Cairo erupts as Egyptian protesters demand Mubarak resign

Cairo erupts as Egyptian protesters demand Mubarak resign | Raw Story

Take note, Americans. This is how you take action. Not by tea party parades and town hall meetings which accomplish bupkis. Alas, Americans are too divided, alienated to carry out such a task and still believe that their representatives have the people's interests in mind.

There will be civil war long before any sort of revolution.

You're kidding.

Mubarak's been in power for decades. So this is a model of how a country changes who holds the reigns of power?

They can keep it. I prefer the Constitution. Elections work pretty well in this country.
Wages/Salaries are stagnant. Inflation is increasing (i.e. gas, food, and other necessities). The debt is at a historical high never seen before. Manufacturing economy has been nearly eradicated. Outsourcing has taken away innumerable jobs which will never come back. The majority of the American public is burdened with some form of debt. The healthcare system is criminally expensive and monthly insurance payments are astronomical. Foreclosures are increasing at a rapid pace. 17-25 percent of the population is unemployed if you include U-6 statistics. Banks we're bailed with 700 or so billion dollars by both W. Bush and Obama. Banks/Corporations are raking in record profits while the middle class of this nation is withering away.

And you have the cheek to tell me, with a straight face, that our elections work pretty well? This country is in one of the biggest clusterfucks of American history and everything is not somehow going to miraculously recover if our representatives have their thumbs up their asses while impending doom looms over all of our heads. Either we take charge or it's over for this nation.

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