California’s Largest Corporation is Going Galt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Posted by Robbie Cooper on 12/26/2012 @ California

And by “going Galt” I obviously mean “packing their bags and moving to Texas.”

Via Front Page Mag:California’s Largest Corporation is Headed for the Exit

Chevron is California’s largest corporation, but it seems to be making the moveto becoming Texas’ largest corporation instead.

That’s 800 jobs out the door which gives Chevron a larger presence in Texas than it still has in California.

Read more at link
Jesus, Longknife, you have started 5 threads on this page of the Economics forum. I am your first reply. Cumulatively. Does that say anything at all to you? Hello, anyone in there?
No worries! California is raising taxes next year and is looking at repealing Prop 13 which limits Property Taxes. When that happens all those people and jobs will come flooding back in and the California Economy will be humming in no time!

Emphasis on "no time".
good bye and enjoy your new found home for a few years until the minority population makes Texas back int a Dem state.

I lived in Cali before prop 13 and after.

It was a better run state before prop 13
good bye and enjoy your new found home for a few years until the minority population makes Texas back int a Dem state.

I lived in Cali before prop 13 and after.

It was a better run state before prop 13

Once more, TMN mistakes correlation for causality.

The Post Prop 13 era is the period in which public employee unions expanded dramatically and basically performed a coup d'etat over Sacramento. State spending per capita, adjusted for inflation, has grown at more than double the rate of inflation.

CA's problem is that it is on the Greek Trajectory of Big Government crushing the economy and society.
Jesus, Longknife, you have started 5 threads on this page of the Economics forum. I am your first reply. Cumulatively. Does that say anything at all to you? Hello, anyone in there?
Your retardery is nothing more than admission that CA's policies are driving business out of the state.

It's really undeniable. So you didn't even try to deny it.
Jesus, Longknife, you have started 5 threads on this page of the Economics forum. I am your first reply. Cumulatively. Does that say anything at all to you? Hello, anyone in there?
Your retardery is nothing more than admission that CA's policies are driving business out of the state.

It's really undeniable. So you didn't even try to deny it.

he's just learned very late in life that liberalism is pure stupidity so he's angry at himself for having been so brainwashed. How would you feel if you came on here as a college professor and were quickly reduced to violent personal attack because liberal substance was even more embarrassing.
The bad news is that the transplanted Fornicalians are going to drag their intellectually arrested and bankrupt politics with them, and fuck up the states that they infest.

I saw it happen first-hand in Colorado.

That does seem to be an issue seeing as more people are leaving than going to cali... Now look at who goes into cali, poor Mexicans... Then look at who is leaving, tax paying educated everyone.

TM approves!
The bad news is that the transplanted Fornicalians are going to drag their intellectually arrested and bankrupt politics with them, and fuck up the states that they infest.

I saw it happen first-hand in Colorado.

That does seem to be an issue seeing as more people are leaving than going to cali... Now look at who goes into cali, poor Mexicans... Then look at who is leaving, tax paying educated everyone.

TM approves!

Yes, successful people go Galt in many many ways. THey don't like being cash cows for ever growing and ever failing liberal welfare programs.
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good bye and enjoy your new found home for a few years until the minority population makes Texas back int a Dem state.

I lived in Cali before prop 13 and after.

It was a better run state before prop 13

Jizz covered doodle whacker says what?
I was talking to a very successful and wealthy business owner in LA a few weeks ago. He told me his marginal tax state and federal income tax rate was going up to 57%. After being in LA for almost 30 years, he said he was seriously thinking about moving out of state. He has an asset management business that employees over 100 people, most in LA.

I gave him the hard sell on Florida. He said he was considering Florida or Texas.
I was talking to a very successful and wealthy business owner in LA a few weeks ago. He told me his marginal tax state and federal income tax rate was going up to 57%. After being in LA for almost 30 years, he said he was seriously thinking about moving out of state. He has an asset management business that employees over 100 people, most in LA.

I gave him the hard sell on Florida. He said he was considering Florida or Texas.
Damn shame those folks unwilling to move would lose their jobs, but if he stays and the business goes under, ALL the jobs are lost.
I was talking to a very successful and wealthy business owner in LA a few weeks ago. He told me his marginal tax state and federal income tax rate was going up to 57%. After being in LA for almost 30 years, he said he was seriously thinking about moving out of state. He has an asset management business that employees over 100 people, most in LA.

I gave him the hard sell on Florida. He said he was considering Florida or Texas.
Damn shame those folks unwilling to move would lose their jobs, but if he stays and the business goes under, ALL the jobs are lost.

it doesn't matter!!! the 19th Century Marxists have assured it is necessary to punish parasitic business even if they go bankrupt, leave the state or country and are responsible for the goods and services that got us from the Stone Age to here. Maybe the Girl Scouts can invent the drugs and gene sequencing machines that will save our lives from the cancer that awaits us.
The bad news is that the transplanted Fornicalians are going to drag their intellectually arrested and bankrupt politics with them, and fuck up the states that they infest.

I saw it happen first-hand in Colorado.
At the rate CA, IL and RI are taking on water I don't see that trend persisting. The provisions of Obamacare kick in prior to the 2014 election and tax flight from high tax states will cause a reasonable facsimile of a Democratic party collapse. 30 hours = full time employees under Obamacare and probable state civil and criminal penalties in most red states for not buying insurance will cause a countervailing flight to the blue states by the poor. That will cause taxes to increase further.

That will drive home the idea Blue bad, red good.
I was talking to a very successful and wealthy business owner in LA a few weeks ago. He told me his marginal tax state and federal income tax rate was going up to 57%. After being in LA for almost 30 years, he said he was seriously thinking about moving out of state. He has an asset management business that employees over 100 people, most in LA.

I gave him the hard sell on Florida. He said he was considering Florida or Texas.
Where are we going to pack all of the people?
I was talking to a very successful and wealthy business owner in LA a few weeks ago. He told me his marginal tax state and federal income tax rate was going up to 57%. After being in LA for almost 30 years, he said he was seriously thinking about moving out of state. He has an asset management business that employees over 100 people, most in LA.

I gave him the hard sell on Florida. He said he was considering Florida or Texas.
Damn shame those folks unwilling to move would lose their jobs, but if he stays and the business goes under, ALL the jobs are lost.

And here's the thing. The highly paid people will move or stay in LA because they already have enough money. But most of the support staff - those who need a job the most - will not move and will lose their jobs because they are less mobile.

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