Cain: "I'm a leader, not a reader"!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Herman Cain...........

NASHUA — “After all the junk they've thrown at me in the last two weeks, I'm still smiling,” Republican Herman Cain told a group of around 125 people who gathered for his appearance at the Radisson Thursday afternoon.

With a video making the rounds of Cain apparently blanking on questions during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's editorial board, the former chief executive officer of Godfather's Pizza said it wasn't important for him to know “the details of foreign policy in order to be a good commander in chief.”

“I'm a leader, not a reader,” Cain said during his 15-minute appearance, adding that he would surround himself with “good people” who he can rely on for their expertise in different areas. He also said that the 11-second pause was not a gaffe, but a sign he is a deep thinker.

A clip from the Simpsons..............

[ame=]I was elected to lead - YouTube[/ame]

And during the GOP debate? The song he was quoting lyrics from?

It was the theme song from Pokemon 2000.

Herman Cain has also stated that a leader doesn't need to know anything, just has to lead.

Still think he's the good choice for the GOP?
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Here's a video showing Cain quoting Pokemon 2000 during the GOP debate.........

[ame=]Herman Cain Quotes Pokemon 2000 - YouTube[/ame]
Herman Cain...........

NASHUA — “After all the junk they've thrown at me in the last two weeks, I'm still smiling,” Republican Herman Cain told a group of around 125 people who gathered for his appearance at the Radisson Thursday afternoon.

With a video making the rounds of Cain apparently blanking on questions during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's editorial board, the former chief executive officer of Godfather's Pizza said it wasn't important for him to know “the details of foreign policy in order to be a good commander in chief.”

“I'm a leader, not a reader,” Cain said during his 15-minute appearance, adding that he would surround himself with “good people” who he can rely on for their expertise in different areas. He also said that the 11-second pause was not a gaffe, but a sign he is a deep thinker.

Cain, in Nashua: 'I'm a leader, not a reader' | New Hampshire NEWS0605

A clip from the Simpsons..............

[ame=]I was elected to lead - YouTube[/ame]

And during the GOP debate? The song he was quoting lyrics from?

It was the theme song from Pokemon 2000.

Herman Cain has also stated that a leader doesn't need to know anything, just has to lead.

Still think he's the good choice for the GOP?

:lol: He's also an idiot.
It all makes perfect sense. Conservatives hate public education. They don't trust anyone with an Ivy League degree. They advocate home schooling, no matter how stupid the parents are. They mistrust science because it shows mankind wasn't placed on this planet like a potted geranium, we CAN screw up the environment, and some things like tobacco and asbestos aren't so good for humans.

Naturally they would want a "leader" who thinks just as they do! A "leader" who eschews knowledge and intellectual curiosity for blind action, no matter the consequences.

I guess if I were that stupid, I'd support Herman Cain too. After all, 'smart' ain't as cool as you might think, if indeed you think at all.
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You know.......the longer this goes on, the more cartoonish Cain's campaign is going to get.

I think Rachel Maddow called it right when she called his campaign "The Herman Cain Art Project".
Don't forget..........he quotes cartoon theme songs as great poetry.
:lol: Someone must have set him up with that one. He seems a little old to be a Pokemon fan.

He also quotes from Rush Hour 3...........

In a speech Friday night at Americans for Prosperity’s “Defending the American Dream Summit,” former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain provided interesting new details about his family history.

Responding to an article in the New York Times alleging a close connection between him and billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, Cain provided a “breaking news announcement” about his connection to them.

“This may be a breaking news announcement for the media,” he said to a crowed at the Washington Convention Center. “I am the Koch brothers’ brother from another mother.”

Herman Cain:

He got the line from here..............

[ame=]Rush hour 3 "Brother from another mother" - YouTube[/ame]
You know.......the longer this goes on, the more cartoonish Cain's campaign is going to get.

I think Rachel Maddow called it right when she called his campaign "The Herman Cain Art Project".

nope, cains candidacy is a $1 bet between the koch brothers to see how stupid republicans are........
A candidate who can make a good pizza and quote the lyrics from the theme song from Pokemon 2000 - that answers any concerns I might have had about his qualifications to be president!
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President Obama IS a "reader."

He reads what his handlers tell him to read on the TOTUS.

He doesn't understand diddly dog.

That guy is neither a good reader nor any kind of leader.

What Mr. Cain was obviously saying was that he would surround himself with people knowledgeable in the various departments about which he would have to be concerned. And that's plainly right.

Do any of you liberal goons actually believe that President Obama knows WHAT the fuck he's "doing" when he makes bone headed decisions like he does regarding Libya?

Fuck. I WISH that idiot would consider pausing and thinking before spouting his irrational "decisions."

He is unquestionably one of the dumbest dumbass Presidents in the history of our Republic.

I mean, just LOOK at the man's college transcripts ....

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