California makes a quiet move toward concentration camps


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
California prop 34 and 35

FORCE people convicted of crimes to WORK to pay off the "victims"

sounds like a great idea right?

how exactly�is a prison system going to FORCE people to work.

you might say "well i like the idea of chain gangs" (which this is NOT) , but when you think about it , this is a sickening idea.

more and more DNA tests are being used to prove people's innocence.
is this because of the wonders of the modern age?
NO, this is because judges and lawyers aren't running trials right.
there was a famous rape case where the judge told the victim she couldn't use the word "rape"

people are being placed on the "sex offender" list for taking a pee in public. (this is true)

our legal system is going haywire, and the last thing we need is a system that was the ability to FORCE people to work.


lets consider this scenario....

one day your driving down the street and you run into someone who ran a red light.
you jump out of the car and yell "what are you doing you dumb b****? you almost killed me!!!"
the window rolls down and it's Occupyer Diane Fienstien.
�Diane Fienstien says "did i run that red light? i'm so sorry , are you OK? ...don't worry about it"

well you're leaving for work the next day and the police arrest you for FELONY reckless driving driving.

you go to court and Fienstien, who isn'e even there, has her attorney, ...Gloria Alred....tell the court that the whole incident was your fault and you were reckless driving.

you're walking back to the courtroom after recess and you see the judge, Gloria Alread, Diane Fienstien, and your defense attorney all coming back from lunch together.

your defense attorney tell you the case isn't looking too good and you should just plead guilty and accept a lesser sentence.
you decide to fight it.

you are found guilty and the judge gives you 2 years, PLUS, you have to work off $3500 in expenses to Fienstien's car(somone who has already stole enough money from the public),'ll be earning $3 per day.

and by the way, every year you refuse to work, is a year they add to your sentence.
it's legal! ...the people passed it

[ame=]2012 California proposition prop 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - YouTube[/ame]
Are you just stupid? Our Local Jails do it all the time. They have Inmates out Cleaning road sides, clearing Culverts, Etc, All the time. In State Prisons The Inmates often Stamp License Plates, or do other simple assembly Jobs for the State.

why is it more humane to stick someone in a cell, with nothing to do all day everyday, than it is to give them a job to do to kill the time?
A lot of people are gonna be making false accusations to get the money out of the "victim".
The vast majority of people in prison are guilty. It's not like the great weight of jurisprudence convicts the innocent.

What happens is that the victim of a crime may suffer his or her entire life while the criminal escapes relatively unharmed, even if they go to prison for a few years, when they get out they are able to continue on while the victim is still paying the price of being a victim.

Making a criminal pay restitution is a very VERY small price.

Prop 34 is asking California to end the death penalty. I doubt this will happen. Speed up the appellate process might happen, but not end the DP.

Prop 35 doesn't relate to sex CRIMES, which might be taking a piss in public, but specifically to sex TRAFFICKING. Traffickers should get the death penalty, not merely have to register as a sex offender. How did human slavery get to be a non-registerable offense anyway?
California prop 34 and 35

FORCE people convicted of crimes to WORK to pay off the "victims"

sounds like a great idea right?

how exactly�is a prison system going to FORCE people to work.

you might say "well i like the idea of chain gangs" (which this is NOT) , but when you think about it , this is a sickening idea.

more and more DNA tests are being used to prove people's innocence.
is this because of the wonders of the modern age?
NO, this is because judges and lawyers aren't running trials right.
there was a famous rape case where the judge told the victim she couldn't use the word "rape"

people are being placed on the "sex offender" list for taking a pee in public. (this is true)

our legal system is going haywire, and the last thing we need is a system that was the ability to FORCE people to work.


lets consider this scenario....

one day your driving down the street and you run into someone who ran a red light.
you jump out of the car and yell "what are you doing you dumb b****? you almost killed me!!!"
the window rolls down and it's Occupyer Diane Fienstien.
�Diane Fienstien says "did i run that red light? i'm so sorry , are you OK? ...don't worry about it"

well you're leaving for work the next day and the police arrest you for FELONY reckless driving driving.

you go to court and Fienstien, who isn'e even there, has her attorney, ...Gloria Alred....tell the court that the whole incident was your fault and you were reckless driving.

you're walking back to the courtroom after recess and you see the judge, Gloria Alread, Diane Fienstien, and your defense attorney all coming back from lunch together.

your defense attorney tell you the case isn't looking too good and you should just plead guilty and accept a lesser sentence.
you decide to fight it.

you are found guilty and the judge gives you 2 years, PLUS, you have to work off $3500 in expenses to Fienstien's car(somone who has already stole enough money from the public),'ll be earning $3 per day.

and by the way, every year you refuse to work, is a year they add to your sentence.
it's legal! ...the people passed it

2012 California proposition prop 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - YouTube

You should perhaps read up a little on what a Concentration Camp is and was. The end goal of Concentration Camps in Germany for Example was Extermination, not slave labor.

