“can a businessman fix the economy?”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Week. June 15,2012.
Does America need a “CEO in Chief?”

Bain Capital, Romney’s private equity firm, made rich investors richer by buying struggling companies, laying off workers and driving the company into the ground.
“Romney economic didn’t work in Massachusetts and it won’t work now.” Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states. His four year in Massachusetts are a gaping “hole to Romney’s resume.”
Its’ true that Massachusetts lost manufacturing jobs under Romney from 2003 to 2007, but the state’s employment figures had been to free fall for two years before he become Governor, and “the average annual rate of loss lowed every year doing his tenure, (isn’t that he same as Obama claiming that he inherited a failing economy from Bush when he took office, that he has been attacked for?)
Timothy Egan; “A business background is more often than not a prelude to a disastrous president.” Our economy has boomed under presidents that had no business experience at all, including Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Businessmen Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush gave us the two worst financial crises in history. …“the less experience in business , the better the president
Romney has already revealed what he would do to revive the economy if elected…cut taxes for the rich by 20%, deeply cut domestic spending for the needy under Paul Ryan radical “path to prosperity” program. If you believe in trickle-down economics, Romney is your man.

Romney running on his strength as a businessman. But he won’t tell us how he made is millions and where he is hiding it and why? Who helped him to become a successful businessman?
Romney is “always going to smooth the hands that feeds him” $400 million a year with tax cuts and tax loop holes and tax havens and that is big businesses.
a corporate raider is not the right kind of Businessman to run any government
Let's see. A businessman with a solid track record - as per Willie Clinton - vs. the community agitator in chief who'd be highly challenged running a lemonade stand? It remains to be seen where the folks in Hyde Park let him park his new stand come January.
Your guys business record is one of a corporate raider.

why would the average Joe and joette vote for that?
The message this evil and reprehensible regime intends to send is that people in business are evil so don't be evil and be a success in business. Be good. Be a government dependent.
Seriously? Dems are actually asking this question? LOL

Let's see:

A. Successful businessman with an awesome resume of success


B. A community organizer who never had a job

That's an EASY choice.
Yeah, what we really need is someone with ZERO business experience and no executive experience as well...oh, wait...that's what we have now! How's THAT working out?

42 months of unemployment over 8%...GDP grinding along at 1%...yearly deficits of a trillion plus dollars...the first credit downgrade in our nation's history...four dollar a gallon gas? Why would ANYONE want four more years of THAT?
Suggesting that people get off welfare and get a job is heartless. That's the government message.

It is obvious that you don't have a clue as to who the people are that is on welfare. They are mostly single mothers with no job training and no programs for them to train and not baby sitting subsidies to assist them in working. Then there are the disabled who cannot work. Single men and womne without children do not qualify for TANF but they go to the County for help and it is usually a one time thing. Why do you think there are so many homeless men and women? No welfare to sit on.
Romney is out of touch also because he has never been on welfare but he should know something about it.:eusa_hand:
I think big business will prosper under Romney. He will ensure they get all that they want. The middle class will somehow take it on the chin like they always do. We live in a system that is run amok by big money and those that think that if you have alot of money you have the right to more power. We the middle class are the sheeple who actually believe all of the nonsense. The "american dream" moniker is used against the people of this country. Please prove me wrong.
Yeah, what we really need is someone with ZERO business experience and no executive experience as well...oh, wait...that's what we have now! How's THAT working out?

42 months of unemployment over 8%...GDP grinding along at 1%...yearly deficits of a trillion plus dollars...the first credit downgrade in our nation's history...four dollar a gallon gas? Why would ANYONE want four more years of THAT?

400,000 million jobs created in the past 17 months. Unemployment at 8.3% instead of 20%. In economic recovery instead of a depression that we were headed. Affordable Healthcare for all, Ending the Iraq war saving millions of live and dollars. Obama do not set the price of gas. He filled the donut hole for me saving me hundreds of dollars. The $5 trillion spending was to fix what Bush had already put in place. Two wars, tax cuts for the rich, None of which is Obamas. You will never appreciate what you have until you lose it.
Romney is not going to line your hands but the hands that feed him at your expense.
Suggesting that people get off welfare and get a job is heartless. That's the government message.

