Cairo rally: One day we'll kill all Jews


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Cairo rally: One day we'll kill all Jews

Muslim Brotherhood holds venomous anti-Israel rally in Cairo mosque Friday; Islamic activists chant: Tel Aviv, judgment day has come
Arab hate: A Muslim Brotherhood rally in Cairo's most prominent mosque Friday turned into a venomous anti-Israel protest, with attendants vowing to "one day kill all Jews."

Some 5,000 people joined the rally, called to promote the "battle against Jerusalem's Judaization." The event coincided with the anniversary of the United Nations' partition plan in 1947, which called for the establishment of a Jewish state.

However, most worshippers who prayed at the mosque Friday quickly left it before the Muslim Brotherhood's rally got underway. A group spokesman urged attendants to remain for the protest, asking them not to create a bad impression for the media by leaving.

'Treacherous Jews'

Speakers at the event delivered impassioned, hateful speeches against Israel, slamming the "Zionist occupiers" and the "treacherous Jews." Upon leaving the rally, worshippers were given small flags, with Egypt's flag on one side and the Palestinian flag on the other, as well as maps of Jerusalem's Old City detailing where "Zionists are aiming to change Jerusalem's Muslim character."

Propaganda material ahead of Egypt's parliamentary elections was also handed out at the site.

Hate in Cairo (Photo: AFP),7...153207,00.html
I saw that earlier. Somehow I don't think anyone cares. Perhaps it's just the Jews fate?
December 5, 2012 = Year 5773 and counting...
All of islam wants to wipe them out, so they built in a very stupid area of the world. They asked for it at the end of the day. We shouldn't pour anymore blood our resources into the middle east!

All of Islam does not want to wipe them out, as a matter of fact Jews and Muslims lived together in relative peace during Islamic control of the Middle East.
Most on here have grown wise to Zionist propaganda.

Nah, they just don't care, even the American Jews. I'm coming to the mindset if they don't see a problem, why should I care?

Do you think there is a problem?

I do, but it's not my fight. If the POTUS, the Congress, American Jews don't care, I should? My kids are 1/2 of Jewish ancestry, but by Jewish law they are Christian through their mother and in fact are. So not my fight. If the Jews don't care, I'm done following their problems.
Nah, they just don't care, even the American Jews. I'm coming to the mindset if they don't see a problem, why should I care?

Do you think there is a problem?

I do, but it's not my fight. If the POTUS, the Congress, American Jews don't care, I should? My kids are 1/2 of Jewish ancestry, but by Jewish law they are Christian through their mother and in fact are. So not my fight. If the Jews don't care, I'm done following their problems.

I think Jews have more to fear from radical Christians than radical Muslims.
Do you think there is a problem?

I do, but it's not my fight. If the POTUS, the Congress, American Jews don't care, I should? My kids are 1/2 of Jewish ancestry, but by Jewish law they are Christian through their mother and in fact are. So not my fight. If the Jews don't care, I'm done following their problems.

I think Jews have more to fear from radical Christians than radical Muslims.

Right, in which universe would that be? Bring some links.
I do, but it's not my fight. If the POTUS, the Congress, American Jews don't care, I should? My kids are 1/2 of Jewish ancestry, but by Jewish law they are Christian through their mother and in fact are. So not my fight. If the Jews don't care, I'm done following their problems.

I think Jews have more to fear from radical Christians than radical Muslims.

Right, in which universe would that be? Bring some links.

No links just my opinion.
All of islam wants to wipe them out, so they built in a very stupid area of the world. They asked for it at the end of the day. We shouldn't pour anymore blood our resources into the middle east!

All of Islam does not want to wipe them out, as a matter of fact Jews and Muslims lived together in relative peace during Islamic control of the Middle East.

Repeating that lie does not somehow make it true.
No links just my opinion.

Based on what? And if you say the Holocaust be reminded Hitler was not a Christian in any sense of the word.

Osama Bin Laden was no Muslim by any sense of the word but that would not be my reasoning.

And yet MILLIONS of Muslims practice what Osama Bin laden practiced to include several Countries rulers.

The Muslim faith teaches that Islam MUST conquer the world. The two main faiths of Islam have differing approaches to that commandment. One thinks that through assimilation as is being done in Europe and to a lesser extent the US they will eventually rule all due to high birth rates. The other supported that view until fairly recently but has since pretty much ascribed to the theory that they must take what they want with violence and force.
So Retarded Gay Sarge.....What is the solution ???

One can not win a war until one recognizes the enemy.

My personal opinion is that the US should declare Islam a religion of violence and prevent ANY Muslim from immigrating to the States. Those here on Visa should be ordered to leave, those already citizens we are stuck with.

No accommodations should be made for Muslims in this Country. The left only talks about separation of Church and State in regards Christians and Jews. Muslims get all kind of accommodations. Special prayer rooms in GOVERNMENT schools, special treatment such as having Muslim schools recognized as State schools and receiving State funding while teaching their religion and discriminating against Non Muslim teachers. Special accommodations at work and State requirements like drivers licenses with women having their faces covered.

And as the population of Muslims grows in select areas they petition for special treatment via Sharia courts for " minor" legal manners. We have Muslims that refuse as taxi drivers to take passengers from Airports if they have alcohol with them, even though Muslim Religious leaders have stated that no such prohibition exists in Islam, these drivers sued to keep special licenses to service the airport in question while insisting they would not carry such passengers.

Other areas we have Muslim sub sects claiming other accommodations need to be made for their faith while Islamic scholars and leaders say no such prohibition exists in Islam.

We have Teachers demanding 6 weeks of leave when they do not have such leave allowed other teachers so they can go to Mecca, even though the requirement to pilgrimage is to go once in their life, the Teacher could pick a year the Pilgrimage does not happen in the school year and further there is no requirement for 6 weeks for said journey.

Can you imagine if some Christian Teacher ask for 6 weeks off for Christmas? Or to visit Jerusalem on a pilgrimage.

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