Cal Coburn Brown execution


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Brutally abducted, raped, tortured and murdered a woman in Washington state in 1991.

Deep-sixing this creature Brown took about 15 years too long.

(notice how these "things" always have middle names?)
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder

Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.

"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​

Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder
Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.

"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​
Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.

His victim was Holly Washa.

Was she from the Walla Walla, Washington Washas?
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder

Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.
"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​

Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.

He's right. The other assholes should have fried as well.
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder
Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.

"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​
Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.

His victim was Holly Washa.

Was she from the Walla Walla, Washington Washas?


Washa talking about Willis?
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder
Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.

"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​
Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.

His victim was Holly Washa.

Was she from the Walla Walla, Washington Washas?


Washa talking about Willis?

No person is a thing. A person is a person. That is why we execute people for killing people. People who treat others as things needed to be eliminated from the company of the rest of the people.

"I only killed one person" is not really a good way to plead for mercy.
The Associated Press: Wash. executes man convicted of woman's murder
Brown, 52, died at 12:56 a.m. PDT, after a four-member team injected a lethal one-drug cocktail in the execution chamber of the Washington State Penitentiary.

The father, brother and two sisters of his victim, Holly Washa, 21, witnessed the execution, as did King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Brown protested sentencing disparities, saying that criminals who had killed many more people, such as Green River killer Gary Ridgway, were serving life sentences while he received a death sentence.

"I only killed one victim," he said. "I cannot really see that there is true justice. Hopefully, sometime in the future that gets straightened out."

Brown did not apologize to the family of the victim, but said he understood their emnity for him. He said he forgave that hatred, held no emnity toward them and hoped the execution would give them closure. He also said the prison staff had been most professional and that he had no complaints about his treatment there in 17 years.​
Should have been left alive so he could slowly rot to a withered sack of organs in his cell, imo.

His victim was Holly Washa.

Was she from the Walla Walla, Washington Washas?
No, dork. :lol:
Her family was from Nebraska or something, they had to fly out for the trials and his execution.
They have been talking about this all week here, I think the guy might have been at Walla Walla though.
We breed sickos in Washington State. I think it is lack of sunshine, and the long winters.
He's dead. That is our justice system. Other than the ridiculous 'Mommy, he killed more people than I did' defense, I see no reason to bemoan or celebrate his passsing. If the victim's family are satisfied, that is enough.

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