It is obvious that you don't have a clue as to who the people are that is on welfare. They are mostly single mothers with no job training and no programs for them to train and not baby sitting subsidies to assist them in working. Then there are the disabled who cannot work. Single men and womne without children do not qualify for TANF but they go to the County for help and it is usually a one time thing. Why do you think there are so many homeless men and women? No welfare to sit on.
Romney is out of touch also because he has never been on welfare but he should know something about it.:eusa_hand:

Why do I think there are so many homeless men and women? Gee, let's think...people have been unemployed for the longest amount of time since the Great Depression under this Administration...burning up their life's savings while waiting for Barry to get off his ass and DO something. All this while Harry Reid sits on 30 plus House bills over in the Senate that he doesn't want his fellow Democrats to be on record voting on. Gee...what COULD be causing the spike on food stamps and homelessness? Duh?
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I think big business will prosper under Romney. He will ensure they get all that they want. The middle class will somehow take it on the chin like they always do. We live in a system that is run amok by big money and those that think that if you have alot of money you have the right to more power. We the middle class are the sheeple who actually believe all of the nonsense. The "american dream" moniker is used against the people of this country. Please prove me wrong.

It's sad you feel that way four years into Obama's presidency.

Vote Romney and give him a chance to prove you wrong.
I think big business will prosper under Romney. He will ensure they get all that they want. The middle class will somehow take it on the chin like they always do. We live in a system that is run amok by big money and those that think that if you have alot of money you have the right to more power. We the middle class are the sheeple who actually believe all of the nonsense. The "american dream" moniker is used against the people of this country. Please prove me wrong.

Explain to me HOW Romney will do that while giving tax cut to the rich and cutting spending for the needy and you will prove me wrong. How he plan to create 12 million jobs? Romney don't even know.
Yeah, what we really need is someone with ZERO business experience and no executive experience as well...oh, wait...that's what we have now! How's THAT working out?

42 months of unemployment over 8%...GDP grinding along at 1%...yearly deficits of a trillion plus dollars...the first credit downgrade in our nation's history...four dollar a gallon gas? Why would ANYONE want four more years of THAT?

400,000 million jobs created in the past 17 months. Unemployment at 8.3% instead of 20%. In economic recovery instead of a depression that we were headed. Affordable Healthcare for all, Ending the Iraq war saving millions of live and dollars. Obama do not set the price of gas. He filled the donut hole for me saving me hundreds of dollars. The $5 trillion spending was to fix what Bush had already put in place. Two wars, tax cuts for the rich, None of which is Obamas. You will never appreciate what you have until you lose it.
Romney is not going to line your hands but the hands that feed him at your expense.

The worst economic recovery since the Great Depression? Is that the "recovery" you speak of? Affordable health care? What did ObamaCare do to make my health care more affordable? My rates went up. Obama's energy policy (or lack of one) is going to give us five dollar a gallon gas and higher electricity costs.

I won't appreciate Barry until he's gone? My bank account disagrees with you...
"Vote Romney and give him a chance to prove you wrong. "

Sorry, sitting this election out. Dont care for either party right now. Too extreme on each side for me. Occupy scares me. Nothing in common at all with the tea party they hate people like me.
The Week. June 15,2012.
Does America need a “CEO in Chief?”

Bain Capital, Romney’s private equity firm, made rich investors richer by buying struggling companies, laying off workers and driving the company into the ground.
“Romney economic didn’t work in Massachusetts and it won’t work now.” Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states. His four year in Massachusetts are a gaping “hole to Romney’s resume.”
Its’ true that Massachusetts lost manufacturing jobs under Romney from 2003 to 2007, but the state’s employment figures had been to free fall for two years before he become Governor, and “the average annual rate of loss lowed every year doing his tenure, (isn’t that he same as Obama claiming that he inherited a failing economy from Bush when he took office, that he has been attacked for?)
Timothy Egan; “A business background is more often than not a prelude to a disastrous president.” Our economy has boomed under presidents that had no business experience at all, including Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Businessmen Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush gave us the two worst financial crises in history. …“the less experience in business , the better the president
Romney has already revealed what he would do to revive the economy if elected…cut taxes for the rich by 20%, deeply cut domestic spending for the needy under Paul Ryan radical “path to prosperity” program. If you believe in trickle-down economics, Romney is your man.

Romney running on his strength as a businessman. But he won’t tell us how he made is millions and where he is hiding it and why? Who helped him to become a successful businessman?
Romney is “always going to smooth the hands that feeds him” $400 million a year with tax cuts and tax loop holes and tax havens and that is big businesses.

Hmmmm, let's see...........that business man fixed the Olympics and the state of Massachusetts. Are you sure he's not capable???

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