Besides even if they don't get any pay at all. It costs the Government several Thousand dollars per year, to feed, Cloth, and House Inmates. So in effect they are simply working for room and Board.

Which is Miles away from being taken simply because of your Religion, Tossed into a slave labor camp, Which immediately Exterminates anyone unable to work, Works the rest to the point of death, and then kills them to, all in the name of Exterminating a Race.
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Why would you let someone who ran a red light and caused an accident to say don't worry about it and drive off?
It is Illegal AND Unconstitutional to hold someone in jail for a debt. It is illegal to have debtor prisons or debtor prisoners.

If this law actually passed then someone needs to take it to Court for violating the Constitution. One can lay a fine or restitution on a person for a crime. One can not jail them solely for the money. One can not give them extra years for unpaid debts. Nor can the State require them to work while in jail to pay it off. If they do work and get paid the State can take the money.
The camps are being organzied by alphabet.

They are working, first, on all names beginning with 'wolfstr. . .".
California prop 34 and 35

FORCE people convicted of crimes to WORK to pay off the "victims"

sounds like a great idea right?

how exactly�is a prison system going to FORCE people to work.

you might say "well i like the idea of chain gangs" (which this is NOT) , but when you think about it , this is a sickening idea.

more and more DNA tests are being used to prove people's innocence.
is this because of the wonders of the modern age?
NO, this is because judges and lawyers aren't running trials right.
there was a famous rape case where the judge told the victim she couldn't use the word "rape"

people are being placed on the "sex offender" list for taking a pee in public. (this is true)

our legal system is going haywire, and the last thing we need is a system that was the ability to FORCE people to work.


lets consider this scenario....

one day your driving down the street and you run into someone who ran a red light.
you jump out of the car and yell "what are you doing you dumb b****? you almost killed me!!!"
the window rolls down and it's Occupyer Diane Fienstien.
�Diane Fienstien says "did i run that red light? i'm so sorry , are you OK? ...don't worry about it"

well you're leaving for work the next day and the police arrest you for FELONY reckless driving driving.

you go to court and Fienstien, who isn'e even there, has her attorney, ...Gloria Alred....tell the court that the whole incident was your fault and you were reckless driving.

you're walking back to the courtroom after recess and you see the judge, Gloria Alread, Diane Fienstien, and your defense attorney all coming back from lunch together.

your defense attorney tell you the case isn't looking too good and you should just plead guilty and accept a lesser sentence.
you decide to fight it.

you are found guilty and the judge gives you 2 years, PLUS, you have to work off $3500 in expenses to Fienstien's car(somone who has already stole enough money from the public),'ll be earning $3 per day.

and by the way, every year you refuse to work, is a year they add to your sentence.
it's legal! ...the people passed it

2012 California proposition prop 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - YouTube

First of all, our prisons are FILLED with GUILTY people. This whole libertarian insanity of everyone is innocent, drugs should be legal, speed limits are unconstitutional, and you don't have to pay taxes is tired and annoying.

Second, I'm sick of prisoners getting a free ride. Honest citizens have no healthcare, but a prisoner has unlimited FREE healthcare. How the hell does that make any sense?

It's time we put their ass to work 12 hours a day - hard labor. While we're paying for their housing, food, and healthcare, they should be saving us tax dollars by repairing roads and bridges, cleaning parks and highways, and building parks and fields.

Finally, your entire scenario is the most absurd thing I can imagine. Even by Hollywood standards, that's completlely absurd. It is more likely that I would encounter all of the situations John McClain did in 4 Die Hard's than it is that I'll have an accident with a Senator which includes ZERO witnesses, doesn't have a single secruity camera from the intersection or surrounding buildings, has no evidence from On-Star in either vehicle (with regards to speed, exact location, etc.) and which both the police and legal system refuse to do any investigation of the facts and instead just convict me because of some "good old boy network" which now mysteriously includes women representatives... :rofl:
Rottweiler, your opinion is not evidence. How about some cites at some sites?

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