on the ballot must match the name as it is listed on the write-in candidate's declaration of candidacy. In Murkowski's case, the law requires her supporters to write "Lisa Murkowski" or "Murkowski" for the vote to be counted.

However, in the event a voter misspells or abbreviates a candidate's name, such as "Lisa M." instead of "Lisa Murkowski," the Division of Elections would determine the voter's intent "on a case-by-case basis," according to division director Gail Fenumiai.

With two potential "Lisa M's" as write-in candidates, determining the intent of a voter who writes in "Lisa M." on his or her ballot would be much more difficult.

Matt Felling, an anchor for KTVA-TV in Anchorage, said the race could prove to be the "highest stakes spelling bee in American political history."

"Now we are going to find out how many people can put nine letters together that somewhat resemble Murkowski," he told CNN.

Miller's campaign blasted the Division of Elections' standards as "extraordinarily ambiguous."
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I hope he lawyers up. No more Al Frankens.

I have no dog in the fight

Do you really prefer that Joe Miller represent the Republicans instead of Lisa Murkowsky?
Tally from Tuesdays vote for Senator from Alaska

Joe Miller (R) 34.2%
Scott NcAdams (D) 23.7%
Write-ins 41%

Expect Joe Miller (and Sarah Palin) to challenge every write-in ballot that does not correctly spell "Lisa Murkowski"

This could get interesting and make hanging chads look like childs play

The funniest part about this is that any write-ins with Joe Miller's name on them won't count as Miller is not a qualified write in candidate. What a moran!

Now that you mention it, I don't believe I've ever seen a word spelled incorrectly outside of the State of Alaska. Maybe rightwinger is right. Most likely left though.:lol:
Tally from Tuesdays vote for Senator from AlaskaJoe Miller (R) 34.2%
Scott NcAdams (D) 23.7%
Write-ins 41%
Expect Joe Miller (and Sarah Palin) to challenge every write-in ballot that does not correctly spell "Lisa Murkowski"
This could get interesting and make hanging chads look like childs play
The funniest part about this is that any write-ins with Joe Miller's name on them won't count as Miller is not a qualified write in candidate. What a moran!

are you guys serious lolol you are all mocking spelling while misspelling words yourselves.

Oh I see your sideways picture. Hmmmm that's moronic
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the Division of Elections would determine the voter's intent "on a case-by-case basis,

So a write in ballot comes in with "Lisa M." on it, or "Mukiwski." Voter intent seems pretty clear to me. I'm sure it will to the D of E as well.
Maybe Joe Miller can offer to use his work computers to scan the Liza Moorkowsky ballots?
Tally from Tuesdays vote for Senator from Alaska

Joe Miller (R) 34.2%
Scott NcAdams (D) 23.7%
Write-ins 41%

Expect Joe Miller (and Sarah Palin) to challenge every write-in ballot that does not correctly spell "Lisa Murkowski"

This could get interesting and make hanging chads look like childs play
Not all write ins will be for Murkowsky.
Tally from Tuesdays vote for Senator from Alaska

Joe Miller (R) 34.2%
Scott NcAdams (D) 23.7%
Write-ins 41%

Expect Joe Miller (and Sarah Palin) to challenge every write-in ballot that does not correctly spell "Lisa Murkowski"

This could get interesting and make hanging chads look like childs play
Not all write ins will be for Murkowsky.

i hope a lot are for miller
Well, if the candidate's name is Murkowski, and someone writes in Murkowsky, sounds like a vote for Murkowsky, not Murkowski.

That's awesome.. Murkowski's vote get's split with Murkowsky. Oh the irony.
the Division of Elections would determine the voter's intent "on a case-by-case basis,
So a write in ballot comes in with "Lisa M." on it, or "Mukiwski." Voter intent seems pretty clear to me. I'm sure it will to the D of E as well.

I would not count "Mukiwski", but I would count "Murkowsky".

However, if someone is planning on going in to specifically vote for a write-in candidate, is not too much to axe for them to memorize 9 letters in sequence?
Well, if the candidate's name is Murkowski, and someone writes in Murkowsky, sounds like a vote for Murkowsky, not Murkowski.

That's awesome.. Murkowski's vote get's split with Murkowsky. Oh the irony.


Murkowsky will turn out to be some schitzo living in a cave keeping an eye on Russia

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