California town to lay off all city employees, disband police


VIP Member
Dec 14, 2009
Economic hard times are causing many municipalities to look for ways to reduce their payrolls, but none has taken it as far as the town of Maywood, California.

On Monday night, the Maywood City Council voted unanimously to fire all 100 city employees and contract out most services, including record-keeping, street maintenance, and parks and recreation, to the neighboring town of Bell.

"We will become 100% a contracted city," Maywood's interim city manager stated.

Even the Maywood police department will be disbanded. Those services will be provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, since a proposal earlier this month to merge Mayfield's police department with that of Bell was met with angry protests by Bell residents.

It was the police department that largely got Maywood into its current financial troubles. Last month, the town was informed by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority that it would no longer be able to obtain liability insurance, largely as a result of excessive claims filed against the police.

California town to lay off all city employees, disband police | Raw Story
Another brilliant strategy by our friends on the left coast.

They deserve every bit of what is coming.
Economic hard times are causing many municipalities to look for ways to reduce their payrolls, but none has taken it as far as the town of Maywood, California.

On Monday night, the Maywood City Council voted unanimously to fire all 100 city employees and contract out most services, including record-keeping, street maintenance, and parks and recreation, to the neighboring town of Bell.

"We will become 100% a contracted city," Maywood's interim city manager stated.

Even the Maywood police department will be disbanded. Those services will be provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, since a proposal earlier this month to merge Mayfield's police department with that of Bell was met with angry protests by Bell residents.

It was the police department that largely got Maywood into its current financial troubles. Last month, the town was informed by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority that it would no longer be able to obtain liability insurance, largely as a result of excessive claims filed against the police.

California town to lay off all city employees, disband police | Raw Story

This is actually very smart and way overdue..:clap2:
Having read the article, and using it as the sole source, economic hard times appear to have little to do with this situation. Mismanagement and wrongheaded policies by all facets of the city's government brought on this situation.
Rather than take the honest route and dis-incorporate, they seek to retain the trappings of power while shedding the responsibilities.
Having read the article, and using it as the sole source, economic hard times appear to have little to do with this situation. Mismanagement and wrongheaded policies by all facets of the city's government brought on this situation.
Rather than take the honest route and dis-incorporate, they seek to retain the trappings of power while shedding the responsibilities.

Not to mention 22,500 illegal aliens in a city with a population of 45,000.

They can't run their city on rainbows and unicorns, so they're throwing in the towel.

If Mexico really wants California, and they're stupid enough to take it, we can kill two birds with one stone.
Maywood deserves everything that happens to them just like all sanctuary cities. When a city claims Sanctuary status for illegal immigrants they effectively tie the hands of the LEOs.
Maywood is looking more like Mexico every day. Let them police themseves and lets not waste time with policing. Give them Calif and lets move our border and build the fence.
Having read the article, and using it as the sole source, economic hard times appear to have little to do with this situation. Mismanagement and wrongheaded policies by all facets of the city's government brought on this situation.
Rather than take the honest route and dis-incorporate, they seek to retain the trappings of power while shedding the responsibilities.

Not to mention 22,500 illegal aliens in a city with a population of 45,000.

They can't run their city on rainbows and unicorns, so they're throwing in the towel.

If Mexico really wants California, and they're stupid enough to take it, we can kill two birds with one stone.

Not only can they not run the city on unicorns and rainbows, but they brought the same corruption that made Mexico unlivable with them. In addition, the number of highschool graduates in Maywood is less than 30 %.
"Four years ago, the department faced a political outcry when it began running checkpoints that resulted in hundreds of cars being taken away from unlicensed illegal immigrants," the Times explains. "The checkpoint sparked a political movement that brought a new council that was more sympathetic to illegal immigrants. But Maywood was back in the headlines when it declared itself a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, making the town a target of conservative talk radio and TV news shows."

Last year, California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that he would seek a court order to impose reforms on the Maywood Police Department, after a sixteen-month investigation had revealed "gross misconduct and widespread abuse." There have already been two police shootings since the start of 2010 that drew investigations by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The Los Angeles Times reports that town residents blame the current problems on "years of financial abuse and corruption" by the city council. Ironically, however, the city manager, attorney, and council members are the only Maywood employees who will remain on the payroll.

"You guys had the power to change it and you didn't," City Treasurer Lizeth Sandoval told the council at Monday's meeting. "You single-handedly destroyed the city."

California town to lay off all city employees, disband police | Raw Story

Jerry Brown should be indicted as a co-conspirator in the Mexican La Reconquista
Maywood is looking more like Mexico every day. Let them police themseves and lets not waste time with policing. Give them Calif and lets move our border and build the fence.

