california-government mandates schools teach gay history


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
what about the the great contributions of the celibate ?..what about chronic masturbaters and chicken fuckers ?...why not teach the contributions of every fetish and sexual preference ?

Public schools in California will be required to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans starting Jan. 1 after Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed a controversial bill to add the topic to the social sciences curriculum.

New state law requires LGBT history in textbooks
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I'm not sure what I think about this, but I know it is not negative. There have been many LGBT contributors in society, but most are unknown just because they are LGBT.
However, what they did or do in the bedroom? Why is that historical?
what about the the great...



I'm not sure what I think about this, but I know it is not negative. There have been many LGBT contributors in society, but most are unknown just because they are LGBT.
However, what they did or do in the bedroom? Why is that historical?

Really? If there are so many "LGBT" contributors then why wouldn't we know about them since of course in the past gays always hid the fact that they were gay. If they contributed to society in a meaningful way then we'd already know about them, without ever needing to have known their sexuality.
what about the the great contributions of the celibate ?..what about chronic masturbaters and chicken fuckers ?...why not teach the contributions of every fetish and sexual preference ?

Public schools in California will be required to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans starting Jan. 1 after Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed a controversial bill to add the topic to the social sciences curriculum.

New state law requires LGBT history in textbooks

so, it appears, appears being the operative word here that the only way you would know ( other than by public proclamation these kids are aware of) reading the text that any person was or is not gay transgender etc. is by saying so in the text, there-by now delineating individuals by sexual proclivity? :eusa_eh:

so, do we then add text ala Einstein or Beethoven et al as hetero?

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