Calling out Amazon Execs for dropping the ball on fixing Amazons faults


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
CEO Andy Jassy now has the reigns while
phalic obsessed rocket man Bezos is off playing Star Trek with his friends.
When are those Execs at Amazon gonna fix all those annoying problems and poor business standards and unethical practices that existed when the immoral Bezos was at the helm?
To this day they still, as Justice dept looks the other way, require your credit card and payment data before they show the charges and sneak in their fees that are supposed to be waived during free shipping. It's been that way in hiding the total amount from the customer, for years on many retail sites. In states with severe bait and switch laws and disclosures, this could be deemed highly illegal and in some cases credit card fraud and violation of privacy laws.
Another issue, lately they've been practicing severe abuses with fake ratings, as in if you have 5 people who give it 1 star and another 5 give it 2-4 stars then the raring can't equal 4 1/2 stars, the numbers don't add up like the 2020 election, or the Covid death counts after Biden state numbers never matched federal number which in some cases comically total numbera went down (resurrections reverse count-where are these walking dead, on set in Georgia?), then the numbers stagnated after complaints states were in outbreak mode with everyone dying. Then when Biden era deaths surpassed Trumps, those totals changed too and never added up.
Same with the vaccination totals, numbers bounced and changed to fake a narrative, which is what Amazon is doing with it's fake rating system to sell illegitimate goods to it's customers. They don't even remove these fake or poor products, they just keep ripping people off, so Bezos can play space balls.
Do you know how many fake micro sd cards and flash drives Amazon sneeks in each year, probably enough over the many years to fill your favorite stadium.
If you go and order 2 under $25 items delivered through Amazon wharehouses that equal over $25 to qualify free delivery, and it states that you have free delivery qualified in the checkout cart, and they require your card info before they magically skip the shipment choice page failing to notify you or to show you they hid your delivery charges until deep in the process, that is called Fraud in "all" the states in the U.S. that is explicitely fraud. So CEO Andy Jassy is not doing his job to make Amazon respectable and legit, and nor is Garland doing his job as AG who is to busy trying to arrest grandma and grandpa at PTA meetings then keeping big tech in check with proper U.S. business practices, credit card laws, and privacy laws.
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When are those Execs at Amazon gonna fix all those annoying problems and poor business standards and unethical practices that existed when the immoral Bezos was at the helm?
Only the U.S. government could afford to take him to court and they aren't likely to try it. Fortunately, those arrogant bastards are finally beginning to drop all the masks and go full tyranny on dissenters. I say fortunately because pain is the only thing that will effect change. I heard a report about Mike Lindell beginning to ease into the same kind of business model that Amazon uses and I looked it over. So far, pretty low-end, cheesy kind of offerings but as the Left further guts our economy, his business may grow and prosper. Either way, at least there's an alternative for Americans tired of funding anti-American scum.

I wish him the best and I'll be shopping there.
CEO Andy Jassy now has the reigns while
phalic obsessed rocket man Bezos is off playing Star Trek with his friends.
When are those Execs at Amazon gonna fix all those annoying problems and poor business standards and unethical practices that existed when the immoral Bezos was at the helm?
To this day they still, as Justice dept looks the other way, require your credit card and payment data before they show the charges and sneak in their fees that are supposed to be waived during free shipping. It's been that way in hiding the total amount from the customer, for years on many retail sites. In states with severe bait and switch laws and disclosures, this could be deemed highly illegal and in some cases credit card fraud and violation of privacy laws.
Another issue, lately they've been practicing severe abuses with fake ratings, as in if you have 5 people who give it 1 star and another 5 give it 2-4 stars then the raring can't equal 4 1/2 stars, the numbers don't add up like the 2020 election, or the Covid death counts after Biden state numbers never matched federal number which in some cases comically total numbera went down (resurrections reverse count-where are these walking dead, on set in Georgia?), then the numbers stagnated after complaints states were in outbreak mode with everyone dying. Then when Biden era deaths surpassed Trumps, those totals changed too and never added up.
Same with the vaccination totals, numbers bounced and changed to fake a narrative, which is what Amazon is doing with it's fake rating system to sell illegitimate goods to it's customers. They don't even remove these fake or poor products, they just keep ripping people off, so Bezos can play space balls.
Do you know how many fake micro sd cards and flash drives Amazon sneeks in each year, probably enough over the many years to fill your favorite stadium.
If you go and order 2 under $25 items delivered through Amazon wharehouses that equal over $25 to qualify free delivery, and it states that you have free delivery qualified in the checkout cart, and they require your card info before they magically skip the shipment choice page failing to notify you or to show you they hid your delivery charges until deep in the process, that is called Fraud in "all" the states in the U.S. that is explicitely fraud. So CEO Andy Jassy is not doing his job to make Amazon respectable and legit, and nor is Garland doing his job as AG who is to busy trying to arrest grandma and grandpa at PTA meetings then keeping big tech in check with proper U.S. business practices, credit card laws, and privacy laws.
Scamazon simply needs to be knocked down a peg or two.

During Covid, which I'm certain made Scamazon obscene amounts of money, I saw three different products which I customarily use a lot of become scarcer and scarcer until Scamazon was the only place you could get them, and then the prices became absolutely mind boggling!

It's getting easier now to find some things locally or from other online outlets, but three dozen Ball wide mouth quart canning jars are $34.68 at Menards and Scamazon has them for $128.95. This is why I try really hard to find everything I need locally and am enjoying telling Scamazon to fuck off and die.
Only the U.S. government could afford to take him to court and they aren't likely to try it. Fortunately, those arrogant bastards are finally beginning to drop all the masks and go full tyranny on dissenters. I say fortunately because pain is the only thing that will effect change. I heard a report about Mike Lindell beginning to ease into the same kind of business model that Amazon uses and I looked it over. So far, pretty low-end, cheesy kind of offerings but as the Left further guts our economy, his business may grow and prosper. Either way, at least there's an alternative for Americans tired of funding anti-American scum.

I wish him the best and I'll be shopping there.
I'll always shop at MyPillow unless Lindell really does start doing heinous practices. I love the products!
Well during the Pandemic in China and the begining stage of ours, it was understandable of the delays, even though they reserved quick deliveries for a few what they deemed essential but not what was essential to everyone.
What I didn't appreciate was at the unecessary 2 month wait to get 3 items ended with a fake tracking delivery message, some bad lying excuses on their end about how their system can claim delivery at your door while telling you to wait 2 more days and contact another rep so their lazy self doesn't have to deal with you(push it down the line). In short I had to order it again, and wait, and they would have kept my money if I had forgotten after 2 months.
The non essential item was a phone item, something we all desperately needed in lockdown. I stoped shopping there after that, and when they kicked that twitter competition site off their host I boycotted Amazon for a year and only recently with no store stock or online items had to buy small items only found there.
I've found a lot of alternatives, and if Walmart took the time to detail products better and provide a better online site then I would shop there more, because they got the same wholesalers connected as Amazon.
I just sometimes wonder if any of these execs understand that it's unacceptable to take millions in salary while allowing such half effort to go into their make up of their site and structured performance of the corps personel.

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