Bye Bye Sweden


Apr 22, 2007

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

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Sweden believes in freedom of religion.

The US believes "christianity" being shoved down the throats of all Americans.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

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Oh and that BITCH JEWESS is in SWEDEN! So and learn what YOUR PEOPLE intend for Europe. This is all part of the plan.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh and that BITCH JEWESS is in SWEDEN! So and learn what YOUR PEOPLE intend for Europe. This is all part of the plan.

I love it. You dilute the crazy message with even more crazy. Your ideology is your own worst enemy and there is nothing you can do about it. The more you complain the more nobody likes you.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh and that BITCH JEWESS is in SWEDEN! So and learn what YOUR PEOPLE intend for Europe. This is all part of the plan.

I love it. You dilute the crazy message with even more crazy. Your ideology is your own worst enemy and there is nothing you can do about it. The more you complain the more nobody likes you.

I am not here to be liked. I am here to spread the message whether you want to hear it or not. Did you even WATCH the video...its very short...listen to what the Jewess says....

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh and that BITCH JEWESS is in SWEDEN! So and learn what YOUR PEOPLE intend for Europe. This is all part of the plan.

I love it. You dilute the crazy message with even more crazy. Your ideology is your own worst enemy and there is nothing you can do about it. The more you complain the more nobody likes you.

I am not here to be liked. I am here to spread the message whether you want to hear it or not. Did you even WATCH the video...its very short...listen to what the Jewess says....

I know you're not here to be liked, you make that obvious. By not being liked you make your message (as repulsive as it is) even harder to swallow. Like I said, you are your own worst enemy. Suck it, asshole

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh and that BITCH JEWESS is in SWEDEN! So and learn what YOUR PEOPLE intend for Europe. This is all part of the plan.

I love it. You dilute the crazy message with even more crazy. Your ideology is your own worst enemy and there is nothing you can do about it. The more you complain the more nobody likes you.

I am not here to be liked. I am here to spread the message whether you want to hear it or not. Did you even WATCH the video...its very short...listen to what the Jewess says....

I know you're not here to be liked, you make that obvious. By not being liked you make your message (as repulsive as it is) even harder to swallow. Like I said, you are your own worst enemy. Suck it, asshole

Don't care! Get it through your thick head. The message will be here long after I am gone....I know I am changing minds or at least making sheeple think so its all worth it.

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they


The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they


The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.
Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

All the ones that matter.

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they


The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.
Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

All the ones that matter.

Yep. What was the make up of Congress? And why not just blame New Yorkers?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they


The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.
Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

All the ones that matter.

YOU did not write that.

Where did you copy/paste it from?



The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they


The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Just like in 1965 in the US when Jews were behind the 1965 immigration law that destroyed White America.
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.
Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

All the ones that matter.

Yep. What was the make up of Congress? And why not just blame New Yorkers?
138 republicans 293 democrats 1 unknown house...67 democrats 32 republicans 1 unknown senate

I could break it down even more find out which were jews and who was in the pockets of the jewish super pacs etc.
In order to convince the American people of the legislation's merits, its proponents assured that passage would not influence America's culture significantly. President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions",[4] while Secretary of StateDean Rusk and other politicians, including Senator Ted Kennedy, hastened to reassure the populace that the demographic mix would not be affected; these assertions would later prove grossly inaccurate

Reason enough to NEVER trust a politician. They do the bidding of who gets them elected and who pays them outside of their normal salaries..
Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Were they

Case in point trying reading he link the senators behind it were ALL jews.

Quick, name everyone who supported it? EVERYONE.
Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

All the ones that matter.

Yep. What was the make up of Congress? And why not just blame New Yorkers?
138 republicans 293 democrats 1 unknown house...67 democrats 32 republicans 1 unknown senate

I could break it down even more find out which were jews and who was in the pockets of the jewish super pacs etc.

Sounds like a majority.

Why don't you find out what the fish mongers in Washington state were up to and develop a conspiracy around it.

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