C-SPAN LIVE: Health Care Bill Debate.

The Dems are going to get this passed today. One after effect is that large portion of the public will be sufficiently angered that the Dems will have a very awful time in November.
Five minutes into the debate Sheila Jackson Lee plays the race card ..... :rolleyes:

It probably really pissed her off when it happened. The tea bag people were stupid allowing that kind of hatred directed at members of congress. Low class stuff that.

It's still not verified that it even happened, but aside from that, so what? How about a little mental toughness or is that too much to ask from someone in such a high ranking position? I deal with crap from every direction daily and never lash out and cry for attention like that, i simply correct the issue/problem in front of me and move on. Why can't she do the same, just state her position and be on her merry way? .....

It gets old, congresspeople heard it. You agree with opposition to this bill so it's maybe not that bad in your mind but in this day and age, you'd think they could get over calling such low class names The tea bagger in charge should have had them arrested for hate speech.

It isn't good for their cause either.
No, he didn't.

That's what they want you to think.

Abortion will come, one way or another.

Because Obama is going to turn his back on the entire Blue Dog Group and lose their votes completely so he can get this passed only to be repealed later? :eusa_eh:

Obama is not a Liberal, therefore he will support this EO.
It probably really pissed her off when it happened. The tea bag people were stupid allowing that kind of hatred directed at members of congress. Low class stuff that.

It's still not verified that it even happened, but aside from that, so what? How about a little mental toughness or is that too much to ask from someone in such a high ranking position? I deal with crap from every direction daily and never lash out and cry for attention like that, i simply correct the issue/problem in front of me and move on. Why can't she do the same, just state her position and be on her merry way? .....

It gets old, congresspeople heard it. You agree with opposition to this bill so it's maybe not that bad in your mind but in this day and age, you'd think they could get over calling such low class names The tea bagger in charge should have had them arrested for hate speech.

It isn't good for their cause either.

I've been called whiteboy, cracker, honkey, etc..... a million times. I don't whine about it and nobody gets the shit beat out of them until someone puts their hands on me. So it's either i have more class and tolerance than these people or the outrage is fake just so they can grandstand......
It's still not verified that it even happened, but aside from that, so what? How about a little mental toughness or is that too much to ask from someone in such a high ranking position? I deal with crap from every direction daily and never lash out and cry for attention like that, i simply correct the issue/problem in front of me and move on. Why can't she do the same, just state her position and be on her merry way? .....

It gets old, congresspeople heard it. You agree with opposition to this bill so it's maybe not that bad in your mind but in this day and age, you'd think they could get over calling such low class names The tea bagger in charge should have had them arrested for hate speech.

It isn't good for their cause either.

I've been called whiteboy, cracker, honkey, etc..... a million times. I don't whine about it and nobody gets the shit beat out of them until someone puts their hands on me. So it's either i have more class and tolerance than these people or the outrage is fake just so they can grandstand......

Yeah, I'm sure you're so oppressed, driveby.. :lol:
It gets old, congresspeople heard it. You agree with opposition to this bill so it's maybe not that bad in your mind but in this day and age, you'd think they could get over calling such low class names The tea bagger in charge should have had them arrested for hate speech.

It isn't good for their cause either.

I've been called whiteboy, cracker, honkey, etc..... a million times. I don't whine about it and nobody gets the shit beat out of them until someone puts their hands on me. So it's either i have more class and tolerance than these people or the outrage is fake just so they can grandstand......

Yeah, I'm sure you're so oppressed, driveby.. :lol:

I grew up in an area of Baltimore that is definitely more black than white and was "tried" on almost a daily basis because of my skin color. So don't act like you know .....;)

But lets not get too far off point here, congress people, stop with the fake crybaby racism crap and stick to the issues. Are the dems such fucking losers that they have to cry racism and score cheap political points even when they've won ?......
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Is Stupak the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot?


He wanted no Abortion funding in the bill, that's why he was against it.

He got what he wanted.

Maybe, for now. But long term.... I suspect he'll live to regret it.

On the other hand, Obama clearly did not have the votes, since he did the deal with Stupak.

"Clearly"? How do you know? Maybe it was just close enough that they felt they had to do this deal to help insure that they have them in the end.

He wanted no Abortion funding in the bill, that's why he was against it.

He got what he wanted.

Maybe, for now. But long term.... I suspect he'll live to regret it.

On the other hand, Obama clearly did not have the votes, since he did the deal with Stupak.

"Clearly"? How do you know? Maybe it was just close enough that they felt they had to do this deal to help insure that they have them in the end.
Stupak said, in his speech, that there were likely enough votes before.
Maybe, for now. But long term.... I suspect he'll live to regret it.

On the other hand, Obama clearly did not have the votes, since he did the deal with Stupak.

"Clearly"? How do you know? Maybe it was just close enough that they felt they had to do this deal to help insure that they have them in the end.
Stupak said, in his speech, that there were likely enough votes before.

Well, there ya go, then.

Now the Cons are holding their press conference, claiming that the executive order isn't worth anything, and the bill is pro-abortion. All repeating it word for word. No wonder their followers are so misinformed.

Oh my god, that was hilarious just now with the guy who was against the bill.

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