CA Has 9 Extra Electoral Votes Because Of Illegal Immigrants


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Guess what.....this is why Democrats are trying to open our borders......


California has 9 extra electoral votes due to illegal aliens. This disenfranchises all of South Carolina, or Alabama, or Montana + Wyoming + North Dakota, or Colorado. Entire States are cancelled out by illegal aliens, even if they don't vote (they do). – Investment Watch Blog

I didn’t realize this until now!! Literally they want to keep their illegal voters! “The apportionment calculation is based on the total resident population (citizen and noncitizen) of the 50 states. ”
Even if they don’t vote, they cancel out millions of citizens and change outcomes in Congress. Harder to pass things because you have to make up for 9 extra dimocrats in seats they do not deserve. Add in illegals actually voting and that cancels out possibly millions more American Citizen votes. It’s outrageous.

Simple search. There were lots of articles about how illegals would win the election for Hillary without even voting because of this. It isn’t just California, it is many States. Any State with a large number of illegals is getting extra seats in the House and extra electoral votes, which are taken away from other States. Libtards were bragging about illegals winning the White House for Hillary. Here is the link to one of those stories, and since illegals started getting counted towards House seats, this is common sense. No wonder dims fight so hard for criminals and to stop the wall etc…
Here are a couple of stories about it. This and looking at census data and how Cali’s population growth is mostly from illegal immigration, boom. It’s probably even worse than this.
h/t blache13
Not surprising at all. All liberals should be locked up and left to fend for themselves.
Guess what.....this is why Democrats are trying to open our borders......


California has 9 extra electoral votes due to illegal aliens. This disenfranchises all of South Carolina, or Alabama, or Montana + Wyoming + North Dakota, or Colorado. Entire States are cancelled out by illegal aliens, even if they don't vote (they do). – Investment Watch Blog

I didn’t realize this until now!! Literally they want to keep their illegal voters! “The apportionment calculation is based on the total resident population (citizen and noncitizen) of the 50 states. ”
Even if they don’t vote, they cancel out millions of citizens and change outcomes in Congress. Harder to pass things because you have to make up for 9 extra dimocrats in seats they do not deserve. Add in illegals actually voting and that cancels out possibly millions more American Citizen votes. It’s outrageous.

Simple search. There were lots of articles about how illegals would win the election for Hillary without even voting because of this. It isn’t just California, it is many States. Any State with a large number of illegals is getting extra seats in the House and extra electoral votes, which are taken away from other States. Libtards were bragging about illegals winning the White House for Hillary. Here is the link to one of those stories, and since illegals started getting counted towards House seats, this is common sense. No wonder dims fight so hard for criminals and to stop the wall etc…
Here are a couple of stories about it. This and looking at census data and how Cali’s population growth is mostly from illegal immigration, boom. It’s probably even worse than this.
h/t blache13

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Imagine how many illegals are in Texas...I would estimate...based on the same "logic" the OP uses a zillion billion. Without them, Texas would have 3 electoral votes.
I and others have been pointing this out for years. Throw in all the 'refugees' from Asia and other places as well and California is down to around 37 or so electoral votes. Throw out the Carter and Reagan 'nationalizations' and lose a few more there. At the rate they're driving out their middle class their desperation to legalize a few million illegals becomes frantic. Now you know why Pelosi and the other Democrats are lowering themselves to be seen within a few feet of those dirty little illegal kids for a minute or two of photo ops. You know the vermin raced away and took multiple showers as soon as the cameras turned off.

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