I think I'd rather see Cali sink into the ocean than turned into another branch of that third world country led by the most vile and heinous of all the Cartels in Mexico... the Federale Government!
Lol corrupt cops get ignored by rightwing lines in favor of attacking the real justice bringer. You've reached the next level of tea bagged. Now you get your hood.
Lol corrupt cops get ignored by rightwing lines in favor of attacking the real justice bringer. You've reached the next level of tea bagged. Now you get your hood.

I'm sorry I never took Jibberish as a Second Language, what is it you're trying to tell us?
Even the Maywood police department will be disbanded. Those services will be provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, since a proposal earlier this month to merge Mayfield's police department with that of Bell was met with angry protests by Bell residents.
It was the police department that largely got Maywood into its current financial troubles. Last month, the town was informed by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority that it would no longer be able to obtain liability insurance, largely as a result of excessive claims filed against the police.
Wow, sounds like too much police brutality and corruption. Amazing how that can fuck up a budget.
Having read the article, and using it as the sole source, economic hard times appear to have little to do with this situation. Mismanagement and wrongheaded policies by all facets of the city's government brought on this situation.
Rather than take the honest route and dis-incorporate, they seek to retain the trappings of power while shedding the responsibilities.

Not to mention 22,500 illegal aliens in a city with a population of 45,000.

They can't run their city on rainbows and unicorns, so they're throwing in the towel.

If Mexico really wants California, and they're stupid enough to take it, we can kill two birds with one stone.

That you can now be fitted for your kkk hood. And yes it's cute you think a finance degree is a lot of education.
"Four years ago, the department faced a political outcry when it began running checkpoints that resulted in hundreds of cars being taken away from unlicensed illegal immigrants," the Times explains. "The checkpoint sparked a political movement that brought a new council that was more sympathetic to illegal immigrants. But Maywood was back in the headlines when it declared itself a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, making the town a target of conservative talk radio and TV news shows."

Last year, California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that he would seek a court order to impose reforms on the Maywood Police Department, after a sixteen-month investigation had revealed "gross misconduct and widespread abuse." There have already been two police shootings since the start of 2010 that drew investigations by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The Los Angeles Times reports that town residents blame the current problems on "years of financial abuse and corruption" by the city council. Ironically, however, the city manager, attorney, and council members are the only Maywood employees who will remain on the payroll.

"You guys had the power to change it and you didn't," City Treasurer Lizeth Sandoval told the council at Monday's meeting. "You single-handedly destroyed the city."

California town to lay off all city employees, disband police | Raw Story

Jerry Brown should be indicted as a co-conspirator in the Mexican La Reconquista

In which branch of our military services did you enlist Frank? Oh, and by the way, which university did you attend to be such an expert on politics and economics?
Having read the article, and using it as the sole source, economic hard times appear to have little to do with this situation. Mismanagement and wrongheaded policies by all facets of the city's government brought on this situation.
Rather than take the honest route and dis-incorporate, they seek to retain the trappings of power while shedding the responsibilities.

This won't be the last city to take this drastic measure.

During the depression of the 30s thousands of municipalities declared bankruptsy.

Today 26 states declare it illegal for municipalities to declare bankruptsy

Below is the list of 26 states.
    • Alaska
    • Delaware
    • Georgia
    • Hawaii
    • Illinois
    • Indiana
    • Iowa
    • Kansas
    • Maine
    • Maryland
    • Massachusetts
    • Mississippi
    • Nevada
    • New Hampshire
    • New Mexico
    • North Dakota
    • Oregon
    • Rhode Island
    • South Dakota
    • Tennessee
    • Utah
    • Vermont
    • Virginia
    • West Virginia
    • Wisconsin
    • Wyoming
Although, one wonders exactly what the States can do to municipalities which do so?

If a muni cannot pay its bills, how is the state going to stop them from NOT paying their bills?

Seems to me that allowing munis to go Chapter 9 beats having them just refuse to pay and saying to hell with the creditors.
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Even the Maywood police department will be disbanded. Those services will be provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, since a proposal earlier this month to merge Mayfield's police department with that of Bell was met with angry protests by Bell residents.
It was the police department that largely got Maywood into its current financial troubles. Last month, the town was informed by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority that it would no longer be able to obtain liability insurance, largely as a result of excessive claims filed against the police.
Wow, sounds like too much police brutality and corruption. Amazing how that can fuck up a budget.

You might want to break pattern and actually read the article before commenting

"Four years ago, the department faced a political outcry when it began running checkpoints that resulted in hundreds of cars being taken away from unlicensed illegal immigrants," the Times explains. "The checkpoint sparked a political movement that brought a new council that was more sympathetic to illegal immigrants. But Maywood was back in the headlines when it declared itself a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, making the town a target of conservative talk radio and TV news shows."
That you can now be fitted for your kkk hood. And yes it's cute you think a finance degree is a lot of education.

I still don't understand what point you're trying to make and what Tea Bagging has to do with any of this

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